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A televillage is a combined residential and workspace development based on telecommunications enabling residents to walk to work.

A 'telecottage' or 'telecentre' is a room or a whole building in this community fitted with computers and telecommunications equipment which can be used by local people to learn and work.

Certain rural areas in Europe, particularly in the United Kingdom, have pioneered the development of telecommunities focused on home-based enterprises.The trend has advanced so far in Britain that a national organization, the Telecottage Association, has emerged. The Association currently has over 150 members.

"The televillage is not a new idea, but an adaptation of a well-tried institution.

"For most of civilisation, people have lived within walking distance of their work. It is only in recent decades that we have had this bizarre idea of travelling vast distances to work, reducing the quality of life of workers and the quality of air we breathe.

"In a hundred years' time, historians might reflect that during the second half of the 20th century there was a temporary slip when homes were a long way from workplaces. Now, people no longer need to commute to the cities. Many kinds of work can now travel to the worker using today's technologies, revitalising traditional rural communities.

"The televillage is based on two things that won't change. Telecommunications make it increasingly easy for work to travel to people, enabling them to work remotely. And people will always need people. The televillage offers the great benefits of teleworking without the isolation from other people."

-Ashley Dobbs, Acorn Televillages