Texas Commerce Bank

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The Texas Commerce Bank was a bank that merged with Chemical Banking Corporation of New York in 1986. The price tag: for $1.2 billion, the largest interstate banking merger in history at the time. Chemical Bank is now part of JPMorgan Chase & Co. The Texas Commerce Bank traces its roots to 1866. Texas Commerce changed its name to Chase Bank of Texas in 1998 and merged into The Chase Manhattan Bank in 2000. {source is JPMorganChase corporate website Feb 2006 http://web.archive.org/web/20060215224902/http://ar.jpmorganchase.com/ar/corporate/s5.html

In 1977, Lady Bird (Claudia Taylor) Johnson (wife of President Lyndon Baines Johnson) became a director of Texas Commerce Bank and Texas Commerce Bancshares in Houston.

Jeb Bush's career started with an entry level position in the international division of the Texas Commerce Bank, a job he received through James A. Baker, a long time family friend and chairman of the board. Bush assisted in drafting communications for the company's chairman, Ben Love. In November 1977 he was sent to the Venezuelan capital of Caracas to open a new operation for the bank. Bush spent about two years there, working in international finance. He eventually worked for the bank's executive program.

J.P. Morgan acquired in 1987

References: Lady Bird Johnson, Director, Texas Commerce Bank - http://content.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=4952