Talk:The DJ Kat Show
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DJ Kat:
This page needs the image to be put in a thumbnail with caption text giving information about the show. Take the transformer wiki page as example. Right now i dont know how to do that. If someone does know this would you be so kind to do this.
Someone needs to provide more info on the american version. there are videos in the links section to the dj kat show, but they feature an american voice for dj kat as well as an american female companion (not linda de mol). Also the fan mail is from american kids and not european ones as was in the version shown on sky tv. I would guess that the American version is a separate show (which is the original?)
DJ Kat:
To answer that last question on the two different versions. Yes there were two version's of the DJ Kat show. The Original version was made by made for Sky channel. Later it was exported to America for Fox. These shows differ a little even the puppet itself differs.