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A map presenting the land of Termina. The capital city, Clock Town, is located in the center of the country and is surrounded by Termina Field. The field extends to other places in the land such as bays.
A map presenting the land of Termina. The capital city, Clock Town, is located in the center of the country and is surrounded by Termina Field. The field extends to other places in the land such as bays.

Termina (タルミナ Tarumina?) is a fictional land from the video game The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. It is composed of various environments ranging from swamps and forests to mountains and canyons, all of which surround the main city at its center, Clock Town, in each of the cardinal directions. Termina is an alternate world of the land Hyrule,[1] which is featured in a number of games in The Legend of Zelda series, and as such shares many characteristics, while also featuring a lot of unusual differences. Both Termina and the process in which Link reaches it share parallels with the story Alice in Wonderland. Its name is derived from the Latin terminare, meaning "to end," as an obvious reference to the land's fated destruction unless Link intervenes.


[edit] Geography of Termina

[edit] Geology

Termina resembles an ancient city-state. The lively central city of Clock Town rules the surrounding area, but in the four cardinal directions there are regions outside the jurisdiction of the central city. To the north are the tall mountains of Snowhead, which is the realm of the Gorons, the rock-eating people of the Zelda series. To the east are the ruins of the ancient kingdom of Ikana. To the south are the Southern Swamps, a forested, swampy area owned by the wooden Deku. To the west is the Great Bay, ruled over by the Zora, the noble, fish-like denizens of the water. Also to the west, bordering the Great Bay, is the fortress of the Gerudo Pirates.

[edit] Social geography

Civil human activity is concentrated in Clock Town and (less so) in Romani Ranch, although there are small numbers spread throughout the other regions as well. Goron activity is centered in the Goron Village in the northern mountains. The Zora's turf ranges all across the bay, centralizing in Zora Hall. The Gerudo are seldom seen outside of their fortress on the coast of Great Bay. Deku businessmen and mad Deku are spread sparsely across the land of Termina, but typical Deku are common only in the Southern Swamp and in the Deku Palace. The defunct kingdom of Ikana is inhabited mainly by the dead, except for a ghost researcher and his daughter, as well as a thief.

[edit] Areas of Termina

[edit] Clock Town

Clock Town is the most important location in Termina, located in the exact center of the land. Inhabited mostly by humans, Clock Town is divided into four major sections: North, East, South and West. There is also a minor area called the Laundry Pool. In each of the main sections there is a guarded gate that blocks a path leading out of town. The town's most notable feature is the Clock Tower that the city is named for, which is located in the exact center of town.

South Clock Town is the town's main plaza. It is connected to all four of the other sections of the city and to the outside world. Every year, the Festival of Time occurs in South Clock Town. The only building in South Clock Town is the Clock Tower, which is the main factor of the Festival of Time. Each festival, the tower opens and the top of the tower becomes accessible. Branching off from South Clock Town is the Laundry Pool, where Kafei made his hideout in the back of the curiosity shop.

East Clock Town is mainly a residential area, but there are a few game stores as well as an inn and a "Milk Bar." The bulk of East Clock Town's area is taken up by the Stock Pot Inn, an operational hotel which sports a large bell. It is also home to the entrance of the sewer tunnel that leads to the Astral Observatory. The Mayors House is also located in East Clock Town.

North Clock Town consists of a large park which takes up the entire area, except for a Great Fairy Spring. There are always children playing in the park and there are occasional sightings of a Keaton fox. According to the owner of the bomb shop, muggings often occur in this area of town.

West Clock Town is the city's main commercial center. It includes various stores, such as the Curiosity Shop, a pawn shop that only opens at night. Another shop is run by the owner of the Curiosity Shop that deals in basic items. One can also find the local post office and bank in West Clock Town, as well as a lottery and the sword training grounds.

[edit] Termina Field

Termina Field is a large, spacious, area that encircles Clock Town. A system of roads spanning the field connects Clock Town with the other regions of Termina, including Snowhead, Great Bay, Ikana Canyon and Woodfall. The southern part of the field is grassy and has a few trees. The northern part of the field is snowy and features strange, rocky formations that resemble giant mushrooms. The western part of the field is sandy and has two large fountains in front of the western gate to Clock Town. The eastern part of the field is barren and lined with stone pillars. In the southeast of the field is the Astral Observatory.

