Texas Technological College Dairy Barn
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The Texas Technological College Dairy Barn, constructed in 1926-37, served Texas Tech University as a teaching facility through 1964. The building was designed by architect W. C. Hedrick of Fort Worth, Texas and with assistance by agricultural dean A. H. Leidigh and professor W. L. Stangel.
Until 1935 students would bring their own cows to campus. Initially, The Student Dairy Association marketed their own milk products. After 1927, the Dairy Manufacturers department sold milk and ice cream to Lubbock residents and college cafeterias. The university moved its dairy facility elsewhere in 1967 and abandoned the facility.
During 1990 through 1992, students raised funds to preserve the barn as a symbol of Texas Tech's agricultural roots. The building was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1992.