Partners (Spider-Man: The Animated Series)

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Spider-Man: The Animated Series episode
Episode no. Season 4
Episode 46
Written by Cynthia Harrison
Brooks Wachtel
Production no. 315
Original airdate May 3, 1997
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Partners is the fifth episode of Season 4 of Spider-Man: The Animated Series.

[edit] Plot

The episode begins with the Black Cat swinging around, saying in her mind that Spider-Man doesn't need her help (ever since he lacked feelings for her, still mourning about Mary Jane Watson). So if he can be a loner, then so can the Black Cat. Then as the Cat stops at a rooftop and sees a Hardy Foundation truck, she knows those kind of trucks don't look like that. She tracks down the truck and realizes that there's a crime going on. Meanwhile, Spider-Man watches as the Black Cat is on the truck. He goes behind the vehicle, knowing he has to keep an eye on the Cat, "spider-style".

Later, the truck arrives at a warehouse where a crime is being progressed where criminals are stealing things. The Cat sneaks up on one of them and knocks him out with knock-out gas. But another criminal catches her and she takes him out, also taking down other crooks. But when one of them grabs her from behind and another one would try to kill her, that about-to-kill crook is caught in a web-net and the Cat knocks her catcher out by knocking him against one of the warehouse boxes. The superheroine looks up and finds Spider-Man there. She asks how long he's been there. Spider-Man said since she got to the scene. He then tells her she can't handle this solo because it's too dangerous. They then run and hide from lasers that are being fired at them. The Cat then goes off and takes down the crooks yet again with Spider-Man saying humorously in his mind he should change his male show-business preconceptions. But just when the Cat would tell him this superhero thing isn't as hard as it is, knock-out gas is fired at the Black Cat, knocking her unconscious. Spider-Man then grabs her and swings to a wall where Alistair Smythe, still a cyborg since "The Ultimate Slayer" but in his hoverchair, then appears out of the dark corners. He fires out lasers from his fire arms on his shoulders to Spider-Man to try and kill him and Spider-Man reminds him when they last met, he thought Smythe quit working for the the Kingpin. Smythe said he did but he has a new boss and he is also Spider-Man's enemy. He then fires out lasers to the wall Spider-Man is on which has it tumbling down to the ground, knocking out Spider-Man. Smythe says before he kills Spider-Man, he needs something here - the Black Cat. He then laughs maniacally and drives off with the Cat. Spider-Man wakes up and begs Smythe to let her go but he is attacked by more crooks which have him fall under a pile of rubble. They then assume him dead and run off. Once the bad guys are gone, he rises from the rubble and swings off, being angry at himself on why he let the Black Cat have her way.

Later, at the Big Baby factory, little baby Silvermane is crying but his daughter Alicia tells him to be quiet because the men, from the crime scene where Spider-Man and the Black Cat previously were, are back. Alicia then goes to a computer and the screen shows Smythe's face. Alicia asks him if he has everything from Adrian Toomes' Aerodynamics. Smythe says he has almost everything plus a little bonus that Silvermane should see for himself. Alicia says they're on their way and turns off the computer. Silvermane says that Smythe is up to something. Alicia states if he is to ruin his plans, then he will be paying for it. Alicia lifts him up and asks if he wants his baby bottle full of milk. Silvermane says he doesn't want it but since he is only a weak little infant, he needs it. He demands that Alicia would give it to him and he starts drinking the milk. Once he takes a break as they walk to Smythe and goes back to the time he turned into a baby, we then see flashbacks from "Ravages of Time" where Silvermane uses the Tablet of Time to turn younger since he is an old man. Unfortunately, he is turned too young and turns into an infant. The flashbacks then end and Silvermane complains that his mind is trapped and he's powerless. But Alicia states to the contrary that with Smythe working for him, he now has the same knowledge that the Kingpin once enjoyed. The two then arrive to Smythe and when Silvermane sees the Black Cat trapped behind a glass cage, he is furious because, as he tells Smythe, that he gave him this lab to develop a way to turn him into a young man, not collect specimens like the Black Cat. But Smythe says that with Toomes' Aerodynamics and the equipment from the Tablet of Time, they need at least one more thing that gives out energy: they need either the Scorpion or the Vulture to complete the project. Silvermane demands Smythe to get one of them at once. But Smythe says the problem is both of them have gone underground and vanished. However, since they have the Black Cat and Spider-Man cares for her, they would threaten him if Spider-Man doesn't get the Scorpion or Vulture, then she would die. Silvermane then says it's a clever idea because Spider-Man's weakness is that he cares too much. He tells Smythe he did a good job and tells Alicia to change his diaper (and Smythe tries not to laugh). As Alicia leaves with her baby father, Smythe goes to the room where his father's cryogenically frozen body sleeps. Smythe vows that he will not rest until his father walks the Earth in a new bio-engineered body. Smythe swears he will have Silvermane keep his word but once again, Smythe figures he's working for promises.

