The Black Book of Arda

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The Black Book of Arda, Черная Книга Арды, is a novel by N. Vassilyeva and N. Nekrasova written around 1992 and based on J. R. R. Tolkien's The Silmarillion. As it was published without the permission of the Tolkien Estate, it violates copyright law and is not generally available outside of Russia (there are doubts that the English translation ever existed). The book's portrayal of characters' motives and actions are often entirely at odds with Tolkien's own writing. It can be considered fan fiction.

According to Vassilyeva and Nekrasova's book, the Vala Melkor was not originally a Great Enemy for Middle-earth but a wise Teacher and a martyr, while the Creator Eru Ilúvatar and the Valar are depicted as merciless tyrants. Melkor tried to make his own way in Arda, but this was against the will of the Creator. The conflict between Ilúvatar and Melkor caused the expulsion of Melkor and his following struggle against Eru and the Valar. Another title of Vassilyeva's book is "Chronicles of Defeated".

[edit] See also

  • Kiril Yeskov's The Last Ringbearer retells The Lord of the Rings from an Orc-sympathetic point of view.

[edit] References

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