The Clockwork Testament, or Enderby's End

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The Clockwork Testament is a novel by the British author Anthony Burgess. It was first published in 1974 in London by Hart-Davis, MacGibbon Publishers.

It is usually subtitled Enderby's End, as it was originally intended to be the last book in the Enderby series.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The opening scenes present Enderby living in an apartment in New York and struggling with a job as a visiting professor of literature at a local university.

Spoilers end here.

[edit] Extracts

The important thing is to get yourself born. You’re entitled to that. But you’re not entitled to life. Because if you were entitled to life, then the life would have to be quantified. How many years? Seventy? Sixty? Shakespeare was dead at fifty-two. Keats was dead at twenty-six. Thomas Chatterton at seventeen.

'But what happens when you die?' 'You’re finished with,' Enderby said promptly. 'Done for. And even if you weren’t – well, you die then, gasp your last, then you’re sort of wandering, free of body. You wander around and then you come in contact with a sort of big thing. What is this big thing? God, if you like.'

'Everything off. I want to see you in your horrific potbellied hairy filthy nakedness.'

 Works of Anthony Burgess
Novels: The Malayan Trilogy |Time for a Tiger | The Enemy in the Blanket | Beds in the East | The Right to an Answer | The Doctor is Sick | The Worm and the Ring | Devil of a State | One Hand Clapping | A Clockwork Orange | The Wanting Seed | Honey for the Bears | Inside Mr. Enderby | The Eve of St. Venus | Nothing Like the Sun | A Vision of Battlements | Tremor of Intent | Enderby Outside | M/F | Napoleon Symphony | The Clockwork Testament | Beard's Roman Women | Abba Abba | 1985 | Man of Nazareth | Earthly Powers | The End of the World News | Enderby's Dark Lady | The Kingdom of the Wicked | The Pianoplayers | Any Old Iron | Mozart and the Wolf Gang | A Dead Man in Deptford | Byrne
Short stories: The Devil's Mode
Critical works: Shakespeare | Joysprick | Ninety-Nine Novels | A Mouthful of Air
Autobiography: Little Wilson and Big God | You've Had Your Time
Journalism: Homage to QWERT YUIOP | One Man's Chorus