Jumpgate: The Reconstruction Initiative

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The Jumpgate logo.
The Jumpgate logo.

Jumpgate®: The Reconstruction Initiative is an MMORPG in a science fiction setting for the PC, released on September 25, 2001 by NetDevil (developer) and 3DO (publisher). However, only months after 3DO released the game to stores, their contract with NetDevil was broken or cancelled. NetDevil then hired Themis Group to provide technical support and provide in-game events.

German publisher Mightygames released a European version of Jumpgate in July 2001, and supported it until 1 June 2005. When Mightygames ceased operations, NetDevil worked with the GMs from Mightygames to transfer all non-banned accounts to the US server, which is now called the Worldwide Server.

In the game, jumpgates are used to travel from sector to sector. All sectors, without a station, consist of asteroids and a beacon. Many have Player Owned Stations and may have items related to events run by GMs. Station sectors all have a planet within the sector. The player is the pilot of a spacecraft, acquiring wealth and status by engaging in trade, mining, and/or combat. Players may work on their own or together as members of a collaborative squad. Players can upgrade their craft in various ways, including adding weapons, engines, shields, and other modifications and upgrades.


[edit] Game Historical Timeline

BT = Before TRI

Much of the ancient historical dates are reconstructed from a few pieces of actual surviving data as well as legends as tales. They are therefore no more than an approximation of when these events actually took place.

