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Teleflora is a floral wire service company brokering orders to local florists for delivery and offering florist to florist clearinghouse services. In the past decade, Teleflora has merged with several other florist wire services, including Redbook Floral Services in 1997 and AFS (American Floral Services) in 2001
Teleflora's major competitors are FTD (Florist Transworld Delivery) and 1-800-Flowers. Teleflora serves as a clearing house for florist shops all over the world. The Teleflora-owned network that links florist shops together is called the Dove network. Teleflora has approximately 25,000 member florists throughout the world.
Teleflora is owned by Stewart and Lynda Resnick, who are the largest private land owners in California and major owners in Sunkist as well as many other ventures. Their other holdings consist of Roll International (the parent company), Fiji Water, POM Wonderful.
Teleflora has offices in Los Angeles, CA; Oklahoma City, OK; and Paragould, AR.
[edit] Heraldry
Teleflora has a heraldic badge registered in South Africa.
[edit] External links
- Teleflora Flower Site
- Teleflora Florist Site