Later, as Spider-Man is swinging, he states in his mind he looked everywhere but can't find the Black Cat. Then spider-seekers find Spider-Man and Spider-Man spots them. He then realizes Smythe's found him and one of them holds him against a wall. Then another goes in front of Spider-Man with a screen on its face and Smythe appears on it. Smythe tells Spider-Man that as he knows, he has the Cat. Then a filming of the Black Cat stuck behind the glass cage appears on the screen. If Spider-Man does what Smythe tells him, as Smythe explains, she will be safe or else, if Spider-Man doesn't cooperate- Spider-Man then interrupts and out of anger, asks what Smythe wants. The screen then shows Spider-Man a picture of the Scorpion and the Vulture. Smythe says he wants one of them and the spider-seeker shoots out a timer, in which Spider-Man catches. Smythe says he has twenty-four hours starting now and Smythe also states that if he is successful in catching either the Scorpion or Vulture in time, he can use this timer to signal him. The spider-seekers then leave. Spider-Man tells him to wait but is too late. He then swings off, stating in his mind how is he to find the Scorpion or Vulture in this big city.

Meanwhile, inside a destroyed apartment, the Scorpion is watching TV while the Vulture is tied up, his wrists chained up against a wall. There is a commercial about a work-out machine called the Bug-Bite. One of the women on the commercial says if whoever is watching this ad can get the body they've always wanted (referring for anyone who wants to get skinny or muscular). Scorpion turns it off with his remote with Vulture saying to turn it back on. Scorpion tells him to shut up and Vulture, in humorous sarcasim, asks him doesn't he want to get the body he's always wanted. Then as Scorpion hits his tail next to Vulture and Vulture ages back younger, Scorpion tells him in anger once more to shut up. Scorpion then tells Vulture that his experiments have made Vulture a freak, just like Scorpion. We then see a flashback from Sting of the Scorpion where Dr. Farley Stillwell turns Mac Garkin into Scorpion. Scorpion then explains why he saved the Vulture's life when his lab exploded: that was because he needed a scientist like Vulture ever since Stillwell disappeared since the events of The Final Nightmare to change Scorpion back into Mac Garkin. Vulture, back to being old, says if that's what Scorpion wants, then Scorpion should let him go and cure both of them. He then turns young and Scorpion says that Vulture is staying right where he is until Scorpion can get enough money to build them a lab. Vulture asks why can't Scorpion just steal it since petty crime is what Scorpion does. But Scorpion says he isn't going to steal anymore and will have his girlfriend, Sara, get the money from her job. Vulture says he's going no where and he's hiding. Vulture, humorously, says that he should probably call himself the Cockroach. Scorpion then sees it Vulture's way and will go steal the money. Vulture turns back to old and says that Scorpion is doing the right thing. But then Sara comes in and asks where he is going. Scorpion says he is going to steal the money. But Sara begs of him not to go because if he is seen in public, they'd catch him and put him to jail - she'll never see him again. Scorpion asks her if she actually wants him to be normal again. Sara says that they'll get the money and it'll be okay. They already saved five hundred dollars. The Vulture then says in humor that with five hundred dollars, his young self will look like he is now - an old man - by the time they have enough money to make the lab. Scorpion tells Vulture not to ever insult Sara again and Scorpion agrees with her, not going out. Sara thanks him and says they will make it. She promises. Then they will get married. They then share a small kiss.

The next day, Peter Parker is looking up on the Internet back at his home apartment to find out where the Scorpion and Vulture are since the lab explosion in "The Final Nightmare". Peter then sees he only has about at least less than twelve hours left and tries a different source. He then dresses up in his Spider-Man costume, saying in his mind that he never felt this much care for the Black Cat ever until now. Harry Osborn then knocks on Peter's door and asks if he can come in. Peter goes faster and he is already dressed up in his Spider-Man costume. He tells Harry he can't come in now and he swings off. Harry opens the door, saying it won't take long but before he can continue, he says that's weird since he heard Peter's voice and he's not in here now.

Meanwhile, with Spider-Man, as he is swinging, he says in his mind that he is sorry to Harry that Spider-Man always has to get in Peter's life and friendships.

Later, Spider-Man appeals to Dr. Curt Connors to lie that he found a breakthrough to Neogenics. Connors is surprised about this about lying. Spider-Man says he knows that he is not done his work yet but he really needs his help right now. Connors says he is crazy for doing this but he does owe Spider-Man. Connors then picks up the phone and calls the media, saying that he has a story for them.

