Team Gizka

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Team Gizka logo

A group of fans, known as "Team Gizka", are creating a mod called "The Sith Lords Restoration Project", aiming to restore much of the cut content from the game Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (KOTOR II). The team's forum is online at


[edit] The case for a restoration

There has been some controversy regarding the game's third act, or "endgame". LucasArts pressured developer Obsidian Entertainment to finish the game for a 2004 holiday release, leading many to speculate that the development had been rushed. According to information at (see the "Developer Interview" video), development on KOTOR II was started on or around the release of KOTOR I in November 2003, for an Xbox console release of December 2004. This would suggest an approximately 13 month development cycle for KOTOR II on the Xbox, in contrast to Bioware having 36 months of development in creating KOTOR. The game contains a sizable number of bugs, which cripple gameplay. Also, some of the content from the game proper appears to be missing, though much of it can be found inside the game files.

During their final editing stage, Obsidian left the PC version of the game with many resources meant to be used for the original ending, such as screen plays, voice-acting, and even another planet. Pressure from LucasArts to release the game in time for the Christmas season forced Obsidian to abbreviate the ending and cut an entire planet (and corresponding missions) from the game. A few fans attributed the incomplete state of the game with the derogatory title "Knights of the Incomplete Republic: The Glitch Lords." Evidence of the cut content can be gleaned from listening to the 'leftover' sound files in the game folder.

Another group, known as "Team Bantha", is creating a mod called "M4-78 restoration project" which aims to restore parts of the plot involving Lonna Vash and the planet M4-78. This mod should be compatible with TSLRP. Information about both teams, who are working together to a certain extent to make sure that their respective mods are compatible, can be found on the Team Gizka's homepage and on their website's forum. As of October 2006 the Team Bantha website has been unavailable. This has been acknowledged by a member in the Team Bantha section of the Team Gizka forum. Comments on the Team Bantha thread at the Obsidian forums has led to speculation that members within Team Bantha have reached in impasse on the objective of the mod.

[edit] Specific cut content

  • The Genoharadan organization on Nar Shaddaa, and its leader Dessicus, were supposed to be found on the second level of the Jekk'Jekk Tarr. Its purpose was to hunt down the player character.
  • Another companion of the player, Dvakvar Grahrk, who was a Devaronian Jedi found on Korriban. He was replaced by the Disciple, who shared a similar background story.
  • The character of Kaevee was supposed to be found in the ruined Jedi Enclave in Dantooine. She was a young Jedi who survived the destruction of the enclave, and was responsible for the laigreks fighting salvagers.
  • The droid inhabited planet of M4-78, in which the player is alerted to the presence of G0-T0, the Mass shadow generator, and the HK droid factory, was completely absent. An accidental reference to the planet still exists in-game, though many of the plots and quests were moved to other planets:
  • The Jedi Master Lonna Vash and her apprentice Kaah Ohtok were supposed to be found on M4-78, alive, instead of Korriban, with corresponding quests, and although the body of Kahh Ohtok is not present, many speculate that it is most likely to be the skeleton lying on the table, leading to more speculation of his species.
  • The HK Manufacturing Plant below the Telos Military Base, ran by G0-T0 to produce HK-series assassin droids. HK-47 was supposed to infiltrate the factory at the end and help the HK-series droids to rebel against G0-T0.
  • A confrontation between Bao-Dur's remote and G0-T0 at Malachor V, in which HK-47 and the reprogrammed HK-series droids would show up and turn against their former master, G0-T0
  • The player was originally to be "killed" by Kreia on Dantooine after the meeting with the Jedi Masters, with Kreia taking off to Telos on the Ebon Hawk without him/her. An additional cutscene where the party members believe the player dead was also taken out. The player was supposed to find an alternate form of transport to Telos.
  • A confrontation between Darth Nihilus and Darth Sion over the fate of the player and Kreia.
  • The player's love interest (Atton Rand/Handmaiden) were supposed to duel rivals (Disciple/Visas Marr) if Dark-Sided and had low influence with the Exile.
  • An ending for Bao-Dur was removed in which Bao-Dur sacrificed himself. Though it is popular speculation that he was killed on M4-78, cut dialogue from Grenn upon Bao-Dur's arriving on Citadel Station during the Sith attack says otherwise. Also nothing from what remains of M4-78 indicates anything about Bao-Dur's sacrifice.
  • More NPC abilities, such as Bao-Dur upgrading droids, HK-47 ranged weapon training, Visas teaching Lightsaber forms, Kreia teaching Force abilities, and Disciple studying Holocrons, were not developed.
  • Kreia's redemption by the player, leading Atris to take up the mantle of Darth Traya.
  • A confrontaton between the player's party members, namely Visas, Atton, Mira, Mical or Brianna (depending on the player's gender) and Darth Traya, who would be either Kreia or Atris.
  • The male Exile telling either Brianna or Visas that he is leaving for the Unknown regions to join Revan in the war against the 'True Sith'.
  • A scene between Colonel Tobin and Darth Nihilus where the Colonel informs Darth Nihilus of where would be a good location to 'feed', in other words, Telos.
  • Atton's sacrifice and his confession of his love for the Exile, for female characters only.
  • Several sections of the Trayus Academy were removed with the map markers on the map still visible on the map screen, and although these locations were taken out, if one were to use the 'Force Sight' ability to 'see through' certain doors, the room or hallway is still there. This is not restricted to the academy, it occurs throughout the game in many locations, for example, the room in the medical facility on Telos. Although this does not prove the existence of cut rooms, several modders have made use of these rooms for their own purposes.
  • After Kreia used the force on the three jedi masters, they were supposed to still be alive, but dying. Kreia would Force choke and Force crush them and continue talking to them, such as asking Kavar what he had felt by being close to Dxun.
  • A cutscene of Visas and Mandalore walking together on Malachor 5.
  • Jana Lorso of Czerka Corporation taking over Citadel Station after the conflict on Onderon.

[edit] The Team

The Team Gizka team consists of:

  • Aurora - Instigator, Storyline Editor
  • Dashus - Scripter, BuildMaster.
  • forcesaken - Scripter.
  • JdNoa - Scripter, ToolMaster.
  • Kiwegapa - Modeller, Texture Artist, Scripter.
  • Razorfish - Scripter, Site Designer.
  • savvy30039 - Animator.
  • Tupac Amaru - Scripter.

Team Gizka has used various Game Testers prior to the release of the first build. A list of these testers is available on the Team-Gizka website.

The team has devised a procedure for the reporting and tracking of bugs within the game and within their own additions (restored content) using the Mantis Bug Tracking System. The Team's project is read-only but is accessible online.

[edit] Estimated Time of Arrival

The team has always refrained from giving an estimated date for release of the game. The team's website does state a 'Build Plan' which consists of a date-less timetable for the release of new builds of the mod. It is stated that once the mod reaches Build 1.0c1 imminent release will be likely if not certain.

The reason given for the refusal of an ETA is that the team does not want to produce a rushed mod for what is widely accepted as a rushed game.

However, with the Christmas release of a 'Trailer' for the Mod, and with 81 (9 March 2007) remaining issues (from a total of 804) the mod is expected to be released either in the second or third quarter of 2007.

Updated Progress Report from [1] on 1st April 07 Open Issues left - 58 (Minor - 4 , Tweaks - 18 , Trivial - 12 , Features - 24).