The Day of the Roses

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The Day of the Roses

DVD cover
Directed by Peter Fisk
Starring Rebecca Gibney
Paul Mercurio
Stephen Curry
Release date(s) 1998
Running time 220 min.
Country Flag of Australia Australia
Language English
IMDb profile

The Day of the Roses is a two part Australian television mini-series, a docu-drama directed by Peter Fisk, based on the events of the 1977 Granville railway disaster. The film was made in 1998 and runs over 3.5 hours.

The plot follows the coronial investigation into the accident which killed 83 people as a commuter train left the rails and hit a row of overhead road bridge supports constructed from concrete and steel. With its supports demolished, the bridge and several cars on top of it crashed down onto carriages three and four, crushing them and the passengers inside.

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