Guide to: The New Semester and Electives

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“Guide to: New Semester and Electives”
Ned's Declassified episode
Episode no. Season 2
Episode 2
Guest stars Loni Love as Lunch Lady
Written by Scott Fellows
Directed by Mike Priester
Production no. 201
Original airdate October 1, 2005
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List of Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide episodes

"Guide to: New Semester and Electives" is the 14th episode of the American teenage show Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide. It originally aired as the 1st episode of Season 2 on October 1, 2005

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] Plot

[edit] Guide to: New Semester

It’s the first day of the new semester and Ned is determined to kiss Suzie Crabgrass, but sadly, she’s still dating Loomer. Loomer himself, has been turned into a complete wimp by Suzie, who has stopped him from hanging out with Crony and Buzz. Cookie has developed a new ‘fly’ look under the moniker ‘P. Cookie’, so Crony and Buzz decide to become part of his entourage instead. Moze still wants to make a new girlfriend, and thinks Suzie could be the answer. However, she can’t get to her because she’s constantly with Loomer. Ned realises that both Ned and Moze are both craving Suzie’s attention, so they form a plan to break them up.

Lisa is extremely worried about Cookie, and is worried that his new guise may be changing the sweet Cookie she knows, into a cruel bully, so she sets about trying to change Cookie back. She confronts him, and calls him ‘just a bully in fly clothes’, to Cookie’s shame. Later, Ned and Moze try to pretend that their dating, to send Loomer into a jealous rage, which Suzie’ll hate. However, Ned and Moze soon call an end to the plan due to finding it ‘too comfortable’. After that, Loomer comes up to the two of them, and tells them that’s he hates how Suzie is turning him into a wimp, but he’s too scared to break up with her! Ned and Loomer head to Gordy, for a ‘man plan’ to end Loomer’s problem.

Gordy suggests one of two options, 1) Maybe Suzie prefers more hard men, and if Loomer remained wimpier, she’d break up with him, or 2) Loomer changes back to his old bully ways, maybe Suzie hates it, and will break up with him. They flip a coin, and Loomer returns to his bully guise. Then, to show Cookie the error of his ways, Lisa becomes a bully herself, and convinces P. Cookie to become Cookie again. Buzz and Crony leave Cookie’s entourage, and later on in the short, return to Loomer.

Later, it turns out that Suzie much prefers Loomer as a bully, so when she sees him as one, loves it, lets him remain a bully, and their relationship remains, despites Ned’s best interests! Ned, exasperated that he’s not going to get that kiss, is shocked when Suzie pins him to the wall and gives him the kiss he was looking for. Ned, over the moon, is quickly brought back to earth when Loomer tries to beat him and Cookie up at the end of the short.

[edit] Guide to: Electives

This year, Polk is holding an Electives Day, where students get to try all the different electives before choosing their favourite. Ned, Moze and Cookie all decide to do the same elective. However, Ned wants to do Cooking, because he thinks it’ll give him an easy A, Moze wants to do Wood Shop, because she’s incredibly good at it, and Cookie wants to do Life Science, because he loves it! Ned declares that there’s no way he’s going to do Life Science, so Cookie realises today will be his last day with the doll. Although he wants to spend as much time with it as possible, Loomer and co. have different ideas, and steal it from him.

First, they try Wood Shop, but this is a complete failure due to Ned’s incompetence, which leads him ripping Mr. Chopsaw’s back with a sander, then Art, but they soon realise that they’re all terrible at it, and finally Choir, which they suck at again. At lunch, they’re all exasperated at what elective to pick. Cookie has reclaimed the baby at this point. Mr. Monroe then tries to convince the group to take Life Science Extreme, the only problem is that he doesn’t know what’s so ‘Extreme’ about it yet.

Even though Ned and Cookie got a B in Life Science last year (and they would have gotten an A if they hadn’t decided to attach the baby to a rocket at the end of the semester), Cookie still can’t persuade Ned to do it. Instead, they try the ‘easy A’, Cooking, taught by Lunch Lady. However, this turns out to be a complete disaster, completely ruining their attempts to cook, and setting it on fire. Later on, Ned, Moze and Cookie reach the electives sign-up sheet, with the sad realisation that they still having no clue what they’re doing.

Eventually, Moze opts to do Wood Shop, and Ned and Cookie choose to do Life Science Extreme (as has Loomer and Crony). Because Ned has no clue what the right class to pick was, he picked one with a great teacher, Mr. Monroe. Monroe himself still has no idea what the Extreme part of Life Science Extreme is, until he remembers Ned and Cookie last semester. As the short ends, Monroe has attached several dolls to rockets and is firing them, randomly, into the air.

[edit] Trivia

  • Many characters have a much different appearance since Season 1. Ned’s voice is considerably deeper, Moze has bangs, and Suzie has dyed her hair.
  • At the end of "New Semester" it would seem that Suzie would become the new Loomer. But things go back to normal in "Electives".

[edit] Tips

New Semester

  • Make a new semester to-do list
  • Get started doing things on your list ASAP


  • If you’re good at it, take it
  • Don’t let the teasing stop you, because someday the teasing will stop
  • You’ll always do great with a great teacher

[edit] See also