  • 5000 BT Discovery of fuel-driven flight.
  • 4850 BT Discovery of space flight.
  • 4370 BT Plasma Drive invented. The device took advantage of intense heat energy contained in a magnetic field.
  • 3900 BT Colonization of the first planet. Although there is no proof of this theory, the Quantar claim that this colony was settled by their early ancestors. Location and name are unknown. This planet might have been located near the Venure Belt and was lost during the Great Collapse or earlier. Today the Quantar call this “Nah’ Shatar”, meaning “dwelling of the ancients”.
  • 3350 BT NLS propulsion system invented. The NLS (Near Light Speed) is believed to have been the beginning of a new era of colonization.
  • 3320 to 2700 BT No historical data can be reconstructed during this period. Scientists believe that as a result of the NLS propulsion system the distances became so great as to make effective communication impossible.
  • 2690 BT First verified record of a newly founded system named Solaria, assumed to be the cradle of Solrain civilization.
  • 2620 BT Charta Solaria signed. The CS is a rather lengthy treaty between what was then already called Solrain and Octavius. It mainly deals with the establishment of borders and neutral areas. There is no mention of the technology that enabled both races to meet or communicate.
  • 2390 BT First mention of Quantar and Hyperial. The historical document is a simple contract in which Quantar is obliged to perform mining operations for Hyperial. Within there are also mentions of “perfunctory delivery of Quantar subjects for research purposes in exchange for medications”. The Quantar claim to this day that this passage serves as positive proof of genetic experimentation on sentient beings, thereby justifying the eventual outbreak of the GVB Wars.
  • 2210 BT Civil wars at Octavius claim millions of lives. The few kernels of data that were recovered lead to the assumption that this war was fought on two neighboring planets between land and space forces.
  • 2175 BT Quantar and Hyperial fight the Jihad al Din (aka Faith Wars, GVB Wars), which ends in the catastrophic defeat of Hyperial and the total destruction of their fleet.
  • 2100 BT The Treaty of Soria is signed, promising peace and trade between the four systems of Solrain, Octavius, Quantar and Hyperial. The following centuries are a golden era of unprecedented prosperity and technological advancement.
  • 2000 BT The Great Collapse rips through the systems, leaving nothing but destruction in its wake. The main Solrain planet vanished, along with many others. Space stations, production centers, communication arrays as well as all computers and databases are either destroyed or disabled. Only a few fragments of data from the massive Solrain database survive, effectively nullifying millennia of scientific discoveries. In addition the Collapse causes physical changes rendering the few remaining technologies useless. Known space is at the edge of oblivion – yet civilization survives in some places, barely.
  • 2000 BT – 1000 BT No historical data of any significance exists, due to the total breakdown of communications. This era is commonly known as a "Dark Age."
  • 998 BT The Solrain Reconstruction Initiative is founded with its three main purposes, known as “the Three Laws of Pioneering”. They are:
1. The Rediscovery of the Galaxy
2. The Search for Arcane Knowledge
3. The Repopulation of the surviving planets
The Laws of Pioneering later served as the basis for the first TRI charter.
  • 800 BT SRI scientists discover gravitic fluctuation fields, a discovery that would soon lead to the development of jumpgates.
  • 421 BT W. J. Samons discovers the Defluxer Theory that establishes the basis for Jumpgates. Shortly thereafter construction of the first Jumpgate begins. Samons dies before it is finished, but remains a legend and a hero to everybody to this day. Although better known as “jumpdrive”, the device enabling pilots to jump through gates is officially called the “Samons Jump Actuator”.
  • 409 BT The experimental spacecraft “Revival” executes the first jump. The ship successfully reappears in Quantar space, but all crew members are dead not able to withstand the gravitic forces of the jump. However, for the coming centuries the jumpgate serves as a communications bridge between Solrain and Quantar.
  • 201 BT A consortium of Solrain and Quantar scientists discover the secret of Genetic Alterations, allowing the safe passage of life forms through the gates.
  • 1 AT Quantar joins the Solrain Reconstruction Initiative, which is renamed The Reconstruction Initiative.
  • 20.7 AT Contact with Octavius is re-established after the construction of a new jumpgate in The Inner Lighthouse.
  • 26.4 AT Octavius joins The Reconstruction Initiative. With them the Octavians bring a remarkable compacting technology that allows TRI to build “gate constructors”, small unmanned vessels capable of rapidly building the support and control structures of a jumpgate.
  • 38.5 AT Discovery of Amananth. Although no Amananth has ever been seen in public, explorers discover a perfectly built, well stocked, and fully automated station in Amananth space. Trade is soon initiated and has been flourishing ever since.
  • 40.7 AT Quantar explorers re-establish contact with Hyperial. Ironically it is the Quantar – victors over Hyperial in the GVB Wars, that introduce them to TRI. Partially out of resentment for Quantar, Hyperial refuses the membership offered by TRI.
  • 72.9 AT TRI introduces its first jump capable single pilot vessels to its member factions. Each faction sends seven specially trained and altered pilots (The Thrice Seven) to test the vessels under controlled conditions. The tests are an unqualified success. The TRI council votes that only TRI approved vessels may be used as part of the reconstruction effort.
  • 99.4 AT TRI for the first time openly recruits new pilots. The first recruits to sign up choose the callsigns Vorg and Postal.
  • 99.5 AT Due to great technological leaps the number of TRI pilots continues to increase rapidly. Adventurers from all walks of life seek careers in space. TRI’s influence is growing at the same rate.
  • 100.1 AT TRI celebrates its centennial in Standard Years by offering millions of credits in TRI sponsored Free for All tournaments.
  • 100.6 AT A new race labeled as "Conflux" enters TRI space and is believed to be hostile.
  • 100.11 AT Solrain pilot Lothar is the first TRI pilot to gain Optimus status, the highest possible rank. The proud pilot is honored by TRI and all fellow pilots. A rediscovered station in neutral space is named for him.
  • 101.7 AT A massive recruiting drive is initiated by TRI to stem the tide of Conflux aggression, and to continue reconstruction efforts into the future...

[edit] Gameplay features

  • Unique flight physics.
  • Joystick control supported (and recommended).
  • Persistent Universe with over 150 sectors
  • Periodic patches with fixes and upgrades
  • Mining, Manufacturing, Trading, PvP combat, PvE combat,
  • Many Role-play and player-driven story-arc opportunities

[edit] Factions

There are five factions within the universe of Jumpgate. The non-playable (aka NPC) factions are Amananth and Hyperial. While there are three playable factions Octavius, Quantar, and Solrain.

[edit] Amananth

The Amananth logo.
The Amananth logo.

[edit] Amananth societal overview

Amananth is somewhat of a mystery. No one really knows who or what the Amananth are, and TRI does not officially acknowledge Amananth's sovereignty. Pilots who have ventured into Amananth territory have not reported any hostility, or much of any activity for that matter. It is known that Amananth possesses superior technology. Several brave TRI pilots have docked at Amananth station, and report it to be a somewhat eerie and unsettling experience. The hallways are completely deserted and devoid of life, yet the station is kept clean and polished. Trade and sales are entirely automated, and portions of the station are kept locked at all times.

