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Dungeons & Dragons creature
Source books
First appearance
Image Wizards.com image
Stats OGL stats

In the Dungeons and Dragons fantasy role-playing game, the tendriculos is an enormous, savage, sentient plant. It resembles a huge, tangled shrubbery, with a gaping mouth at the front, vines hanging from the chest and attaching to the ground, and two large, foilage covered tentacles coming from the sides.

The tendriculos is a monster which desires only to consume as much as it can in the shortest time it can. Though it can eat pretty much anything organic, it prefers live meat. It attacks ravenously anything which moves with its deadly tentacles, grappling, constricting, and moving them to its crushing mouth to swallow them whole. The tendriculos can blend in with other plants and be stealthy if it needs to, but can rarely be bothered. Animals and plants of the forest are greatly unnerved be the presence of this heathen plant. They avoid it and anywhere it has been for the last 24 hours.

Tendriculi cannot speak.

They are regarded as neutral in alignment.

[edit] References

Dungeons & Dragons creatures

Creature types: AberrationAnimalConstructDragonElementalFeyGiantHumanoidMagical beastMonstrous humanoidOozeOutsiderPlantUndeadVermin

Categories: Dragonlance creaturesEberron creaturesStandard creaturesUndead creaturesSpelljammer creaturesGreyhawk creaturesForgotten Realms creaturesExtraplanar creatures

Lists of dragons: ChromaticDragonlanceGemMetallicPlanarOther

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