User:Tbone55/User Page

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User Homepage
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Autograph Book
My Awards


[edit] How to make a fancy user page

[edit] Learn wiki

This is very important, you will be using it a lot! So read it!

  • Or you can read them all here

[edit] For Starters

For more help, see My edition of Magic Words

First, start of with some simple wiki code:

Remember to add the brackets like this: {{}} for the code to work (See Examples)

[edit] Page Links

This is an example of page linking:


This is the guide to page linking:

{{User<User Name>/<Link>}} 

This is my code for the thingy that float arround the bottom right of the page:


This is the code for adding a message bar like this:


This is the "User page notice" that I use:

{{User:Tbone55/User notice}}

And this is my ending (at the bottom):


The idea is to have many pages with that one link. And when it comes time to edit that link, you edit it once, and all the pages with the code show the edited item.

[edit] summery

Put page links in, and edit less.

[edit] Table of contents

To remove it:


To add one


[edit] Floating Links

[edit] What is it?

Thingy, as I call it, is a floating link, that doe not move when you scroll down the page. I use it, as an easy way for my guest, to leave me a message.

The help button looks like this: The Message button looks like this:

Notice, that when you click on the images, they take you to a part of my page, and not to the information about that image. but for some reason, the examples don't. to see waht i mean, click the example, above. It takes you to a page with the info for that specific image. Now click the "floating" images, on the bottom left of the window. thay take you to my homepage, my talk page, and a help page.

[edit] How to add them

Simple, copy some of the code below:

One little note, remember to take out the <> from where I added them to the code.

For adding a link to an image:

{{Click|link=<Link>|image=<Image>|width=<Width in px>|height=<Hight in px>|title=<Title>}}

For making a floating image:

<div style="position:fixed; right:0; bottom:0; display:block; height:{{{1|45}}}px; width:{{{1|45}}}px;"><Image link - <> ></div>

Notice the "Position:Fixed" part of the code, that is the important part!

Now for the whole shebang, like mine:

<div style="position:fixed; right:0; bottom:0; display:block; height:{{{1|45}}}px; width:{{{1|45}}}px;">{{Click|link=<Link>|image=<Image>|width=30px|height=30px|

This is what my message button looks like; for all you copy paste people, out there:

<div style="position:fixed; right:0; bottom:0; display:block; height:{{{1|45}}}px; width:{{{1|45}}}px;">{{Click|link=User talk:Tbone55|image=Crystal Clear app email.png|width=30px|height=30px|title=Leave me a message}}</div>

And my "What is this" button looks like this:

<div style="position:fixed; right:0; bottom:0; display:block; height:{{{1|35}}}px; width:{{{1|76}}}px;">{{Click|link=User:Tbone55/Floating_Icons|image=Crystal Clear app help index.png|width=25px|height=25px|title=What Is this?}}</div>

[edit] CheatSheet


See Help:Editing for more detailed explanations and advanced syntax.

Description You type You get
Applies anywhere
Italicise text



Bold text



Bold and italic

'''''bold & italic'''''

bold & italic

Internal link

(within Wikipedia)

[[name of page]]
[[name of page|display text]]

name of page
display text

Redirect to another page

#redirect [[Target page]]

1. redirect Target page

External link

(to other websites)

[ display text]

display text

Sign your posts
on talk pages


Username 05:22,
9 April 2007 (UTC)

Applies only at the beginning of the line

of different sizes

== Level 1 ==
=== Level 2 ===
==== Level 3 ====
===== Level 4 =====
====== Level 5 ======

[edit] Level 1

[edit] Level 2

[edit] Level 3

[edit] Level 4
[edit] Level 5
Bullet list

* one
* two
** two point one
* three

  • one
  • two
    • two point one
  • three
Numbered list

# one
# two
## two point one
# three

  1. one
  2. two
    1. two point one
  3. three
Thumbnail image

[[Image:Wiki.png|thumb|Caption text]]

Caption text
Caption text

[edit] Final Addition

Don't forget to add a little thing, like this, to the bottom and top of your page:

<!-- Please DO NOT change any part of my user page unless you discuss with me on my 
talk page -->