Talk:The Will of D

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[edit] Possible Connection?

Anyone else notice that every single D is a Devil Fruit user? (Usually Logia.)

The only D who doesnt have a Logia Fruit is Luffy.

[edit] Don't delete this page

Basically I took this off the One Piece terms page to expand it without clogging that page off. Please don't delete this, its likely to be expanded on sooner or later as the story progresses. Angel Emfrbl 13:14, 21 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Verifying information

Most of the info here came directly from the anime and manga. There is a few bits that were on the One Piece terms page I simply transferred over when I created this page. I hope this clears things up. In fact, aside from the information on giant's lifespan... And the refs. to fan speculations, everything else is taken straight from the anime. I didn't write the fan sepculations part nor the giant lifespan, as I said a few bits of info are taken from the One Piece Terms page.

Information for refs is on other One Piece pages or in the anime/manga itself. I linked where I could to those pages that supplied the information by someone else to back up what I have written. I have *SEEN* the anime and read the manga concerning all of the information I have writen myself and can confirm which episodes/chapters they came from if need be. Angel Emfrbl 14:06, 21 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Not a D

You know... This is boring. This page hasn't been up 12 hours and already someone added info on Montblanc D. Norland. Okay I've added a hidden note to this page concerning this so everyone editing it can see it and it won't appear on the infomation. But I'm writing it here too! His name is just Montblanc Norland, for those insisting on writing it the wrong way, it was a stupidity joke invented by kaizoku-fansubs. Angel Emfrbl 15:33, 21 June 2006 (UTC)

Er, I'm pretty sure that there's a reference to "Montblanc D. Norland" in the manga, which K-F has nothing to do with. I'll find the exact page. Nandesuka 16:06, 21 June 2006 (UTC)
If you find it, i'll be glad to hear it. But, no, Montblanc Norland is not a D. Oh, and if you are going to find it, don't look at the translated mangas, I suggest you look at the original RAW. BTW, Montblanc D Norland was indeed a Joke from K-F, check their forums. --Guille2015 16:36, 21 June 2006 (UTC)
Incidentally, I think this probably doesn't really deserve its own article. I'd say merge it back. Nandesuka 16:16, 21 June 2006 (UTC)
I think it does need its own page. As the story progresses we may hear more about the Will of the D. Also, this way its easier to spot errors and clear up things like the whole Montblanc D. Norland thing at last. Glad though you have put a note up for discussion rather then just merging the two articles. But first, think before merge, there more info then a short paragraph here now. Angel Emfrbl 16:55, 21 June 2006 (UTC)

Something also to be wary of folks; people writing Pandaman's name as Pan D. Aman and Dragon's name as D. Ragon. They have not appeared on wikipedia's pages so far, but it was brought up on the World Gov. page so I'd thought I'd make it clear here; these are fan naming and not offical naming. Angel Emfrbl 17:54, 20 August 2006 (UTC)

Looking back on this, isn't it wierd that Monkey D. Dragon actualy is a D? (Justyn 02:29, 16 December 2006 (UTC))
Yeah I know... XD
But at the time it was speculation. Angel Emfrbl

[edit] His brother is not Metaphorical

"However, Luffy may have been speaking metaphorically rather than talking about blood relations (despite their amazingly similar personalities and similar physical appearances), as the Japanese term is somewhat ambiguous."

This statement is not correct, Ace IS Luffy's actual brother, not the reference of the honorific "Aniki" used by several characters. Noticed how they also use words as "Nichan" and "Nisan". Which also mean Brother. Besides, analize the expresion of everyone around them when they hear that they are brothers. The expresion is based on astonishment and this belief, They are actually brothers. Now!! the question is whether they are bloodrelated. Nami has a sister, but they are not blood related. I believe, however that Luffy and Ace are blood related. Perhaps just by the Mothers side, or by the fathers side. In conclusion, that phrase must not be.--Guille2015 16:48, 21 June 2006 (UTC)

That statement was transferred over when I created this page... I can't think why I've left it in. I must have missed it. Angel Emfrbl 16:53, 21 June 2006 (UTC)
I've removed it now you've pointed it out. If it turns out it was right we can add it again anyway. Angel Emfrbl 17:04, 21 June 2006 (UTC)

I JUST THAUGHT OF SOMETHING!!! ACE COULD HAVE TAKEN PORTGAS FROM HIS MOTHER"S SIDE!!! (seriously, I should should totally get an award for this one) -Count Mall

[edit] Merge again?

We have a merger suggestion between the page The Will of D and One Piece terms. However, since I set up that page I'll explain why I don't think they should be merged. Basically, how it was before, as one solid little lump of text, silly little mistakes got made (like one someone just pointed out about Luffy's bro). Not only that but we have had this whole Montblanc D. Norland thing going on recent due to a stupidity test some peeps fell for. Now we can clear it up for good!

Also, you can't really expand on it more throwing it in here on this page, if it has its own page we can expand on it. I was able to add more information from the anime and manga by giving it its own page... And as the sotry progresses I'm sure we'll be able to do more expansions. I did the same thing for the East, North, south and West blue pages. I'm glad though there is a chance to discuss this first and someone didn't just come along and merge the two articles (Or delete it like they did once).