Unknown before the Collapse, this race boasts many pieces of technology formerly unknown and unheard of to the dominant races. Amananth appears to have the most technically efficient powerplant design to date, kept under heavy lock and key. Many an industrial spy's life has been spent attempting to get their hands on Amananth powerplant specs. Their ships are rumored to be virtually self-sustaining, although there are no official records of anyone actually observing one. Most of the equipment originating from this sector requires little to no extra power. If Amananth ever surfaced and desired conquest, their destructive force would be difficult to fathom.

[edit] Amananth system overview

The Amananth System is located between Octavius and Quantar, and consists of approximately 10 sectors. At present the Amananthii have built 1 space station - Amananth. This station is located near the dominant planet of the Amananth System - AM I.

[edit] Amananth: AM I

  • Population: unknown
  • Capital city: unknown
  • Cities of note: unknown
  • Corporations: Amananth

There is no reliable data available for AM I. TRI surface scans have not yielded any results due to a distortion field of unknown origin.

[edit] Hyperial

The Hyperial logo.
The Hyperial logo.

[edit] Hyperial societal overview

The battles over the Great Venure Belt, which lies between Hyperial and Quantar, have left the once glorious Hyperial system in a state of decay. Although the war is officially over, there is still great hostility between the two factions. To this day, Hyperial government claims no knowledge of the reselling of Quantar body parts on faction stations.

Hyperions pride themselves on tradition, order, and nationalism, and object to the neutral, non-political stance of The Reconstruction Initiative. This, coupled with internal economical troubles from the lost GVB wars with Quantar, has brought Hyperial's space program to a grinding halt. They are therefore currently unable to participate in TRI's efforts. Hyperial's reformed government is now focusing all efforts to advancing medical and weapons research. Most of the other systems in the galaxy depend on Hyperial for advanced medical supplies, often ironically as a result of the highly destructive weaponry from the same sector.

[edit] Hyperial system overview

The Hyperial System is located between Quantar and Solrain, and consists of approximately 10 sectors. At present the Hyperions have built 1 space station - Hyperial. This station is located near the dominant planet of the Hyperial System - Hypsos.

[edit] Hyperial: Hypsos

  • Population: 3,400,000,000
  • Capital city: Barnard
  • Cities of note: Rongen, Nobleus
  • Corporations: Dorator, Lexxor, Samsun, Particle Systems

Hypsos is believed to be the only Hyperion planet that survived the Great Collapse. Its famous medical and research facilities provide employment for roughly half the working population, while the remaining work force is split between weapons manufacturing and several fringe industries.

[edit] Octavius

The Octavius logo.
The Octavius logo.

[edit] Octavius societal overview

Octavius is known for its commonly mercenary attitudes, where blood is often thinner than water. Other than genetics and bloodline, there is no unifying organization to Octavius as a whole. This gives rise to all manner of inner-faction power struggles, as various squads and rogue gangs constantly scramble for some semblance of control. The typical mindset of these groups is simply Might Makes Right. Perhaps this is why the weapons coming from Octavius Core (the seat of the system) are rarely paralleled in effectiveness and low power consumption. Ship speeds are slightly lower than other factions on average. A few inter-faction equipment trades can make these vessels some of the most feared in the universe. Civilian life is a constant battle for survival in Octavius. This might shed some light to the large number of volunteers for the TRI funded branch, as well as the tendency of most Octavians to trust no one.

Octavius is resource poor, often struggling through famines and food shortages. This drives the Octavian involvement in The Reconstruction Initiative, as resources must constantly be transported from external sectors of space to feed a largely broken civilization. Octavian pilots prefer to gain recognition for actions of personal glory and personal financial success. This includes combat, mining, trading, and exploration, fitting in nicely with TRI's objectives.

[edit] Octavius system overview

The Octavius System is located between Solrain and Amananth, and consists of approximately 20 sectors. At present the Octavians have built 3 space stations - Octavius Core Station, Great Pillars Station, and Outpost Station. These stations are located near the dominant planets of the Octavius System - Ares Prime, Martius, and Cinatus.

