From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Limited Edition Alpha ( A) (LEA) (August 1993)
- Limited Edition Beta ( B) (LEB) (October 1993)
- Unlimited ( U) (2ED) (December 1993)
- Arabian Nights ( scimitar) (ARN) (December 1993)
- Antiquities ( anvil) (ATQ) (March 1994)
- Revised ( R) (3ED) (April 1994)
- Legends ( capital of a Doric column) (LEG) (June 1994)
- The Dark ( crescent moon) (DRK) (August 1994)
- Fallen Empires ( crown) (FEM) (November 1994)
- Fourth Edition ( 4) (4ED) (May 1995)
- Ice Age ( snowflake) (ICE) (June 1995)
- Chronicles (CHR) (July 1995)
- Homelands ( globe of Ulgrotha) (HML) (October 1995)
- Alliances ( banner) (ALL) (June 1996)
- Mirage ( palm tree) (MIR) (October 1996)
- Visions ( Zhalfirin triangle of war) (VIS) (February 1997)
- Fifth Edition ( V) (5ED) (March 1997)
- Portal ( portal) (POR) (June 1997)
- Weatherlight ( open book (WTH) (June 1997)
- Rath Cycle or Tempest Block
- Portal Second Age ( pentagon) (P02) (June 1998)
- Unglued ( cracked-open egg) (UGL) (August 1998)
- Urza's Saga ( two gears) (USG) (October 1998)
- Anthologies (none) (November 1998)
- Urza's Legacy ( hammer) (ULG) (February 1999)
- Sixth Edition ( VI) (6ED) (April 1999)
- Portal Three Kingdoms ( Chinese/Japanese number 3) (PTK) (May 1999)
- Urza's Destiny ( flask) (UDS) (June 1999)
- Starter 1999 ( five-pointed star) (August 1999)
- Mercadian Masques ( mask) (MMQ) (September 1999)
- Battle Royale ( BR) (November 1999)
- Nemesis ( battleaxe) (NMS) (February 2000)
- Starter 2000 (none) (April 2000)
- Prophecy ( crystals) (PCY) (June 2000)
- Invasion ( symbol of the Coalition) (INV) (September 2000)
- Beatdown Set ( mace) (October 2000)
- Planeshift ( portal swirl) (PLS) (February 2001)
- Seventh Edition ( 7) (7ED) (April 2001)
- Apocalypse ( crying mask) (APC) (June 2001)
- Odyssey ( the Mirari, a metal orb on a helix) (ODY) (September 2001)
- Deckmasters 2001 ( D) (December 2001)
- Torment ( ouroboros) (TOR) (February 2002)
- Judgment ( balancing scale) (JUD) (May 2002)
- Onslaught Cycle/Block
- Eighth Edition ( 8) (8ED) (July 2003)
- Mirrodin Cycle/Block
- Champions of Kamigawa ( torii gate) (CHK) (October 2004)
- Unhinged ( horseshoe or U) (UNH) (November 2004)
- Betrayers of Kamigawa ( shuriken) (BOK) (February 2005)
- Saviors of Kamigawa ( lantern) (SOK) (June 2005)
- Ninth Edition ( 9) (9ED) (July 2005)
- Ravnica Cycle/Block
- Coldsnap ( icicles) (CLD) (July 2006)
- Time Spiral Block ([1]) (2006-2007, forthcoming)
- Tenth Edition (10ED) (Summer 2007)
- [5] [6] (Peanut, Butter, Jelly) (codenames) (2007-2008, forthcoming)
- [7] [8] (Rock, Paper, Scissors) (codenames) (2008-2009, forthcoming)
- [9] (Live, Long, Prosper) (codenames) (2009-2010, forthcoming)