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[edit] Overview

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I'll use this page to express some of the ideas I have on technological innovation and possible projects worth contributing to.

It's simply a placeholder for now (though I'm slowly adding a bit here and there...).

[edit] Links

I'll describe why I link to these at a different time, for now, just links.

More will come later and I'll describe in depth what I see in all of these projects and, in some cases, various ways I want to eventually contribute.

[edit] Ideas

[edit] hardware

[edit] Silicone Laser Asynchronous Processor Architecture (SLAPA)

  1. I would like to see/create an architecture that is Asynchronous (clockless) . - I noticed that most everything on the internet about asynchronous processors is tied to the IEEE. I might have to fork over the cash and get a subscription so that I can get some of those articles.
  2. I recently read a little about some breakthroughs in making silicone fiber optics that have the potential of use in processors to break some speed barriers introduced by current electronics. I need to know more about this. Any info'd be nice.
  3. I want an architecture that is documented under something like GFDL or something like that. A GPL-like license for the architecture that says that anyone can use the architecture to create their own versions of it, however, any modifications, improvements, or derivitaves, must also release those changes to the public to increase innovation in processor design. No proprietary architecture secrets, no patents/patent fees in architecture design. If I were to create something like this, I think I'd patent it and release the architecture to the public sans licensing fees on the condition that all mods are made available to all other users (no patents that restrict the use of this technology). In order to make such a license profitable for all companies that modify the design, I think I would put some kind of clause that allows all changes to be 'proprietary secrets' for something like 6mos after the release of a product using those mods, however at the 6 mo mark (or some kind of timed thing nothing over a year they must release documentation of all those changes to the public. This is still just an idea, and the first time I've written it down, any feedback'd be nice.

[edit] software

[edit] file sync

There's probably something that does this already, but I'm unable to find what I want so i'll describe it here, and ask people if they've seen anything that does this, and if all else fails, I might just write it myself.

I need something that shows a list of files at this point in my home folder, though I can see a bunch of other places as well. But this isn't just any list of files, it needs to be a medley or combined list of files from multiple locations, some of which are not stored locally, (shown as a "ghost" file or something like that) When I try to access a file that is not locally stored it [the program/script that takes care of this] needs to automatically retrieve it (no matter the program I am trying to access from, e.g. I want to see a list in bash, konqueror,, Firefox, Dia, etc.) put the copy of that file where the file should go (according to the ghost) and allow the access by programs (according to system permissions, of course possibly it would apply the permissions based on what the ghost file permissions were because permissions might not be transferable say from a CIFS/SMB share to the ext3 partition on which the home folder resides. When the remote location is available the file list and any local stored files should be synced. ie the ghosts should be created for new files available on the remote server and any local files should be compared with the remote ones to see if one is newer or changed (md5?) or in my case just copy the local file on top of the remote file. After a user-defineable length of time (I would say about a week) of no access, the file should be copied over to te remote loation and then be deleted off local and replaced with the ghost file.