Teleonomical prayers
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Teleonomical prayers are prayers that are eschatologically efficacious in that they name the end.
The credo or tenants of teleonomy are:
Precise intuitition;
Ostensorium, hic et ubique; the culmination adiabatic and apodictic of the universe is the facundation appropriate and ad integratus of the Creators life: Respice finem; the sum of universal destination is understood as the Creator. In all criterion, the world is compelled to replicate and applicate in content and doctrine ad eundem gradum, as the Creator predicates and concatenates his; paragon, reification and plenitude. Indeed, the only volition of the universe is that of the Creator.
Correct instinct;
In principium; male inference is limited to that of the Creation, ipsum esse subsistens. Albeit theology is the science a postiori of a theologian: Alea jacata est, presumption is the supposition that one knows the Creator, his program, subject, or pursuit and this without theological license. Equivalently; just as pretension is remedied through the comprehension of the Creation, proficient prayer is presumptions instrumental cure. This is patently and tacitly a process of unknowing.
Exact imagination;
Et sic de similibus, the world instantly and intrinsically, reveals and hypostatizes, that which is its function and vocation: Ecce signum; the Creator composes his; singularity, topogeny, tersely his synonymy, non obstante and independently of the Creature. Antithetically; so too is the Creation independent of the Creature. Eo ipso facto; the immune response is idem potentis, congenial to virtual immanence.
Accurate inspiration;
Deo favente; prayer must provide, causa sine qua non, technique so as to valorize a synoptic and exclusive installment, in situ to all terrestrial excogitation ne quid nimis, celestial quintessence: Pleno jure; because justice is investiture of ones respect in regards to the Creators per se intentionality, nil sine numine. Man is required to nominate a consuetude condign to adequately and intelligently acquiesce the divine and inevitable curriculum. Quad erat opus faciendum.