The Brook
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Exclusive private club located at 111 East Fifty-fourth Street New York. It was founded in 1903 by a group of former Knickerbocker Club members who were interested in founding a club that did not take itself as seiously as the Knickerbocker Club or the numerous other private clubs in New York.
The name is derived from the Alfred Lord Tennyson poem The Brook, "For men may come and men may go, but I go on for ever".
[edit] Presidents
- Center Hitchcock 1903 - 1908
- Robert R Perkins 1908 - 1919
- Percy R Paine 2nd 1919 - 1935
- George Eustis Paine 1935 - 1945
- Charles H Marshall 1945 - 1952
- James Bruce 1952 - 1961
- Augustus G Paine 1961 - 1971
- Richard T Frick Jr. 1971 -
[edit] Prominent Members
- Oliver Belmont
- William K Vanderbilt
- William Du Pont
- Harry Payne Whitney
- Cornelius Vanderbilt
- J Pierpont Morgan
- J Pierpont Morgan, Jr.
- Oakleigh Thorne
- Martin Van Beuren
- Vincent Astor
- Charles Auchincloss
- Biddle Drexel
- Sir Eric Bowater
- John F Kennedy
- Marshall Field Jr.
- Ogden Mills
- Harry Payne Whitney
- J Borden Harriman
- Eugene V R Thayer
- Laurence Rockefeller
- Harold S Vanderbilt
- Rodman Wanamaker II
- Fred Astaire
- Winthrop W. Aldrich
- Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands
- Arleigh A Burke
- Harry Cushing IV
- Sir Patrick Dean
- Angier Biddle Duke
- Harvey Firestone Jr
- Henry Clay Frick
- William Randolph Hearst Jr
- Henry Heinz II
- William Ketcham Jr
- Alfred Lee Loomis Jr
- Forrest Mars
- David Naylor-Leyland
- Lester B Pearson
- Claiborne Pell
- George Plimpton
- Sir David Stirling
- George Widener