[edit] Octavius Core: Ares Prime

  • Population: 4,000,000,000
  • Capital City: Trivera
  • Cities of note: Nova Carthago, Eiro
  • Corporations: Infinite Heavy Industries, Dorator, Aristo, Annihilitech, Octave Propulsion Labs

Only since Octavius joined TRI has Ares Prime become the premier planet of the Octavian Empire. Previously, planetary in fighting, civil and faction wars prevented the emergence of dominance on any of the three planets. Yet even today the political climate remains unstable and Ares Prime only barely holds on to its status, mainly due to its superior weapons manufacturing plants.

[edit] The Great Pillars: Martius

  • Population: 4,100,000,000 (disputed)
  • Capital City: Etruscera
  • Cities of note: Alva Longa, Perdios, Danubia
  • Corporations: Infinite Heavy Industries, Dorator, Aristo, Annihilitech, Octave Propulsion Labs

Martius has long been known for its martial academies where the best warriors are prepared for a life of combat and vigilance. It grudgingly recognizes Ares Prime's status as the main planet, although it's inhabitants are convinced of their own superiority.

[edit] Outpost: Cinatus

  • Population: 3,900,000,000 (disputed)
  • Capital City: Cina
  • Cities of Note: Lepsia, Bizyanth, Justos, Phyrra
  • Corporations: Infinite Heavy Industries, Dorator, Aristo, Annihilitech, Octave Propulsion Labs

The people of Cinatus (Cinati) take exception if referred to as the "third planet of the empire" - an attitude that might be justified. Cinatus has consistently provided the empire with the best military forces and is also the home of the Octavian heroes Enkido Khan, Hespenorr, Namtarr and Sandoz.

[edit] Octavian Ships

Ship Name:   Station                 :  Ship Type
Apteryx:     Octavius Core           :  Patrol Trainer
             Octavius Great Pillars
             Octavius Outpost
Phoenix:     Octavius Core           :  Fighter
             Octavius Great Pillars
             Octavius Outpost
Condor:      Octavius Core           :  Cargo Tow
             Octavius Great Pillars
             Octavius Outpost
Raven:       Octavius Core           :  Light Fighter
             Octavius Great Pillars
             Octavius Outpost
Wyvern:      Octavius Core           :  Transport
             Octavius Great Pillars
             Octavius Outpost
Albatross:   Octavius Core           :  Utility Shuttle
             Octavius Great Pillars
             Octavius Outpost
Peregrine:   Octavius Great Pillars  :  Scout
Buzzard:     Octavius Core           :  Shuttle
             Octavius Great Pillars
             Octavius Outpost
Chiropteran: Octavius Outpost        :  Medium Fighter
Hawk:        Octavius Outpost        :  Fast Transport
Raptor:      Octavius Core           :  Bomber
Griffin:     Octavius Outpost        :  Ranger
Simurgh:     Octavius Core           :  Light Miner
Vulture:     Octavius Outpost        :  Heavy Miner
Roc:         Octavius Core           :  Freighter
Dragon:      Octavius Great Pillars  :  Heavy Fighter

[edit] Quantar

The Quantar logo.
The Quantar logo.

[edit] Quantar societal overview

Quantar in a nutshell is a highly advanced hunter-gatherer tribal culture. Quantar pilots are religious zealots, ingrained with deep spiritual beliefs in relationships to the Great Cosmos, Nature, and Matter. From a very early age until the day they die, Quantar mine the raw resources of space for use in their religion, art, and science, which is one in the same and also referred to as "Quantar".

Quantar vehicles are sleek and well crafted, and closely blend natural form with technological function. This emphasis on design and efficiency often results in increased top speeds, making Quantar ships faster on average than their Solrain and Octavian counterparts. Although advanced weapons are readily available, most ship designs allow little room for bulky weaponry. The Third Book of Hamalzah, part of the Quantar religious doctrine, states,

""What weapon do I require? For behold, I am the Lion... I am the weapon.""

... a philosophy Quantar pilots live and die by.

The Quantar are highly protective of the territory they inhabit, which is held as sacred space to them. They control access to a multitude of mineral products, and the majority of the Great Venure Belt, lying between Quantar and Hyperial. Quantar established control in these areas during the GVB Wars with Hyperial, referred to by Quantar as Jihad al Din (or Faith Wars). Although the war for the Great Venure Belt is officially over, there are still scattered reports of wanton Hyperial terrorism in the area as well as Quantar attacks to the Hyperial Station.

