Terror camp

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Terror camp is a camp at which terrorists train to launch attacks, ranging from suicide bombing technology training to field combat. They are often located in regions where there is local support or tolerance for the aims of those conducting the training, or where such training can be camouflaged.

Over 4,000 British citizens trained in Al Qaeda terror camps, primarily in Afghanistan.[1]. There are terrorist camps throughout Pakistan and the part of Kashmir under de facto Pakistani control. The FBI has stated that it believes there are even terrorist camps in Rawalpindi, just outside Islamabad, but many U.S. and Pakistani terror experts disagree.[2] Al Qaeda terror camps were active in Somalia while the Islamic Courts Union gained power, but their status now that the Transitional Government is in control is unclear.[3]. Use of parks [4] and wilderness areas [5] is common.

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ http://english.people.com.cn/200207/12/eng20020712_99617.shtml 4000 Britons trained at terror camps in Afghanistan: Paper The People's Daily
  2. ^ Pakistan denies FBI terror camp claims Bureau sticks to its affidavit despite experts' questions San Fransisco Chronicle
  3. ^ Is Somalia next for 'war on terror'? BBC News
  4. ^ http://www.hindustantimes.com/news/181_1768396,001302420000.htm
  5. ^ http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/05/27/terror/main620045.shtml

[edit] External links