Teladi Company

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A Teladi space pilot. All Teladi seen in space are actually females that can reproduce without male, by parthenogenesis
A Teladi space pilot. All Teladi seen in space are actually females that can reproduce without male, by parthenogenesis

The Teladi are a fictional race in the X computer game series. They were one of the last species to develop space travel technology and start exploring the X Universe. They are a form of humanoid lizard. The Teladi race is driven by one thing, profit. They are lead by Chairman Ceo. The Teladi company is not a member of the Universe Transport Regulations group, so it is allowed to buy, sell, and consume Space Weed and Space Fuel in Teladi sectors without police intervention. Squash mines are also tradable in their sectors. The Teladi are a rather peaceful race as provoking an attack may damage their expensive ship or valuable cargo. They are quite cowardly though as even they will eject cargo or themselves out of their ship to survive. The Teladi have long been linked to Pirate activity. Quite a few pirates in the X Universe are just Teladi with businesses in smuggling and plundering. Many Pirate ships can be seen wandering through Teladi sectors, although the Police still need to intercept them, most likely to keep the trade lanes open for other races.

The Teladi have several unique wares. The illicit Space Weed can only be produced using the Teladi Bliss Place and Dream Farm factories. Flower Farms and Sun Oil Refineries fuel the basis of their industrial industry. Teladi sectors are generally rich in minerals.

[edit] Technology

The Teladi are driven by profit. As such, they need to protect their ships and cargo the best way possible while keeping a sizable cargo bay. Teladi transport ships usually have good shields and good turret defences. The Phased Shockwave Generator (PSG) is a development between Teladi and Paranid scientists. This laser spreads out a wave of phased energy which hits anything within its wide area. It’s is particularly good as a missile defence and against small ships, making it a suitable defence weapon. On a negative note, it is prone to hit friendly ships too.

[edit] Ships

X: Beyond the Frontier &
X2: The Threat &
X3: Reunion
M1 Condor Condor
M2 Phoenix Phoenix
M6 N/A Osprey
M3 Falcon Falcon
M4 Hawk Buzzard
M5 Bat Harrier
TL Albatross Albatross
TS Vulture Vulture
TP N/A Toucan

[edit] Ranks

  • Company Director
  • Venture Capitalist
  • Venture Profiteer
  • Company Owner
  • Company Manager
  • Majority Shareholder
  • Shareholder
  • Company Trader
  • Company Helper
  • profit Opportunity
  • Profit Initiate
  • Profit Liability
  • Mercantile Rebel
  • Commercial Anarchist
  • Commercial Enemy
  • Enemy of the Corporation