To the Quantar, mining resources is more than a source of income; it is a way of life and an entire belief system. In fact, every Quantar ship is manufactured with a Bussard Mining Scoop for increased mining productivity. This device, through the use of electromagnetic particulate collection fields, increases the efficiency and speed of mining. Of course, this device is only useful when used in conjunction with a mining laser. Although mining, trading, and fighting for honor are essential to a Quantar's status, loyal teamwork and selflessness are the religious keys to ascension.

[edit] Quantar system overview

The Quantar System is located between Amananth and Hyperial, and consists of approximately 30 sectors. At present the Quantar have built 3 space stations - Quantar Core Station, TriPoint Station, and The Corridor Station. These stations are located near the dominant planets of the Quantar System - Quanus, Perasca, and Kapenja.

[edit] Quantar Core: Quanus

  • Population: 8,000,000,000
  • Capital City: Petrios
  • Cities of note: Admantar, Khalar Fa'el, Quezos
  • Corporations: Aristo, Annihilitech, Lexxor, Venurian Prospecting, Cromforge

Quanus is the dominant planet of the Quantar System, and the seat of the "Fa'hil Memta", the Quantar government. Just as their space-bound brethren, the inhabitants of the planets are primarily miners. Quanus is rich in precious stones and minerals that also represent their primary export articles. Like all citizens of the Quantar Systems, the Quani refuse to wear such adornments themselves.

[edit] Corridor: Perasca

  • Population: 4,300,000,000
  • Capital City: Jenos
  • Cities of note: Zravion, Bankalla, Sa'ing Matar, Puunjah
  • Corporations: Aristo, Annihilitech, Lexxor, Venurian Prospecting, Cromforge

Perasca is the smallest planet in the Quantar System. The presence of the administrative headquarters of the Venurian Prospecting Ltd. in Jenos gives its inhabitants a reprieve from mining. The Jenos School of Mines is well known for its geological department.

[edit] Tripoint: Kapenja

  • Population: 5,500,000,000
  • Capital City: Kapenja
  • Cities of Note: Quelos, Xerxos, Fakar
  • Corporations: Aristo, Annihilitech, Lexxor, Venurian Prospecting, Cromforge

Kapenja is rich in fossil fuels and carbonized rock, making it the main provider of refined fuels. Therefore, refineries and purification facilities dominate the Kapenjian landscape. Kapenja is also believed to be the birthplace of the famed Quantar hero Amraza.

[edit] Quantar Ships

Ship Name:   Station                 :  Ship Type
Storm:       Quantar Core            :  Patrol Trainer
             Quantar TriPoint
             Quantar Corridor
Typhoon:     Quantar Core            :  Fighter
             Quantar TriPoint
             Quantar Corridor
Thunder:     Quantar Core            :  Cargo Tow
             Quantar TriPoint
             Quantar Corridor
Cyclone:     Quantar Core            :  Light Fighter
             Quantar TriPoint
             Quantar Corridor
Hurricane:   Quantar Core            :  Transport
             Quantar TriPoint
             Quantar Corridor
Gust:        Quantar Core            :  Utility Shuttle
             Quantar TriPoint
             Quantar Corridor
Simoom:      Quantar Corridor        :  Scout
Breeze:      Quantar Core            :  Shuttle
             Quantar TriPoint
             Quantar Corridor
Tempest:     Quantar TriPoint        :  Medium Fighter
Whirlwind:   Quantar Corridor        :  Fast Transport
Monsoon:     Quantar Core            :  Bomber
Squall:      Quantar Corridor        :  Ranger
Harmattan:   Quantar Core            :  Light Miner
Khamsin:     Quantar Corridor        :  Heavy Miner
Chinook:     Quantar Core            :  Freighter
Tornado:     Quantar TriPoint        :  Heavy Fighter

[edit] Solrain

Solrain logo.
Solrain logo.

