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this is the ingredient that brought down the twin towers, read stephen jones articles to find out the truth about 911 19:54, 3 January 2007 (UTC)19:54, 3 January 2007 (UTC)19:54, 3 January 2007 (UTC)~
Facts are facts....our government simply has proven to be a group of liars and thieves among us (how much proof does it take to show this? Taxation without true representation? The lie of "weapons of mass destruction?" The Pearl Harbor incident that they now had the audacity to tell us years later they KNEW the japs were coming but still allowed our countrymen to be slaughtered out there! The Kennedy assassinations, Martin Luther King assassination, I could go on and on but you know why americans can't see the's biblical...but let's leave the bible out of it for's the damn radio waves that has us all so stupid (look up mkultra and other cia operatives that have made public statements about what this government is doing to brainwash the masses here....