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In the Dungeons & Dragons World of Greyhawk campaign setting, Tenser is an archmage, who actively seeks to rid the Flanaess of evil. A former member of both the Citadel of Eight and the Circle of Eight, Tenser makes his home in the Fortress of Unknown Depths on the southern shore of the Nyr Dyv, near the village of Magepoint, only a few days ride from the Free City of Greyhawk.

In Dungeon's Age of Worms adventure path, Tenser is referred to as "Manzorian."


[edit] Appearance

Tenser is described and depicted as having an aquiline nose, and is always dressed in blue.

[edit] Spells

Two of Tenser’s eponymous spells, Tenser's Floating Disc and Tenser's Transformation, appear in the 3.5 Edition Player’s Handbook. Other spells that he developed, described in supplements, include:

[edit] Writings

Tenser is known to have authored the following works:

  • Evolution of the Arcane Will Power
  • Magical Properties of Gemstones
  • Magical Properties of Herbs and Flowers
  • Occult Properties of Gemstones
  • Theory of the Invisible Forces

[edit] Creative Origins

It is rumored that the name 'Tenser' is actually the rearanging of E Gary Gygax's first name 'Ernest,' a name also shared by one of his sons, Ernie, who played Tenser in the elder Gygax's campaign.

[edit] References

  • Browne, Dave J, and Don Turnbull. The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh (TSR, 1981).
    • Browne, Dave J, and Don Turnbull. Danger at Dunwater (TSR, 1982).
  • Cook, David. "History of the Greyhawk Wars." Wars (TSR, 1991). Available Online: [1]
    • Cook, David. Vecna Lives (TSR, 1990).
  • Grohe, Allan. "Gygax's Anagrams, Puns, and Homages in the World of Greyhawk." Available online: [2]
  • Heard, Bruce. "Spells Between the Covers." (Dragon #82 (TSR, 1984).
  • Mona, Erik, and Gary Holian. "Wheels within Wheels: Greyhawk's Circle of Eight." Living Greyhawk Journal #0 (Aug 2000). Available online: [3]
  • Moore, Roger. The Adventure Begins (TSR, 1998).

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