HMS Starship Pinafore: The Next Generation

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H.M.S. Starship Pinafore : The Next Generation is a Star Trek adaptation of two famous Gilbert and Sullivan operettas (HMS Pinafore and Trial by Jury). In Toronto, it was first presented by the North Toronto Players in 1999.

For the show, new lyrics are often added and musical adjustments made, while keeping true to the humor and musical beauty of the original. For example the song "I am an Englishman" was changed to "I Am Canadian" (which not only made it more local, but made reference to a very popular Molson Canadian beer commercial advertisement which ends with that phrase, see I Am Canadian).

It was adapted in Toronto by Michael Harms and John Ricciardelli.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] Plot

[edit] ACT I

The Pinafore is at its starbase being readied for further space exploration. Ralph (pronounced "Raif") Rackstraw declares his love for Josephine, the daughter of Captain Corcoran. Ralph is supported by most members of the crew with the exception of Dick Deadeye, a Klingon. Little Buttercup, a Betazoid woman who is on board to sell items to the crew, hints that she knows a secret from Ralph's past.

The Captain consults his daughter Josephine and reminds her that she has the opportunity to marry Sir Joseph Porter, who is First Lord of the Starfleet Admiralty and a wealthy Ferengi. Sir Joseph arrives with his entourage of 'relatives' (Cousin Hebe and a variety of aliens) and impresses all with his exalted position. Ralph, dejected, informs his friends that he plans to end it all. In a dramatic moment, Josephine declares her love for him and they agree to leave the ship and get married.

[edit] ACT II

Ralph and Josephine's stealthy departure with friends from the crew is foiled when they are intercepted by Dick Deadeye and the Captain. Sir Joseph intervenes but is shocked to learn that Ralph has dared to contemplate marriage with Josephine. He orders a court-martial for the insubordinate crewman!

Everyone assembles for the trial in which Sir Joseph serves as judge. After several eloquent pleas, the dilemma remains unsolved and Ralph is about to be incarcerated. It is then that Buttercup reveals her secret and provides a happy solution to the social conflict. True love unites all parties in the appropriate way!

[edit] References

  • HMS Starship Pinafore : The Next Generation playbill, Feb.-March, 2004 (Toronto).

[edit] External links