The Distance (The O.C. episode)

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“The Distance”
The O.C. episode

Marissa and Summer at Caleb's mansion
Episode no. Season 2
Episode 1
Written by Josh Schwartz
Directed by Ian Toynton
Production no. 2T5101
Original airdate November 4, 2004 (FOX)
Episode chronology
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"The Distance" is the 28th episode of the FOX television series, The O.C.. The episode was written by Josh Schwartz and was directed by Ian Toynton. It originally aired on Thursday November 4, 2004.


[edit] Guest starring

[edit] Plot

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The summer is coming to an end, and Seth hasn't returned home to Newport. In the midst of home renovations, Sandy and Kirsten are strained to the extreme. Kirsten is furious, and heartbroken, that her son has not come home. Sandy is sure that Seth will come home after he works himself through what is bothering him. Kirsten is tired of waiting, and tells Sandy to bring her son home.

At the Nichol house, it has been a long summer for Marissa and Summer. Under the heat of the California sun they've been sitting. Marissa has been trapped in her huge ocean-side prison of a house all summer without Ryan. She has turned to drinking at all hours. After a brief period of mourning, Summer has been spending a lot of time with a new boy named Zack, who has been a nice distraction. She says she refuses to get too close to him though, or any boy ever again for that matter. Inside, Caleb is growing increasingly paranoid about the D.A.'s office coming after him. He has kept his business troubles separate from Julie, and she is still spending money left and right.

In Chino, Theresa drops Ryan off at work. He's been working at a construction site.

Seth has been staying with Luke and his father in Portland, Oregon. Seth has been teaching sailing lessons, and plans to continue to do so. He has no desire to come home to Newport, and when Kirsten calls him to beg him to come home, he hangs up on her. Kirsten is upset that Seth is so angry. She feels that Seth is somehow blaming her and Sandy for Ryan's departure from Newport. Sandy continues to believe that Seth will make his own decision, and that it will be the right one.

Jimmy drops by the Cohen house, but Sandy tells him that their dinner plans are cancelled. Kirsten doesn't feel up to company. Sandy tells Jimmy about the lack of progress where Seth is concerned. Jimmy suggests that Seth might respond to Ryan. With that prospect, Sandy makes a trip to see Ryan in Chino. He asks him to go and see Seth, and he gives him a plane ticket to Portland telling him to use it, or not.

After work, Ryan is back at home with Theresa. She asks him what Sandy's visit was about. Ryan tells her that Sandy wants him to go to Portland and convince Seth to come home to California. Ryan tells Theresa that he isn't going to go. He has to stay and work.

Back in Newport, Caleb and Sandy drive to a parking garage to meet and discuss Caleb's legal troubles. They meet in the parking garage because Caleb is so paranoid about the case mounting against him. Sandy tells him that he hasn't heard any rumbles, but that that might not be a good sign.

In Portland at the sailing lesson office, Seth has been showing little interest in a girl that has been pursuing him. Luke tells him that his time is running out, but Seth doesn't seem to care. Later, Seth and Luke come home for dinner and are surprised to see that Sandy has shown up as well. At the dinner table, Seth is not amused by Sandy's attempt at selling Newport to him. Sandy is not amused by Seth's anger and lack of respect. Seth is upset that his parents let Ryan leave.

Back in Newport, Jimmy and Marissa stop by the Cohen house to visit Kirsten. Marissa shows off her sporty new car, a gift from her mother. Kirsten tells them that Sandy has gone to Portland to try and talk Seth into coming home. Marissa tells Kirsten that she and Ryan kept in touch for a little while, but have since stopped.

Later that night, Marissa is drinking alone on the beach. She calls Ryan and Theresa's place in Chino. Ryan answers and she doesn't say anything. After they both pause in silence, she hangs up. Ryan knows it was Marissa, and lying next to him, so does Theresa.

The next day in Portland, Sandy apologizes to Carson for the spat he and Seth had at dinner. They both agree that children control their parents. When Seth comes in, Carson excuses himself and Sandy tells Seth that he will not fight him anymore, and that he will let Seth make whatever decision he wants to make. Seth is surprised, and happy. Sandy is adamant that Seth understand that he and his mother love him.

In Chino, Theresa reminds Ryan about her doctor's appointment. Ryan has forgotten about the appointment, and has his own plans- to go to Portland to see Seth. Theresa sees the trip as Ryan being uninterested in staying with her. Apparently he has been in Chino, but not really been there with her. She is recognizing defeat.

Back in Newport at the Nichols', Julie approaches Marissa by the pool about going to their cardio workout. Marissa isn't interested in going. She barely blinks an eye at Julie's presence. Julie is desperate to know what has been troubling Marissa all summer. She has barely spent any time or attention on Julie. When Julie begs to know what is on Marissa's mind, Marissa gets up and flips out, screaming and throwing her che's lounge into the swimming pool before storming off into the house. Julie is speechlessly terrified.

Summer drops by the Cohen house to drop off Seth's belongings. She tells Kirsten that she has been in therapy, and her therapist urged her to cleanse herself of anything of Seth's.