Later, Connors is seen being interviewed on TV that he has finally found a way to change any living organism into something different, discovering the secrets Dr. Farley Stillwell took when he disappeared. He says he is appointing anyone to help him rebuild the Neogenic Recombinator and change whoever they want. Scorpion realizes that's what he needs to transform him and says that Vulture is right after he turns off the TV, saying he has to act now and steal the money he needs. The Vulture turns back to a young man and says he is finally using "more than his tail". Sara then comes and Scorpion locks her in a closet so she wouldn't interfere. Sara begs Scorpion not to hurt anyone. By the time he's gone, Sara turns on the light and finds a screwdriver on the floor.

Later at night, Scorpion is seen with a bag full of money, standing on top of a car and says that everyone should keep away from him and no one will get hurt. Spider-Man arrives, landing on a rooftop and spouts out two webs which tie up Scorpion, saying it took him long to "smoke him out and retirement didn't mellow him". The Scorpion tells him to leave and he doesn't have time for this. He brakes out of the webs and nearly melts Spider-Man with the acid from his tail. Spider-Man dodges it and nearly gets to Scorpion when Scorpion bounces to a roof. Spider-Man tells Scorpion he will listen to him, even if Scorpion will have to be tied up with his own tail. Scorpion says if Spider-Man wants his tail, he spits out acid from it and Spider-Man jumps out of the way to avoid it. Scorpion then knocks Spider-Man to the rooftop with his tail and wraps Spider-Man around with it. He then says he warned Spider-Man to leave him alone and now it's all over - for him as Scorpion holds Spider-Man over a ledge. Spider-Man spouts out a web which snags the money. Scorpion then jumps on Spider-Man to stop him from stealing back the money but the bag accidentally falls off the ledge and dozens of people are grabbing all of the fallen money. Scorpion tells them to get away from it and fires out acid from his tail on a car which blows it up and all the people run in fear. Sara then arrives out of a car and seeing in horror on what her boyfriend is doing. Scorpion then gets angry at Spider-Man and tries to kill him again, stating he's running out of time. Spider-Man says he is running out of time, too. Scorpion then falls through a broken piece of ground and is knocked unconscious. Spider-Man then takes out the timer Smythe gave him and tells him he has Scorpion. Smythe sees it excellent and he will send a spider-seeker to guide him where he will bring Scorpion. The computer then shifts to Alicia, telling her that she should tell Silvermaine that Phase 1 is complete.

As Spider-Man swings off with the unconscious Scorpion on his shoulder and following the spider-seeker, he states in his mind he can't wait to see Black Cat again. He figures he cared about her more than he even knew. Meanwhile, Sara is following Spider-Man in her car.

Later, Spider-Man gets to the Big Baby factory and Smythe examines Scorpion, stating his DNA is excellent. Sara watches from an open hole on the rooftop and watches in horror on what they're doing to her boyfriend. She then leaves. Spider-Man says that he has kept his part of the bargain by bringing Scorpion to him. And Smythe says he will keep his and a nearby wall is figured to be an allusion and it truly reveals the Black Cat, tied up by her mouth and her hands are behind her back. Spider-Man asks Smythe to release her. Smythe says he's saving that for him. Spider-Man states he doesn't suspect there's a trap here and when he grabs on the outside of the glass cage, he tells the Cat that she shouldn't worry - sometimes, in the superhero business, you'd make a few mistakes. Smythe says that is indeed. He then presses a button and it electrocutes Spider-Man, knocking him out which has him fall into a big circle where he is trapped in another glass cage. The Black Cat is horrified at this and rips off her bounds. She then calms down when she figures out the hero is all right and says that she should take superhero lessons from the Hulk instead. Silvermane and Alicia then arrive and Silvermane states that Smythe has done good work and this is one bonus in which he approves. Smythe thanks him, calling him by Silvermane which has Spider-Man shocked to hear that Smythe said Silvermane. The baby crime lord then tells Spider-Man that they will make a trade to swap one age to the other and with Spider-Man's powers as well, the crime lord shall be unbeatable. He laughs in his cute laugh that should be maniacal if it weren't for his age. Alicia says it is a great idea as they walk away. Spider-Man is surprised that Silvermane is still alive and a little baby. The Black Cat then asks if he has any ideas. Spider-Man asks if she has, calling her partner. The Cat asks if she just heard Spider-Man call her partner.

Meanwhile, Sara unlocks Vulture, now an old man, from his chains and pleas him to save Scorpion. Vulture asks in sarcasim why should he. As Sara hands over Vulture his wings, Sara says they are going to Neogenic him or something. Vulture asks if Sara is certain about Scorpion being involved in a Neogenic test. Sara states she's positive. Vulture says hearing that word makes him feel young again, in which he turns back into a young man. Vulture says that he can crash Scorpion's little party and laughs with glee. Sara says she'll show him where to go. Vulture then flies off, carrying Sara.

