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municipality in the state of Amazonas in Brazil. Its population was 70,809 (2005) and its area is 23,704 km²[1]. It is located about 500km to the west of Manaus on the south bank of the Rio Solimões.
Tefé is a city and aTefe was founded by missionaries as Nogueira in the 17th century and also called Ega at one time, it lies on the right (south) bank of the portion of the Amazon River known as the Solimões, on the lake formed by the mouth of the Tefé River.
There are no roads into Tefe and the only access is by river boat or plane. By fast boat it is about 12 hours from Manaus. Rico Linhas Aereas operate flights from Manaus to Tefe.
Tefe is also the major starting point for trips into the Mamiraua Reserve.
[edit] Latest News
January 2007 Tefe Airport is currently closed to commercial flights. This is because one of Rico's planes had a bird go into the engine. The plane was on the ground at the time and nobody was hurt but they have suspended flights to Tefe.