Teddy Peterson

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Teddy Peterson is the studio usher for the Garner Andrews Show on Sonic 102.9, an FM radio station in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Each morning he has a short segment in which he tells a joke (usually with an odd sense of humour) and then says in response to his audience's imagined laughter, "Ha ha. Ha ha ha. Silence, silence I say! Can't you see we're trying to do a show here? Now here's another steaming pantload of the Garner Andrews Show on The Sonic!"

His high-pitched voice and various comments on his Myspace page suggest that Teddy Peterson is not his real name, or very little information about him given on the radio is true.

[edit] External Links

Teddy Peterson's Myspace page

The Teddy Peterson persona is simply Garner Andrews throwing his voice and is a non-live pre-recorded track. When questioned, Garner Andrews eyes dart back and forth and over exaggeratedly denies this accusation for comedic effect.