Yeah just repeating the reasons why I set it up from the one piece terms page... No one probaberly cares anyway. Angel Emfrbl 22:26, 22 June 2006 (UTC)

Oh yeah and I linked 4 other pages to this before it was even suggested it be merged... Listen though, seriously. If someone doesn't give a reason for the merger by Sunday, I'm removing that idea. Angel Emfrbl 23:50, 22 June 2006 (UTC)
Please do not remove the merge tag again before there is conversation on this topic. Thanks. The reason to merge this article is that it is not encyclopedic in it's own right. First, it's not a topic that a typical user is specifically going to query on: No one is going to type "The Will of D" into a search box. Second, and more to the point, there is not much to say about this topic that is not pure speculation. Everything that we actually know about the middle initial D can be summed up in 3 sentences. Putting it in its own article encourages expansion, yes, but that's not always a good thing (right now, for example, this article is particularly clumsy and poorly written (for example, the awkward and inaccurate phrase "D. carrier"). That's a direct consequence of trying to expand a topic about which there isn't that much to say past its natural boundaries. Nandesuka 12:03, 25 June 2006 (UTC)
Fine whatever... Someone can just reword things... Doesn't matter since later on its likely to have to be put up again as the story progresses. I was only trying to help in the first place. So far though, there hasn't been a discussion at all, you can't merge it until then anyway. I'd just like to point out that while its not percific searched for, a lot of questions about them keeps cropping up in forums (Do you visit one-piece forums? I do!). Angel Emfrbl 12:14, 25 June 2006 (UTC)
Another question... What would those 3 sentance sbe? Before it was a bit more then 3 sentances, when it was on the one Piece terms page? One more... If this page doesn't supply much information, then what about other pages like this one: Sea King (One Piece), there is even less information on that one then this. However I don't want an argument here. You want a discussion, sure thing. Angel Emfrbl 12:24, 25 June 2006 (UTC)
"Other pages aren't very useful either" isn't really a good argument for "we should keep this not-very-useful page." Wikipedia is not an anime encyclopedia, it's a general-purpose encyclopedia. Therefore, the fact that the topic comes up on anime forums doesn't particularly matter here. There are, I should point out, a number of anime-specific encyclopedias, to which an article on The Will of D might be appropriate. Nandesuka
I know it isn't a anime encyclopedia. I wasn't using it as a argument, I was pointing out this has more information then some others have. As I said though, I don't want an argument. Do what you must... Perhaps though, another option may I put forward? Why not keep this page and have a summary also on the One Piece terms page? Its just a suggestion really. Do what you please. Angel Emfrbl 13:17, 25 June 2006 (UTC)
You still haven't stated what those 3 sentences are. Least write what those 3 sentences down. I'm waiting. I would love to know how you sum all this page up in those 3 sentences. You insist this page should be merged but don't supply the information I requested on what it should read... So far, I'm unimpressed with your insistance that this page should be merged. You haven't supplied me a good enough reason. This page has more then 3 sentances worth of info, its a populaur debate from One Piece fans, I've reworded it a dozen times, its a topic that will expand later, it clogged up the suggested merge page when it was there... I can't be bothered to go on now... As I'm said, I don't want a argument, but I'm STILL waiting for a GOOD explanation from you or someone else! Angel Emfrbl 15:49, 29 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Other anime?

I'm wondering, perhaps there's a subtle meaning that a few authors of various anime/manga/novels are shipping around? Isn't there an anime called 'Initial D', as well as the two 'Vampire Hunter D' movies. Heck, maybe it stands for Dracula :) Although, it could mean 'Danger', 'Destruction', 'Discovery', 'Dinosaur', 'Doomed' or something. Tyciol 12:44, 9 July 2006 (UTC)

In Neil Gaiman's Sandman, there are seven being who's name start with D: Dream, Death, Destiny, Destruction, Dispair, Delirium, and Desire. I guess there are a lot of words that start with D. But still, i dont think that there is anything special about the D, that connects all characters and movies that have D in them.--Guille2015 03:37, 10 July 2006 (UTC)
Yeah, characters from other series need not be mentioned at all... When it comes to that, hell I can up up with a dozen anime shaing simulair style of name... Example - Dragon GT has the letter GT in its name and Kai + Tyson's last two G type Beyblades in Beyblade have GT in them. Nothing in common between them its just the chosen letters. I have a dozen examples I don't want to write out.
People have guessed One Pieces D may be the first letter of the lost race that lived during the period of time Robin is researching... Others guess it means Destiny, Dragon (fans trying to connection Dragon), dreams... I'm sure it will be revealled in time anyway. Angel Emfrbl 18:31, 10 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Saved the pictures

Whoa, we had a crisis for a moment on this page I've had to correct... Someone uploaded pics, without a license on them. If you don't know what it is, find a picture on another Wikipedia One Piece related page and copy + paste the liecense... Otherwise we loose the picture after 7 days or whatever it is...

I'm repeating this message on the main One Piece page, because recently its been happening a lot! Angel Emfrbl 21:05, 9 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Layout complete!