[edit] Solrain societal overview

Solrain's TRI wing is efficient in combat, trade, mining and all aspects of reconstruction efforts. This results from their business philosophies in monopolizing several financial markets. Often boasting superior size cargo bays, as well as highly developed shield design, the technical ability of the average Sorian pilot is not to be mocked. The Solrain home world, rich in raw materials and fertile soil, has allowed this nation to advance economically and agriculturally. Thanks to the typical Sorian's predator-like business practices, Solrain has the deepest pockets of any faction by far. This is why no other faction pays as high a signing bonus to new pilots. Primary resources within the system include agricultural products and soft materials, among them barium, gold, iron, etc.

The civilians of this system are adept at the manufacturing process, and as such have access to many different types of technology. The Sorian trading prowess is a result of their stranglehold monopolies on the agricultural markets and several trade routes more so then on their skill as negotiators. Solrain values the deep space trade routes above all else, thus the existence of its "persuasive" defense wings.

Solrain society is based heavily on experience, as are most of the recognized formal societies. Sorian pilots gain status in a plethora of ways. Actions of brutal efficiency which maximize profits for either individual or nation are the best for gaining status as a promising Sorian pilot.

[edit] Solrain system overview

The Solrain System is located between Hyperial and Octavius, and consists of approximately 25 sectors. At present the Sorians have built 3 space stations - Solrain Core Station, Wake Station, and Cornea Station. These stations are located near the dominant planets of the Solrain System - Soria, Hellion, and Amanra.

[edit] Solrain core: Soria

Planet Soria
Planet Soria
  • Population: 7,000,000,000
  • Capital city: Halicon
  • Cities of note: Kalibas, Hermenion, Eltherios
  • Corporations: T&P, Infinite Heavy Industries, Dorator, Aristo, Annihilitech, Lexxor

Soria is the premier planet of the Commonwealth of Solrain, and the seat of the STCC (Solrain Traders and Citizens Council). Soria is a resource-rich planet, bustling with activity. Space harbors are found everywhere, as commerce, trading and export are Soria's main source of income.

[edit] The Wake: Hellion

Planet Hellion
Planet Hellion
  • Population: 2,900,000,000
  • Capital city: Hellion City
  • Cities of note: Hidros, Argolis, Magna
  • Corporations: T&P, Infinite Heavy Industries, Dorator, Aristo, Annihilitech, Lexxor

The biggest planet of the Commonwealth consists primarily of oceans. The majority of Hellion's population resides on the many islands and archipelagos, although sub-oceanic harvesting domes have also been constructed.

[edit] The Cornea: Amanra

Planet Amanra
Planet Amanra
  • Population: 5,600,000,000
  • Capital city: Alexios
  • Cities of note: Arestol, Sutonia
  • Corporations: T&P, Infinite Heavy Industries, Dorator, Aristo, Annihilitech, Lexxor

Amanra prides itself on its excellent educational facilities. Amanra's capitol is best known for the Sorian School of Trading, the biggest institution of higher learning in all known systems with well over 100,000 students.

[edit] Solrain ships

Ship Name:   Station                 :  Ship Type
Premia:      Solrain Core            :  Patrol Trainer
             Solrain Wake
             Solrain Cornea
Intensity:   Solrain Core            :  Fighter
             Solrain Wake
             Solrain Cornea
Pioneer:     Solrain Core            :  Cargo Tow
             Solrain Wake
             Solrain Cornea
Interceptor: Solrain Core            :  Light Fighter
             Solrain Wake
             Solrain Cornea
Traveler:    Solrain Core            :  Transport
             Solrain Wake
             Solrain Cornea
Premia XL:   Solrain Core            :  Utility Shuttle
             Solrain Wake
             Solrain Cornea
Quicksilver: Solrain Cornea          :  Scout
Premia SC:   Solrain Core            :  Shuttle
             Solrain Wake
             Solrain Cornea
Invader:     Solrain Wake            :  Medium Fighter
Phaeton:     Solrain Cornea          :  Fast Transport
Barracuda:   Solrain Core            :  Bomber
Vedette:     Solrain Wake            :  Ranger
Quarrier:    Solrain Core            :  Light Miner
Lodestar:    Solrain Wake            :  Heavy Miner
Viceroy:     Solrain Core            :  Freighter
Intruder:    Solrain Cornea          :  Heavy Fighter

[edit] External links and sources

[edit] Official sites

[edit] Fan sites