The Creeping Terror

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The Creeping Terror
Directed by Arthur J. Nelson
Produced by Dick Phillips
Written by Arthur Ross
Robert Silliphant
Narrated by Larry Burrell
Starring Arthur J. Nelson
Shannon O'Neil
William Thourlby
John Caresio
Music by Frederick Kopp
Cinematography Andrew Janczak
Editing by Arthur J. Nelson
Distributed by Crown International Television
Release date(s) Flag of United States 1964
Running time 75 min.
Country U.S.A.
Language English
All Movie Guide profile
IMDb profile

The Creeping Terror is a 1964 horror/sci-fi film, which appeared on the 2004 documentary, The 50 Worst Movies Ever Made, and was lampooned in a September 1994 episode of movie-mocking television series Mystery Science Theater 3000. It has the dubious reputation of being hailed as one of the worst films of all time.


[edit] Plot

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

A newlywed deputy, Martin Gordon (Savage), encounters an alien spacecraft that has crash landed in a small high sierra county in California. A large, sluglike, omnivorous monster emerges from the side of an impacted spaceship, and a second one, still tethered inside, kills the sheriff when he enters the craft to investigate.

Martin, now temporary sheriff, joins his wife Brett (Shannon O'Neil), a renowned scientist, (who is eaten when he tries to reason with the onboard creature), and is then replaced with a more careful scientist, and a military commander and his men, to fight the creature that stalks the Tahoe countryside, devouring vacationers, casino patrons, and members of the local populace.

The protagonists ultimately deduce that the monsters are not intelligent. They only fear something like an 18-wheel truck. They are mindless biological-sample eaters. The bio-analysis data is microwaved back to the probe's home planet.

At the end of the film, both creatures are destroyed, but not before the signal is sent, boding ill for the human race, but perhaps a threat that may not come for another million years... The galaxy to which the transmission was aimed is a million light years away, in the opinion of the surviving scientist character.

[edit] Production

The factual accuracy of part of this article is disputed.
The dispute is about Allan Silliphant.
Please see the relevant discussion on the talk page.

It was directed and edited by Arthur J. Nelson, who also starred in the film under the name of "Vic Savage". The original story was written by a 23 year old, Allan Silliphant, who went on to write and direct the nudie 3-D film The Stewardesses (1969), the only micro-budget film of the sixties to become the #1 film on the weekly Variety magazine box-office chart (it finally grossed over $100,000,000 in 2005 US dollars).

Silliphant's half brother, Stirling Silliphant, was already a successful writer at this time, having already worked on TV shows like Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Naked City, Route 66 (he would go on to write works that served as the basis for films like In the Heat of the Night, The Poseidon Adventure and The Towering Inferno among many others) therefore Allan Silliphant was famous by association, a fact used by Nelson to draw in potential investors. The younger Silliphant brother had no idea that the family name was being used to influence potential investors. Nelson reportedly offered many of the investors a small part in the film for a few hundred dollars each, in exchange for a part of the profits. However, just before the film's release, Nelson was sued repeatedly, even possibly facing indictment on charges of fraud, and vanished. Since then, he has never been heard from again in the context of film production.

Silliphant composed the nine page film treatment in three days, and was paid $1500 by Nelson. There was conflict between writer and director, with Silliphant growing frustrated that Nelson did not seem to share his vision that the story was "supposed" to be over the top. Furthermore, instead of shooting at scenic Lake Tahoe, as Silliphant had intended, a muddy pond at a Simi Valley western ranch had to do. Silliphant saw that the direction the film was taking would harm his reputation, rather than enhance it, so he bowed out after the studio scenes were done. The production went on as a week-end affair for several more months, with Nelson raising the money by selling small parts to star-struck plumbers etc. One story says Nelson checked into a motel with a silent picture-only "Moviola" to do a quick assembly of the film. All this may be hear-say, since nobody connected with the film ever went on record with that issue.

A strange point concerning the narration, about which the robots in the MST3K episode joke, is that the narrator speaks over much of the dialogue in the film while long bouts devoid of dialogue have no narration (similar in style to many of the educational films of the '50s and '60s). Reportedly the original sound tracks were lost (one suggestion is that they literally fell into Lake Tahoe). There is only a limited amount of dialogue in the film, because Nelson supposedly shot scenes without professional regard to the sound quality, or even transferring it properly to 35mm mag stock. Apparently, having insufficient money to pay for basic sound transfers, he finally hired a radio professional local news reader to narrate the entire movie in post-production.

[edit] Special effects

There were two creatures, one trapped in the spaceship, and one that slipped into the lake. Unlike all previous cinema "space aliens", these aliens were essentially giant, sexually hermaphroditic slugs that just wanted to swallow and digest prey. The first creature, which Silliphant designed with Jon Lackey, was lost to the production (possibly stolen), and Nelson had to recreate the creature without professional help. The dry carpet version, with shaggy "hobbit feet" was the best that Nelson could pull together. The monster in the film somewhat resembles a rug or thick blanket, hence has been called the "carpet-monster". The back half of the monster is rather quilt-like, and obviously has several extras under it. The front half of the monster is a man in a bulky suit, physically comparable to Gumby. The monster's mouth is a hole located between the knees of the puppeteer in front. The monster is barely mobile (moving at an unbearably slow crawl). In some scenes you see shaggy "hobbit feet" under the creature, as it creeps. Also, the creature has no real way to grab onto its victims, meaning that all the people who get eaten in the course of the film actually appear to be jumping inside its mouth of their own volition.

[edit] External links