[edit] Southern Swamp

[edit] Woodfall

The Southern Swamp, known as Woodfall, is a lush swamp in Southern Termina. Woodfall's chief species, the Deku Scrubs, have a palace nestled deep in the Swamp, near Woodfall Temple, the Deku Scrubs' place of worship, and also the root of a poison leaking into the swamp waterways. There is a Swamp Tourist Center, where you can get a boat tour of the swamp, and the Magic Hag's Potion Shop, where a number of helpful potions are sold. Other areas of interest include the Woods of Mystery, a maze like wood which is very much like the Lost Woods in Ocarina of Time, and the Swamp Shooting Gallery, in which you can test your skills with your bow. Finishing it off is a mysterious house with a large underground area filled with Golden Skulltullas. Also, Woodfall, the apparently extinct volcano, is very similar to Death Mountain in Hyrule due to its smoke ring. However, Woodfall is purple in color.

[edit] Woods of Mystery

The Woods of Mystery are a part of the swamp reminiscent of the Lost Woods in Ocarina of Time. Link must take the correct path or else he will reappear at the entrance, and the route depends on which day it is. The Woods of Mystery are also home to many Snappers.

[edit] Deku Palace

The Deku Palace is a large palace where the King Deku Scrub resides. It contains the King Deku Scrub's chamber an two inner gardens where a Magic Bean salesman.

[edit] Northern Mountains

[edit] Snowhead

The Northern Mountain area, known as Snowhead, is the area with the highest altitude in Termina. Snowhead is home to the Goron race, who have an igloo-shaped city on the snowy slopes. Outside the borders of the city lies the cabin of the Mountain Smithy. Near the Smithy's house, high on a cliff, is the final resting place of the great Darmani, with a hot spring that provides warmth in the bitter cold of Snowhead. The Goron's temple is Snowhead Temple, a peak in the mountain range surrounded by a huge chasm. Snowhead Temple is where the bitter, endless winter, which is torturing the Gorons, originates.

[edit] Mountain Village

The Mountain Village is the main home of the Gorons. It consists mainly of a meeting chamber, the Goron Shrine, and a Powder Keg shop. There is a shop inside the meeting grounds, as well.

[edit] Western Ocean

[edit] Great Bay

Termina's large coastline, Great Bay, is a peaceful and serene setting (save for the fact that the beaches are infested with Leevers). The entrance immediately leads to a beach, with a fisherman's hut on the shore, and kayak-like boats on the sands. Outside of the beach on the water rests the Marine Research Lab. The marine researcher resides there, and he is well informed on the plight of the Zora. North in the bay lies the Gerudo Pirate fortress, which has proficient security, and is very difficult to enter. Down the beach, and through a cave, is an extension of the beach. Above the waterfall is a catchment where two beavers live, further up the river that leads to the waterfall is their dam, where they make their home. The area also leads to the entrance of Zora Hall, a concert venue and the home of the famous Zora band, the Indigo-gos. Even further out shore is Pinnacle Rock, a murky place teeming with huge sea snakes, and further still the Great Bay Temple, home of Gyorg, from which stems the pollution and heat in the ocean that prevents the Zora from hatching their eggs.

[edit] Marine Research Lab

A lab situated in the Great Bay, the Marine Research Lab contains a large pool for the Zora Eggs. The building is bulbous with a large hook on the top.

[edit] Pinnacle Rock

A large structure in the open ocean with trecherous waters the will return Link to the entrance. It is the residence of several massive sea snakes.

[edit] Pirate's Fortress

The Pirate's Fortress is the main residence of the Gerudo Pirates. The pirates have four of the Zora eggs, as well as the Hookshot.

[edit] Zora Hall

The Zora Hall is the main residence and concert hall of the Indigo-Gos. Outside the Zora Hall, also called Zora Cape, is the residence of the Great Turtle.

[edit] Eastern Canyon

[edit] Ikana Canyon

Stone Tower
Stone Tower
Stone Tower interior
Stone Tower interior

Ikana Canyon is a barren, desolate and forlorn area which few but the dead can call home. Ikana has a large river flowing through it, which leads to Southern Swamp if you follow it. The Ancient Castle of Ikana can be easily seen, but its main gate is closed forever. Along the river you can find the Music Box House, a strange dwelling with a waterwheel that makes the music playing in the house run. Also near the river is Sakon's Hideout, a seemingly impenetrable cave in which the thief Sakon hides all of his stolen goods. Further up the hill, you can spot the gigantic Stone Tower, a rock stronghold that dwarfs everything else. A deep well delves deep into the chilling underworld of Ikana. Near this is a cave full of water, where the river originates.

[edit] Ikana Graveyard

The Ikana Graveyard is the graveyard of the deceased soldiers of Ikana who live as Stalchildren. The only living resident is the gravekeeper, Dampe, who only comes out in the day to avoid Stalchildren.

