The Fifth Head of Cerberus

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Title The Fifth Head of Cerberus

Reprint cover
Author Gene Wolfe
Cover artist Nicholas Gaetano
Country USA
Language English
Genre(s) SF
Publisher Charles Scribner's Sons
Released 1972
Media type Print (Hardback & Paperback)
Pages 244 pp
ISBN ISBN 0-684-12830-6

The Fifth Head of Cerberus is the title of both a novella and a single-volume collection of three novellas, written by American science fiction and fantasy author Gene Wolfe, both published in 1972.


[edit] Explanation of the novel's title

The title refers to the Cerberus of Greek mythology, the three-headed dog who guarded the gate to Hades, the Greek underworld, a statue of whom stands outside the home of the family in the novel. One of the characters mentions him (her) as having had four heads (three actual heads along with her maidenhead); this condition is similar to that of the narrator of the first novella, whose four principal family members are analogous to Cerberus' four heads, while he is the non-existent "fifth head" (and, also, he is known as Number 5).

[edit] Single-volume collection

The collection is an expansion of the first novella, originally published in an Orbit anthology edited by Damon Knight in 1972 (issue 10). The following novellas, "A Story" by John V. Marsch and V.R.T. expand on the plot and themes of the first.

These works are set on two colony worlds, 20 light-years from Earth, the double planets of Sainte Anne and Saint Croix, originally settled by French-speaking colonists, but lost by them in a war with an un-named enemy. Saint Anne was (perhaps) once home to an indigenous aboriginal culture (at an apparently neolithic level of technology) of shapeshifters, who may - or may not - have been wiped out by the human incomers.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

[edit] The Novellas

[edit] The Fifth Head of Cerberus

The title story is in the form of a biographical study, the narrator of which looks back on his boyhood and youth on the planet of Sainte Croix, and the events which led to his long, harsh incarceration, and eventual freedom.

Brought up in relative comfort in a large house (a brothel ran by his father and aunt, staffed by several genetically enhanced "demimondaines"), he and his younger brother are privately tutored by a robotic servant and often go outside the house for short trips.

One evening his old life ends when he is called to attend to his father, a distant figure. He is told that his name is now "Number 5", and after a period of questioning he is given a barrage of psychological, visual, drug, and association tests, which endure for some time. Finally released, he feels very drained. He finds out that David has been treated similarly; both boys undergo this treatment regularly for years afterward, though Number 5 is treated more severely, and begins to experience painful headaches and memory lapses.

He meets his aunt for the first time, who seems to know about Veil's Hypothesis (the theory that the Saint Anne aboriginals could mimic the human settlers so perfectly that they killed them and took their places) and is given light duties in the running of the family business. He also meets John Marsh, an anthropologist from earth, when he vists the house. He is visiting Aubrey Veil, author of the hypothesis, who happens to be Number 5's aunt.

Befriending a girl, she, him, and David get involved in amateur dramatics; money being short, they decide to break into a slavetrader's warehouse and steal some cash. There, they meet a surgically-altered human slave who bears an uncanny resemblance to him, and his father. After it attacks them, they kill it and run away.

Finally sick of his fathers' still ongoing experiments on him, Number 5 decided to kill him. This decision is confirmed after another visit by Marsh, who casually informs him that he, Number 5, and his father are clones - only two of many. He kills his father, but is discovered.

[edit] "A Story," by John. V. Marsch

In this hallucinatory tale from pre-contact Saint Anne, Sandwalker sets out on a dreamquest to find "the priest", in his lonely cave, to commune with him. Sleeping at the entrance to the cave, he and his twin, Eastwind, unaware of each other's existence, dream of each other. Waking, Sandwalker goes out to hunt, where he meets the Shadow Children, an ethereal, nocturnal race, and they make an alliance by sharing food and learning each other's songs.

Walking on, he meets a girl and a baby, whom he befriends. After sleeping with her, and hunting for more food, he decides to follow the river downstream to the marshes. He manages to rescue some Shadow children from enemy marshmen, whom he kills. Learning that his mother and friends have been captured by other marshmen and taken away, he decides to follow and rescue them as well.

Followed by the Shadow children, they are all, themselves, captured and thrown into a large pit, where he finds his mother and friends; they are all due to be sacrificed by the marshmen, so their souls will enter the river and carry messages from them to the stars. His twin, Eastwind, belongs to the tribe who captured him.

The Shadow Children, whose thoughts, for many years, have spread out into space and protected the world from discovery by alien races (such as they were, originally) decide to relinquish this protection, which attracts a passing starcrosser, and in the excitement of its landing nearby, they escape, and nothing is the same ever again.

[edit] V.R.T.

John Marsh, the anthropologist from the first story, has been imprisoned in a Sainte Croix jail, ostensibly for espionage and assassination. After a few years of captivity, all of it in solitary confinement, Marsh's caseload is being reviewed by an unnamed security official who must go over the files and determine the next stage in his punishment. These files consist of Marsh's logs from his previous anthropological visit to Saint Anne, interspersed with taped recordings of his interrogation sessions.

On Saint Anne to study the mystery of the original inhabitants, Marsh hires a local boy (VRT) from his father, who claims the boy is half-aboriginal. Both the father and the son claim that aboriginals can still be encountered in the deep countryside, so a mission is undertaken to explore.

The two set out into the wilderness. Much time is spent looking for them, but Marsh, despite coming into contact with many examples of Annese wildlife, and learning much from the boy (and he from him), he never seems to find what he is looking for.

Later, an accident occurs in which the boy dies. After that, Marsh continues exploring on his own, but he has changed in ways that the alert reader will find suspicious.

On his return to civilization, he visits the brothel ran by Number 5's father to interview Dr. Veil. Soon after, he is arrested, tried, and imprisoned for the crimes mentioned, above.

Spoilers end here.

[edit] Characters

  • Number Five : Narrator.
  • David : Number 5's half-brother. Actually natural son ("an outcrossing") of Maitre.
  • Mr. Million : A "ten nine (1000000000) unbound simulator"; a robotic body containing the scanned, uploaded brain of a human (Number Five's "great-grandfather", actually the clone-originator). Tutor to him and David.
  • Maitre : Number 5's "father".
  • Madame/Aunt Jeannine/Dr. Aubrey Veil : Number 5's "aunt"; actually natural daughter of an earlier clone.
  • Dr. John V. Marsch : Anthropologist, originally from Earth.
  • John Sandwalker : Aboriginal on walkabout in a pre-contact Saint Anne.
  • John Eastwind : Twin of the above; separated at birth & brought up by a rival tribe.
  • Trenchard : Human Sainte Anneese drunkard, father of VRT.
  • V.R.T. : Son of Trenchard; half-aboriginal.
  • The Officer : Sainte Anneese security-forces bureaucrat.

[edit] Major themes

  • The stories touch upon many points of post-colonial theory.
  • The Maitre character in the first story seems to have a knowledge of the pre-Darwin system called Lamarckism (heritability of acquired characteristics; an organism can pass on characteristics that it acquired during its lifetime to its offspring).
  • Twinship; rites of passage; personal freedom; nature versus nurture; theory of mind; place of the individual in society.

[edit] Literary significance & criticism

Gardner Dozois has said that the original story was the best novella of the 1970s.[1]

[edit] Awards and nominations

[edit] Release details

[edit] Links

[edit] Footnotes

  1. ^ Dozois, Gardner: Modern Classics of Science Fiction, St. Martin's Press 1992: introduction to The Fifth Head of Cerberus