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Teja V:

"I want to live In A Beautiful Place Out In The Country. I'm a bona fide shoegazer who often is often dissatisfied with just about everything I do. My life is rather boring. I have frequent out-of-body experiences (true fact). I love to laugh (at almost everything). I hate shortening words like 'are' and 'you' to 'r' and 'u'. Sometimes... I say controversial things. Movies and songs about drugs get me really excited. Sometimes... I think I'm rather cool. I'm slightly superstitious and slightly unlucky. I've only won at bingo twice in my life; once in French class and once at some event."


"In my short and not-very-fulfilling-but-enjoyable-to-a-certain-extent life, I have picked up and learned many things. Such facts/ideas/lessons may include: a quarter-pounder with cheese is known as 'a royale with cheese' in Paris, life is too short so make it really count -- especially your first ten years of life, the red teletubby -- Po -- is actually a female, the law of karma should be noted even if you don't happen to believe in it, the song 'Crash Into Me' is actually about 15 year old's fantasies and not about car crashes (I was 8, what do you expect?), rather than trying to make most of everyday and believing the quote that you should 'live as if you were to die tomorrow,' learn to accept bad days and amazing days -- you should however 'Learn as if you were to live forever.', AND FINALLY... Dorothy - Elmo's goldfish - has been replaced over 12 times since it debuted (actually no, that is a blatant lie but spread it around so that it will become a misconceived fact)."

Ja Oui Yes.