Meanwhile, baby Silvermane is seen in a long robe and his arms are bound by metal bars along with Spider-Man on standing stretchers. Smythe states the machinery is complete and Silvermane demands the project to begin because he wants to be a man again. The Black Cat, still behind her glass cage, asks Scorpion behind his glass cage on what they are going to do to Spider-Man. Scorpion states they are going to mess up his life just like his. Spider-Man then states in his mind he is going to have to learn to web-sling in a stroller (humorous moment because he is going to be baby Silvermane's age). Smythe then begins the process but the Vulture, without Sara, arrives and begins flying around. Alicia demands that Smythe would turn off the machine because Vulture could ruin the experiment. Smythe says it's a control process so it can't be turned off. Alicia then says to at least stop him. Every bad guy then tries to shoot down Vulture and Scorpion asks where's Sara. Vulture says to nevermind about her and all of the people working for Silvermane have recreated his technology. Vulture is then shot out and only wounded which made the machine that would change energies for Spider-Man and Silvermaine an interrupted process. At the ground, Smythe would shoot him but when he did, Vulture used one of his wings to block the laser, had it bounce off and unlock one of the bounds that held Spider-Man against the stretcher. He then used that free hand to have his other trapped hand freed as well by braking that bound. Spider-Man then frees Black Cat and Scorpion and a battle is pursued with everyone except Silvermaine involved. Vulture then gets into Spider-Man's spot where he is to transfer energy with Silvermaine, where in the end, Silvermaine is turned back into an old man and Vulture is a young man, which would not have him change into an old man. He then flies out of the lab and then Sara comes in, begging Spider-Man and Black Cat to save Scorpion, who is fighting Smythe. Spider-Man says that Sara is right and Black Cat agrees, even though she knows Scorpion's another villain. Fortunately, they save Scorpion from Smythe but Smythe, Silvermaine, his daughter and all of their members lock Spider-Man, Black Cat, Scorpion and Sara in a sealed lab with no escape. Black Cat lures Scorpion into trying to kill her with acid from his tail but it reflects to a wall which makes a big crack, thanks to Spider-Man's redirecting it with one of his webs. Black Cat rips the crack open and when the Neogenic Recombinator would overload and explode with no one in the machine, Scorpion picked up Sara and ran out, along with Spider-Man and Black Cat. The Big Baby factory then explodes and Scorpion and Sara are seen on top of a roof. Scorpion asks her if he'll ever be normal again. Sara says that he has to have faith and know their love will get them through anything.

Meanwhile, Vulture is seen flying with a maniacal laugh, knowing he fully has his youth back.

As Black Cat is sitting at the ledge of a roof and Spider-Man lands from the air behind her, he says he couldn't find anyone they've encountered back at the Big Baby factory. Black Cat then changes the subject and asks if Spider-Man really did mean by calling them partners. Spider-Man states now that the Neogenic nightmare is done, he'll need all the help he can get from Black Cat. Spider-Man asks if they can be partners. Black Cat lifts up his mask, says they can, kisses him on the cheek, pulls the mask back on and says they can be even more than partners. Black Cat greets him farewell as she swings off. And as Spider-Man does, too, he states in his mind that his life has gotten more interesting.

[edit] Cast

Additional Voices provided by Bob Bergen and Adam Hendershott

[edit] Trivia

  • This episode marks Richard Moll's first portrayal of the Scorpion, replacing Martin Landau who played the Scorpion in his first appearances. Moll replaced Landau because Landau won an award and was unavailable to call upon to play Scorpion in this series any longer since The Final Nightmare. So they called in Richard Moll and fans thought that Moll made a more threatening portrayal of the Scorpion than Landau.
  • This episode is the first episode with Alistair Smythe not appearing in a same episode with the Kingpin, as Smythe is now working for Silvermane and since Smythe figured out how much of a villain the Kingpin was when he lied that his father died while he really kept him in cryogenic suspension.
  • This episode is the first episode where the Black Cat does not appear in the series as Felicia Hardy, despite the fact that there was a little reference about her real name about when the Cat spotted the fake Hardy truck. The next episodes where the Cat appears as Felicia and the Cat are The Awakening and The Return of Hydro-Man: Part One and the Cat appears as herself only in The Vampire Queen, The Wedding, The Return of Hydro-Man: Part Two, The Gauntlet of the Red Skull and Doom.
  • This episode has no reference of Mary Jane being mentioned, even by Spider-Man (even though this recap of the episode states that Spider-Man is still grieving about her).