In Portland, Sandy is just leaving the Ward house, when Ryan shows up. Sandy wishes him luck, saying that he failed his mission. When Ryan and Seth talk, Seth reassures Ryan that he is not the reason he left Newport. Seth had always planned leaving, and it worked out that it was sooner rather than later. When Seth asks if Ryan would return to Newport, Ryan says that he can't, and Seth agrees.

In Newport, Jimmy is visiting Julie at her palace. She tells him that Marissa is just not okay. She also reveals that Kaitlin will be going away to boarding school. Jimmy tells Julie that he and Hailey are happy and living together at the harbour. They both tell each other they are happy for one another. Whether it is true or not… Meanwhile at the Cohen's house, Caleb gets bad news from Sandy. It turns out the D.A. has built a massive case and it is about to fall on him, and the family.

In Portland again, Ryan gets a call from Theresa. She tells him that when she went to the doctor, they couldn't find a heartbeat. She tells him that she has lost the baby and that it is a sign that they aren't mean to be together. She tells him to go back to Newport because she doesn't believe he wants to come back to Chino. He doesn't. After they hang up, Theresa and her mother discuss what she just did. She lied. She is still very much pregnant and has set Ryan free.

Without a baby, or a home, Ryan doesn't know what to do. He is planning on going back to Chino to continue with his construction work. Seth says he will stay in Portland. As Ryan is about to leave, he and Seth seem to hesitate. Ryan doesn't end up getting in his cab, and when Seth goes to stop him from leaving, he runs into him waiting at the door. Seth and Ryan both decide to return to Newport.

That night, Kirsten and Sandy sit alone in their chaotic house. They are both surprised to see Seth and Ryan walk in, coming home to stay. Ryan goes out to the pool house to check it out. Seth joins him after dropping into his own room, telling him that he noticed his room felt smaller, and that Summer had dumped all of his things. He isn't optimistic about his relationship with her. Ryan asks how Seth sailed to Portland. Seth tells him that he sold the boat in Santa Barbara and took the bus… but that it's a secret.

[edit] Quotes

Kirsten: Seth, it's Mom.

Seth: Mom, hmm? Blonde, sharp Anglican features, cute little nose?

Kirsten: Come home.

Seth: Did Ryan come back?

Kirsten: Seth Ezekiel.

Seth: Okay, using the dreaded middle name is not the best way to forge a bond.

Seth: Ok, here's the deal. I hate it there. Now if you and Dad decide to move anywhere else on the planet then we can talk.

Seth: Huh, so we leave for three months, you tear the place apart.

Kirsten: He used to be such a good kid.

Sandy: But he's turning into quite the angry young man.

Sandy: Sometimes the best thing is for a kid to have some space.

Kirsten: The Pacific Ocean? That's not enough space?

Summer: I feel like my flesh is melting. I just hope it melts evenly.

Caleb: Do you hear a clicking on the phone? Every time I try to dial out I swear I hear a clicking.

Julie: Okay, Nixon. Paranoid, much? What's going on with you, Cal? You're either hopped up on blow or something's seriously wrong.

Sandy: I've always liked Luke. Kind of a big Golden Retriever.

Ryan: Actually, he kinda is.

Summer: Well my therapist said the best thing I can do to move on in my life is to divest myself of Seth's material possessions.

(Kirsten looks confused)

Summer: I've got to dump off a bunch of his crap.

Caleb: I don't get it. His best friend leaves, so he runs off with another boy and his gay dad? Seems kind of strange.

Sandy: And this coming from a guy who is one click away from wearing a wig and a fake mustache.

Julie: You two are still-?

Jimmy: Yeah, we're doing great. She's fantastic, sweet, limber. How about you and Caleb?

Julie: Not so limber.

Ryan: How'd you make it all the way from Newport on that little catamaran?

Seth: Hm. Well, Ryan, sit down, my son. It was a long and torturous journey, and I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna sugar coat any details with you...

Ryan: Please don't.

Seth: -'cause we're friends. First, I sailed to Catalina. Then, I sailed to Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara, I ran out of snacks. Freaked out a little bit, pawned my boat for cash, took a Greyhound to Portland.

Ryan: You took a bus.

Seth: Yeah. But don't say it like that, cause it was a local. Okay, have you ever been in one of those? Okay, not for the faint of heart.

Ryan: I can't believe after all that you took a bus.

Seth: Yeah. I think we're definitely going to have to come up with a better story for school though, that'd be good.

Ryan: I don't know, I like the bus idea. It's cool.

Seth: Okay, what about maybe... boat sank, saved by whales? It's very Whale Rider.

Ryan: What else you' got?

Seth: I took a boat, boat sank, saved by a mermaid? Boat sank, stranded on a desert island...

Ryan: Hey, so, ah, I was thinking.

Seth: I was thinking too. You know they don't even have a water polo team here. That's just gonna be a problem for me.

Jimmy: So what's going on in your life?

Julie: Aside from our daughter being the spawn of Chucky and Keith Moon?

[edit] Trivia

[edit] External links