The Expanse (Enterprise episode)

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"The Expanse" is the title of a Star Trek: Enterprise television episode from season two.

[edit] Plot summary

Sparks fly.
Sparks fly.
Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

When an unknown alien race, the Xindi, attack Earth with a space probe that cuts a destructive swath from Florida to Venezuela, killing seven million people, Enterprise is recalled to Earth by Admiral Forrest. On the way back to Earth, Jonathan Archer is kidnapped by the Suliban. Archer lashes out at the Suliban leader, Silik, thinking the Suliban responsible for the attack, but Silik professes innocence. The Suliban give Archer information about the race that attacked Earth, a race known as the Xindi. When the Enterprise draws near home,they are ambushed and nearly destroyed just outside the sol system by a Klingon Bird of Prey commanded by Captain Duras. Fortunately, Starfleet vessels arrive and disable the Klingon ship, forcing it to retreat. The crew learn that seven million people have been killed, one of them being Trip's sister, Elizabeth. The loss devastates Trip, who swears revenge on the Xindi. Meanwhile, Archer debates with Starfleet and the Vulcan High Command to let Enterprise enter an area known as the Delphic Expanse and find the Xindi. Vulcan ambassador Soval tries to dissuade Archer from going, by showing him the ship's logs of a Vulcan ship which had entered the expanse - the entire crew was driven insane. A Klingon ship had also entered the region, which caused the entire crew's bodies to splay open, inside out. In time, Starfleet accepts Archer's proposal and begins refitting the Enterprise. Archer also requests a detachment of MACOs, expecting heavy amounts of ground combat.

When all is done, the Enterprise begins their journey toward the Delphic Expanse. They are immediately attacked by three Klingon vessels, one of which is commanded by Duras, who has a personal score to settle with Archer. Two of the Klingon ships refuse to enter the Expanse and withdraw; Duras' ship is destroyed by the Enterprise, which proceeds on its way...

[edit] Notes

  • This the first episode in the Star Trek universe that shows an 9/11 style attack on Earth. Many fans rejected the idea because they believe that is disturbing the continuity of the Star Trek universe. No episode from any past Star trek shows ever mention of the Xindi attack.
  • This was the last episode where just the name Enterprise was shown in the title opening. Subsequently, the title opening displayed the name "Star Trek Enterprise".

[edit] References

Preceded by:
" Bounty"
Star Trek: Enterprise episodes Followed by:
"The Xindi"
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