Well I think I've finally tweaked this page and I'm happy others helped in the process of making it. Thats about it for this page... Can't do anymore of it until Oda spoon feds us more. Aside from clues on the D, thats all we can add now. Is it safe to remove merger suggestions? I made such a fuss of that while this page was being sorted didn't I? Its taken me several weeks to establish this page, why I made such a fuss about it when it was first put up. Well I'll leave it be, least now the page is set up as it is, should the page ever be merged back, its easier to transfer the info on this page now. A big thanks to everyone who worked on this page while I was sorting out (the few that did try and help) your help didn't go unnoticed! Everyone deserves a good pat on the back! Angel Emfrbl 16:30, 13 July 2006 (UTC)

Okay I realised the clues section was just a mess of things listed one after the other. Its now easier to read and find info. Hope everyone likes the rewrite. Angel Emfrbl 17:01, 28 August 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Theories added

Basically, its to help determine further rumours, speculations, etc are true or unproven. We can remove these later as the series goes on. It make it things easier in the long run. Angel Emfrbl 09:54, 28 August 2006 (UTC)

[edit] D as a smile

D is a biggest mystery in One piece but as you can see the person who carry the D. has a smiling type of character The one who can face D as Death with a great smile of ":D [emoticon]" D is the shape of their lips as they smile in every situation. D=Dereshi...*laugh

Generally, this isn't a good explanation and can't go here. It contains repeated or useless infomation of poor english standards. So I removed it from the page. It doesn't make sense really either... Angel Emfrbl 17:57, 4 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Giant issues

I have a new theory, it's quite unlikely but, maybe saul isnt a giant maybe he ate a devil fruit....maybe he IS monkey D luffy's grandad its just an idea. I also read that he didnt die, and the nearby fires from the expolsions melted the ice.

Speculations... Maybe you are right... Maybe you are wrong... Either way they are useless. If this was a forum I'd go into more detail about the idea. I think most fans believe there is a chance Saul survived.  :/ Angel Emfrbl 21:38, 28 September 2006 (UTC)

It says right in the manga that he's a giant. My thought is that he was Luffy's ancester (giants can live up to 300 years). However, the giants mated with humans, the giant gene grew thin, and the "D" bloodline passed to humans. -Count Mall

[edit] Grand Line Times

For anyone curious, this is the Grand Line Times:

I'd put more info from this on the page, since there is a page and a half on the Ds, but my Japanese is limited (in other words I am great at asking where the nearest toilet is... But thats about it) so I'm waiting for someone else to translate it (if anyone). The only reference I can put up in the The Man of "D" until then. But if anyone else knows Japanese, heres the link to it. As a recap supplement, I doubt it has much more info then we know though. Angel Emfrbl 08:28, 24 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] The headgear

It has been noted that most of the D.'s are seen wearing some sort of headgear they want to wear but don't have to. Examples include Luffy and Ace's hats, and Garp's dog mask. Should this be written in the article? —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) 18:07, 3 December 2006 (UTC).

Not really... I've removed it twice now... -_-' Angel Emfrbl 18:31, 3 December 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Sleeping

Most of the D's have been known to fall asleep at inapropriate times. Such as Luffy, Ace, and Garp. Mention that! Trunksamurai 18:26, 12 December 2006 (UTC)

That's only because those 3 are more closely related with each others. Doesn't mean that the other Ds will be the same. - Tekoteko 22:48, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
We don't know really, but it could be worth mentioning just. Trunksamurai 16:19, 13 December 2006 (UTC)
Aokiji sleeps... Zoro sleeps... They are not related. My point is that. Angel Emfrbl 21:50, 13 December 2006 (UTC)

None of them sleep at in-appropriate times. And sometimes so "randomly" Trunksamurai 17:49, 14 December 2006 (UTC)

True. But Aokiji and Zoro falling asleep in the same situations as each other (whenever there is nothing going on) wouldn't make those two related anyway now would it. My point is, that for all we know the three Ds we've seen fall sleep so far could be unique. The others may not have the same habit. I'm sure I'm going to be proved wrong, but its not the point... When proved to be true, then we can add it. Angel Emfrbl 22:14, 14 December 2006 (UTC)
Right, ok good point. Forget I asked. Trunksamurai 23:55, 15 December 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Problem paragraph

Thus far, none of the Ds, with the exception of Blackbeard, have done anything truly worthy of being called "evil" despite everything that has happened in the storyline. For the most part, they don't seem to take sides with anyone, appearing "neutral" until a situation calls into effect their strong sense of "personal justice". This neutral outlook on life is most apparent in Blackbeard, who holds no moral values at all due to his deep belief in fate.

A little help here. We have a problem happening in this paragraph. Notice Blackbeard is being said to be "Evil" and then most "neutral". While when you think about it, it is true that he isn't confined to pick on anyone and has displayed some thing which are not completely evil and in that sense neutral... This paragraph is badly written and causing confusion and confliction here. I'm gonna remove this paragraph for now, if someone can rewrite these words it can be readded. Angel Emfrbl 08:39, 17 February 2007 (UTC)