The Curse of Scotland

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The curse of Scotland, also known as the Scourge of Scotland, is a term used in poker, bridge and various other card games for the nine of diamonds. The exact origins of the term is disputed but several theories exists.

The most common story is that the term arose after the Massacre of Glencoe due to a resemblance in the playing card and Sir John Dalrymple coat of arms. Another story is that the order for no quarter at the Battle of Culloden written on a nine of diamonds by the Duke of Cumberland. However, the term is first recorded in 1710, which definitely rules out any connection with Culloden, but does fit a possible connection with Glencoe.

Other less popular theories include the term deriving from a tax levied to pay for nine diamonds stolen from the crown of Scotland or that the term is a mispronunciation of "The Cross of Scotland" due to a resemblance in the patterns of St. Andrew's Saltire and the playing card.

A plausible but mundane explanation is that the term comes from a card game "Pope Joan" (first mentioned in 1732) where the nine of diamonds is called the "Pope". As Scotland has traditionally been a strongly Protestant country the Pope would be in a sense its curse.

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