Thanks for the Memory (Red Dwarf episode)

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Red Dwarf episode
"Thanks for the Memory"
Episode № 3
Airdate September 20, 1988
Writer(s) Rob Grant & Doug Naylor
Director Ed Bye
Guest star(s) Sabra Williams as Lise Yates
Series II
September 6October 11, 1988
  1. Kryten
  2. Better Than Life
  3. Thanks for the Memory
  4. Stasis Leak
  5. Queeg
  6. Parallel Universe
List of all Red Dwarf episodes...

Thanks for the Memory was the ninth Red Dwarf episode to air, the third of the second series.

[edit] Synopsis

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

It is Rimmer's death-day, and a party is arranged for him on a convenient planetoid (obviously he wants to celebrate his death to a great degree). Back on Red Dwarf, he drunkenly confides to Lister how many times in his life he has had sex. Naturally, it isn't many times at all. It's once. And she was drunk. Lister feels bad, and decides to do something about it, but a more worrying problem arises the following morning when he and Cat each wake up with a leg in plaster, Lister's jigsaw puzzle has been magically solved and four days have disappeared from Holly's memory banks, as well as four pages from Lister's diary. Rimmer suspects aliens, but things aren't quite as they may seem. When they find Holly's missing black box, they watch the videos of what happened over the missing days...

After Rimmer confides in Lister, he tells him about his long desire to be loved. Lister and Cat go to the hologram simulation suite where Rimmer's hologram is generated. Lister uploads 8 months of his memory when he was going out with Lise Yates into Rimmer's memory. Rimmer wakes in a jubilant mood from what he thinks was a magical 8 months of his life. However, Rimmer later discovers the letters that Lise wrote to Lister during those 8 months and it is revealed that he never experienced them at all, Rimmer is distraught and wants to erase the last 4 days. They bury the black box on the planetoid they found, and in the process Cat and Lister drop gravestone on their feet, explaining their plaster casts. Lister rips the pages out of his diary for the last 4 days, and the episode finishes with Lister completing the jigsaw puzzle.

[edit] Trivia

  • Clues, a 1991 episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation shares a similar plot to this episode.
  • When Rimmer finds out that Lister gave him some of his memory, Rimmer says, "So that’s why I had my appendix removed twice". That infers that Lister has had his appendix removed as well as Rimmer. But in the episode Legion, Legion says that Lister has appendicitis and removes Lister's appendix from his body. This apparent continuity error is explainable by the events of the episode DNA.