Star Trek: The Next Generation - A Final Unity

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Star Trek: The Next Generation - A Final Unity
Developer(s) MicroProse
Publisher(s) Spectrum HoloByte
Release date(s) May 31, 1995
Genre(s) Adventure, Puzzle Solving
Mode(s) Single player
Platform(s) DOS, Macintosh
Media CD

Star Trek: The Next Generation - A Final Unity is a computer game by Spectrum HoloByte, based on the Star Trek universe.

The cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation reprise their roles, providing the voices of their respective characters.


[edit] Plot

While on routine patrol of the Romulan neutral zone, the Enterprise intercepts a distress signal from the crew of a Garidian scout ship, seeking asylum in Federation space. After a brief confrontation with the commander of a Garidian Warbird (identical in design to a Romulan D'deridex Warbird), the crew of the scout ship is beamed aboard the Enterprise. One of the refugees mentions to Captain Picard that they are in search of the Lawgiver's legendary Fifth Scroll, which could aid in preventing war on Garid. Picard agrees to assist them, and the crew of the Enterprise sets out in search of clues to location of the scroll.

After several away missions and travels, the crew of the Enterprise realises that the scroll points to the existence of an enormous and powerful ancient structure, known as the Unity Device, that was created by the Chodak, an unknown alien race, during the peak of their civilisation.

The next Star Trek game, Generations, although based on the movie, is considered a sequel, since the non-canonical Chodak reappear.

[edit] Gameplay

Gameplay is mostly linear in nature, sometimes branching partially depending on choices made during various conversations.

[edit] Enterprise

Onboard the Enterprise, gameplay basically amounts to waiting until the ship arrives at its next destination, and occasionally conversing with various crewmembers for advice. There are various areas of the main bridge that can be interacted with to control the ship and consult with various people.

  • The conference lounge allows the player to ask advice from the Garidian refugees.
  • Speaking with Deanna Troi will give plot elements or game hints.
  • The Conn can be used to change the ship's destination and speed, though when a mission begins destination and speed are set automatically. The Navigator was considered practically optional and useless by the players since destinations can be programmed automatically, or directly ordered to Data. The player though, has the liberty to meddle around visiting bases, sectors and systems at will (imitating a false Elite-like freedom), off-story, but this will not affect anything and there is nothing to do to off-scenario places.
  • Various information on planets, alien species, and previous missions can be accessed from the Ops console, manned by Lt. Cmdr. Data.
  • The tactical console is manned by Lt. Worf. Accessing it automatically brings the ship to red alert status. During the occasional battle with an enemy ship, control of the tactical console can be delegated to Lt. Worf, or controlled by the player. Actually the Battle commands were deemed too complex for the players, and practically, all battles were passed assigned to Worf (or warping away from them)

The turbolift allows for access to other areas of the ship.

  • From engineering, power levels can be adjusted and resources applied toward damaged systems can be designated. Control of engineering can be delegated to Lt. Cmdr. Geordi La Forge. Actually there is no urge to use it, and Geordi can be assigned and take care of it automatically better than the player.
  • In the transporter room, an away team can be assembled and an inventory chosen, though each mission has an automatically assigned away team (except on "Captain" difficulty, where you can choose your own team and equipment).
  • On the holodeck, any previous cut scenes can be viewed, as well as a brief tutorial going over the various controls of the ship.

Although these elements attempted to enrich the pure-adventure game with some strategy and action flavour, the case was not so simple since they made the game too complex or difficult and the characters were assigned automatically to the tactical or engineering. In fact, these elements are there only for the player the meddle around and give a touch of realism. The only useful part of the bridge, is the computer Database with encyclopedic information of the Star Trek universe, history and general astronomy.

[edit] Away Missions

The majority of the gameplay takes place by controlling an away team on various space stations and alien worlds, which is the pure adventure game part of the game. The away team is selected by the player and is then controlled in a point-and-click manner by selecting the desired command from the interface in the lower area of the screen. Items in the inventory can be used to interact with the environment in much the same way.

As in all adventure games, inventory items are used to solve various puzzles and to allow interface with alien technology. Interaction with the environment, however, is fairly limited, and attempting to perform an action that is outside the game's boundaries results in the currently selected character to comment that they don't believe it would work. There is some variety however, to the comments and responses of the characters, depending on the combination the player chose, giving some realistic richness to the experience.

Upon completion of the away mission, the team is beamed up, and Enterprise awaits further orders or acts with the new information provided by the away mission.

[edit] Background

A Final Unity is one of the games under the now "classic" era of Star Trek Gaming. It wasn't plain sailing for A Final Unity, though. Originally the game was penned for a release shortly after Interplay's Star Trek: 25th Anniversary; 25th Anniversary was released at the end of 1993 and A Final Unity was supposed to be released in 1994, but it didn't make the projected release date.

However, A Final Unity was a benchmark game for its time, considering the hardware and programming limitations of the mid's 90's with regards to computer PC gaming and general coding. The cutscenes along with the rendering of the characters from TNG were critically hailed as some of the best renderings and motion video for a game of that year. Although A Final Unity didn't do as well as Interplay's previous games from 1994, it did mark Spectrum HoloByte and eventually MicroProse entry into the gaming mind of the then small Star Trek gaming community.

[edit] External links