[edit] Under the Grave

By having Stalchildren demolish a grave, where Link can find two Iron Knuckles, a Piece of Heart, the Song of Storms, a bottle, and a Big Poe.

[edit] Beneath the Well

Reminiscent of the well in Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. A sub-dungeon found at the bottom of a well, the well is inhabited by Gibdos, who came to life because they have unfulfilled earthly desires. Giving them what they want enables Link to proceed further in the dungeon. Link must find the Mirror Shield in this dungeon. The bottom of the well was once the inner garden of Ikana Castle, and connects to said area.

[edit] Ikana Castle

The residence of Igos du Ikana, the main gates are closed forever. Link must either access the sub-dungeon through the Beneath the Well sub-dungeon or a crack in the outer wall. Link must complete puzzles to allow to light into the dungeon, which must be used for several puzzles itself and is capable of killing many of the undead residents.

[edit] Stone Tower

A large tower that leads to the Stone Tower Temple. It contains numerous pressure switches that require the use of Elegy of Emptiness.

[edit] Other

[edit] Underground

Underneath Clock Town, there is a series of underground tunnels and catacombs that lead to the portal from Hyrule. The Clock Tower interior houses the entrance to the tunnels, but seems to be accessible from the other side only.

[edit] Temples

Termina contains four major temples, one in each cardinal direction. These temples were where the Four Giants slept and consequently imprisoned by Skull Kid. Four masked guardians were placed by Skull Kid to ensure that the Giants were not awoken from their slumber.

[edit] Woodfall Temple

  • Item: Hero's Bow
  • Mini-boss: Dinolfos, Gekko and Snapper
  • Boss: Masked Jungle Warrior: Odolwa

A large temple in the southern swamp of Woodfall. The evil inside the temple are poisoning the swamp water. The Deku princess is imprisoned in the temple, as well.

[edit] Snowhead Temple

  • Item: Fire Arrow
  • Mini-boss: Ice Wizzrobes (x2)
  • Boss: Masked Mechanical Monster: Goht

A large temple in the northern Snowhead region. The temple is vertically oriented. The evil within the Snowhead Temple is causing a permenant winter in Snowhead.

[edit] Great Bay Temple

  • Item: Ice Arrow
  • Mini-bosses: Wart, Mad Jelly
  • Boss: Gargantuan Masked Fish: Gyorg

The temple located in the Great Bay Temple. It appears to house a sophisticated piping system to transport water. The evil in the Great Bay Temple is causing the water to be murky and warm, which may eventually kill the Zora eggs, as they require cold water.

[edit] Stone Tower Temple

  • Item: Light Arrow, Giant's Mask
  • Mini-Bosses: Master Garo, Eyegore (x2), Fire Wizzrobe
  • Boss: Giant Masked Insect: Twinmold

A large temple located in Ikana Valley. The evil within the temple is causing the dead to become restless and come back to life.

[edit] Races and government

[edit] Humans

The humans living in Termina are the most populous race in the lands. They are identical to their Hylian counterparts but have somewhat different beliefs. They quite possibly have no knowledge of the Triforce or the Three Goddesses. Instead they honor the Four Giants who are guardian deities to the land of Termina. They also seem to be more technologically advanced than the Hylians. While they live almost everywhere in Termina, their population is largely centered in Clock Town, which is located in the center of Termina.

[edit] Deku Scrubs

In Termina, the Deku Scrubs are far more advanced than the Hylian Deku Scrubs, who seem to have no civilization whatsoever. The Deku Scrubs in Termina reside in the Southern Swamp, and they have a great palace in the southern most region. They are ruled by a monarchy, their king being a very large Deku Scrub whose "hasty decision-making" often leads to trouble. The Deku have a sacred temple in the central area of the swamp, called Woodfall, which appears to be an extinct volcano. Only Deku are permitted entrance to the temple. Aside from those Deku that serve the Deku Royal Family are the merchants that roam the land of Termina. An interesting thing about the Deku is their ability to fly using helicopter-like flowers that the carry or wear on their heads. They also have a seemingly poor relationship with the monkeys of the swamp.

