Talk:The Sentinel (MHS)

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The Sentinel (MHS) is maintained by WikiProject Australia, which aims to improve Wikipedia's coverage of Australia and Australia-related topics. If you would like to participate, visit the project page.
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I made some formatting edits, and fixed a missing space. Italics are not required in most situations. "by students, for students" sounds much too tabloid. Moved page to The Sentinel (MHS) for convention's sake. MHS Sentinel sounds like a naval ship anyway :P --coblin 13:14, September 4, 2005 (UTC)

I changed over the names of the editorial committee, but I can't remember half the people. If you know just add it in. If you don't I'll get around to fixing this soon.

Coblin, when you say 'many' view the Sentinel as a natural expression for our sexually frustrated lives, did you mean 'you' view it as that?

...I wonder... --Anonymous

Please tag your messages in the future. I didn't submit that sexually frustrated lives part at all. It was there before I edited it. --coblin 04:35, 20 September 2005 (UTC)


[edit] Additional Changes

Added more of the past editors, until 1999 as well as deleted the comments regarding Jonno. Jonno was not fired due to 'popular consensus,' the student body had nothing to do with the decision. Also deleted the comment regarding Tom Valcanis (whose name was spelt incorrectly anyway), it's not relevant especially considering the prize does not automatically go to the editor, in Luca's year it went to the art editor, Tom Morgan. Also deleted the comment regarding sexual frustration, as it's a personal opinion not echoed by many students.

I'm not exactly sure what FCYTravis knows about Sentinel, but I'm pretty sure that because he is from California he doesn't know anything and was just changing random pages. So....I changed it back so that it displays the most revelant information (past writers etc. ....Wikipedia is all about information after all), if FCYTravis believes there to be a problem I welcome him to post on the Sentinel talk page and we can work it out. --Constan69 13:20, 16 December 2005 (UTC)

I've updated the Past Editors section to include my co-editor David Jackson (1999). Also, does anyone know who published then retracted an edition about nuclear tests at Jabiluka? The article says it was "Andrew Reeders", but Reeders is an uncommon name here, it wasn't me, and my brother Adrian left the school in Year 10. I published an edition with a cover article about uranium mining at Jabiluka, but it was not retracted. I retracted nothing - not even the things I should have.Danielreeders 06:11, 18 February 2006 (UTC)

I like the potential of the article, and although I'm sure 2005 was a good year, the magazine stretches back decades previously. If known, a list of famous past contributors would be interesting. The school library should still be holding most back-issues going back a while, for anyone interested. Also, listing every significant writer from every year could get tedious, but can't think of a fairer way. Reiterating someone's previous question, I know the vowels of the title were italicised for a few (many?) years, but never knew why. Was there any significance, or just a title design passed down through the years? -- 14:24, 9 April 2006 (UTC)

This is not only ridiculous, but tragic in the extreme. I was the Chief of Staff of the thing, and god damn, this entire concept of devoting a Wikipedia page to it makes me want to hurl. I don't trust anyone to post an objective viewpoint or account of events that have surrounded the Sentinel, because, at it's essence, it was a juvenile magazine masquerading as an undergraduate humor rag aimed at a childish, testosterone fuelled audience. Oh, and drop the elitist outlook kids, all this dick measuring and "holier-than-thou" posturing isn't helping your image. If this page is dedicated to informing the world of a small school magazine, let it - don't mire yourself in petty argument and infantile bickering. Hell - in my opinion, it's not important enough to warrant one.Crushtor 11:54, 16 April 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Page Revamp (renamed "bringing the funny")

What the fuck is this shit? Seriously: this is an encyclopedia, so the quality of the writing is expected to be that of an encyclopedia and not the low quality standard of the writing that exists in the Sentinel. If this doesn't get cleaned up, I'm going to ask for it to be deleted.--Anonymous

Gosh, we wouldn't want to be a wanker about it would we? Is it lonely up there on your pedestal? If you don't like how this encyclopedia is put together, maybe go work for the fucking Encyclopedia Brittanica then, since this is editable by any man and his dog, don't expect it all to conform to any strict rules, so take your bigotted view of how things are "supposed to be" and take them to a publisher, or alternatively you could just fuck yourself.--Anonymous

Frankly, all three major sections of this article are far bellow wikipedia standards, and are biased and irrelevant at best. 'Bringing the Funny' should be removed, and ‘Social Commentary’ should be largely deleted and included with some of the 'Controversy' section under the new heading 'Notable Issues.' As it stands, this page serves only as an indictment on its editors, who I assume to be largely former contributors like myself. Can we please stop the flame war people, and hold our page to at least the dubious standards of journalism that Sentinel delivers. --AlexanderGroom 0:48, April 10, 2006 (UTC)

Hey Guys, what do you want??? the magazine is put together by a group of year twelves hanging out in a cesspool of an office that smells like past editors(i assume). This artcile is in Wikipedia for interests sake and was creatwed by the team last year and added to this year as a place wheere we can freely record our contribution for prosperity since past editors and contributors get lost in the ether otherwise. The articles listed as controversial are simply for interests sake. What do you want us to use for citations - the magazine itself? Sure, i'll add that after each point, but is that really the point of this argument, or did someone just ome across this article and decide to rip the crap out of it because they don't like the fact that anyone can start an artcile on Wikipedia? I came to add some news about the edition released today only to find it half gone!!!! Past contributors can add their names if they want - thats the point of anyone being able to edit. Past editors can add their names if they want - thats the point of anyone being able to edit. Anyone who contributed can add their names!!! THATS THE POINT! But do you really think that the year twelves who have doubled their workoad to put out a pretty damn good (if childishly humourous) secondary student publication are goign to go through the archives of the sentinel so lazy past editors don;t have to add their own names then you might as well re-produce a real encyclopedia on this site!!!! - StJohn Gill - Current Sentinel Layout Editor

I support the Current Sentinal Layout Editor. Who else knows anything at all about the Sentinel and its origins. JC

[edit] Nomination For Deletion

Screw this shit man. If an article that is informative about the past of a migazine is so fucking wrong then delete it. What I thought was the great thing about Wikipedia, and the reason I added my team to the page was that it could serve as a record so that interested MHS students could have a look back at the past teams and major articles. I could be added to year by year until it grew to be a large informative article about the publication. Unfortunately, what with VCE and working on Sentineli don;t have time to go through the backlogs of editionsjust so you anal dickheads can screw it all over. Fuck You All.

Hugs and kisses from the whole damn Sentinel Team '06 (oh, and the art boys from '05)

[edit] Why?

I am an actual student of Melbourne High School. Although suprised to find a page on this, it astounds me that people from non MHS backgrounds argue over the matter contained in the article. There have been countless editions of Sentinel, not just 2005. I figure that we should just let an actual Sentinel writer to produce this article.

[edit] "Offensive to gay people"?

How is it offensive to homosexuals? Are you some sort of Nick Ross expert, Mr. You're a clown. Edit reverted. -- 07:29, 12 February 2007 (UTC)