[edit] Gorons

The Terminan Gorons are somewhat different from the Hylian Gorons. The Hylian Gorons live on an active, and therefore hot, volcano, while the Terminan Gorons live in the Snowhead Mountains, where they experience seasonal variations, including extreme cold. During Link's visit to Termina, the climate of the Gorons' habitat is severely affected due to an evil curse. The curse causes a great blizzard to cover the mountains, causing even the hardy Gorons great hardship. The Terminan Gorons are a tribe "ruled" by an elder. Terminan Gorons have turned their ability to curl up into a ball and roll around into a sport known as the Goron Races. The Gorons of Snowhead live a double-igloo type structure simply known as Goron Village. Like all other Gorons, they enjoy eating rocks.

[edit] Zoras

The Zoras of Termina live in the Great Bay Region, and their main residence is Zora Hall, an island-cavern located off the shore. In Termina, they tend to be more friendly with outsiders, and they even have a famous band called the Indigo-Gos. Unlike the Zoras of Hyrule, the Zoras of Termina live in a salt-water environment. In this game, it is revealed that Zoras are born from eggs that must be kept at a certain temperature for them to hatch. Zora children are born without legs or arms, indicating that they might go through an amphibious metamorphosis. Unlike the Zoras of Hyrule, the Zoras of Termina do not seem to have a central government or even any government at all.

[edit] Gerudo

The Gerudo also reside in Termina, but unlike their desert counterparts of Hyrule, they live in the waters of Great Bay and make their livings as pirates. Little is known about the history of the Terminan Gerudo, but it appears that, like the Hylian Gerudo, the race is either primarily or entirely female. The Gerudo pirates inhabit a large fortress in the Great Bay area. They occasionally come into conflict with the Zoras who live nearby, as is seen in the game when they steal Lulu's eggs from her. Curiously, they have been seen using motorboats and cannons, which suggests that they are more technologically advanced than their counterparts in Hyrule.

Their leader, Aveil, presumably uses the same character model of Nabooru's second-in-command at the Gerudo Fortress from Ocarina of Time, who rewards you with the Gerudo Membership Card once all of the captured carpenters have been freed.

[edit] The Beings of Ikana

Little is known about what the people of Ikana were like in life, but after the kingdom was wiped out by some tragedy, their regretful spirits began to haunt the land. It is believed that the Ikana were possibly human, but the only forms seen in the game are that of Stalfoes, Poes, and other undead enemies. The Ikana were ruled by a monarchy, their last king was Igos du Ikana. When Igos du Ikana was resurrected (presumably by Sharp the composer) he took the form of a Stalfos, as did his guards. His general, Skull Keeta, took the form of a Stalchild, as did his entire army. Other entities took the form of Poes, such as the composer brothers Sharp and Flat (the latter was betrayed by the former). Still, others took the form of ReDead and Gibdoes. The mummified Gibdoes somehow ended up residing underneath the well, and the Redead resided mainly in the castle. A certain Gossip Stone somewhere in Termina reveals that the Redead of the palace were once the dancing troupe, hence their dancing when Link wears the masks of Gibdo, Garo, or the Captain's Hat. An enemy group from a foreign land, the Garo ninjas, spied on Ikana in their lifetime and continue to do so in death. When one defeats a Garo, they reveal a piece of information and then blow themselves up. They seem to have one or more masters (there are three Garo Masters in the game). An odd, one-eyed cloaked man appears in Ikana and actually gives Link information.

Based on the architecture of the Ikana race, the Ikana were probably based on the Incan civilization. The name was also probably based on the Inca, as there is a resemblance between "Inca" and "Ikana", although it is more likely the name was based on the Japanese word "ikan", which means "regret".

The only living beings in Ikana include the ghost researcher and his daughter Pamela, the thief named Sakon, and a Termenian Business Scrub.

[edit] Legends

[edit] Festival of Time

Also known as the Carnival of Time, this is a festival central in the Terminan calendar. On this day, people wear handmade masks for good luck and walk along a walkway from the festival tower to the Clock Tower, where they sing an ancient song to the Four Giants to wish for a good harvest and luck in the year to come. It is said that if a couple dedicate two masks to the sun and the moon and get married on this day, their marriage will be a prosperous and happy one. It is told by Anju's Grandmother.

The Festival of Time bears a striking resemblance to Central and South American Saint Mask festivals.

[edit] The Four Guardians

Also told by Anju's Grandmother, this is about the history of Termina and the dissolution of the one race into four different races. It also tells the story about the Skull Kid and his lost friendship with the Guardians.

The Four Guardians seem to be inspired by either the Four Heavenly Kings of Buddhism, or in the Guardians of the directions, similar deities in Hinduism.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

Places in The Legend of Zelda series
v  d  e
Great Sea · Sacred Realm · Termina
Ganon's Castle

By game
Ocarina of Time · Twilight Princess
In other languages