Taylor Hagan

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Taylor Hagan
First appearance Arrival
Age 16
Portrayed by Lauren Storm

Taylor Hagan is a fictional character on Flight 29 Down, she is played by Lauren Storm.

[edit] Character Info

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Taylor is flighty, but not entirely clueless.

Taylor has the best tan at the Hartwell School. Actually, this pretty sophomore has a lot of the best things at school, including the best hair, clothes and jewelry.

The Micronesia EcoAdventure Tour excites Taylor namely because she's looking forward to lying on the beach, getting even tanner, eating sushi, and meeting cute Micronesian boys.

One of her little high-school secrets is that she used to date Nathan McHugh, but he just wasn't fun enough for her freewheeling ways, so she broke up with him soon after he lost the class presidency to Daley Marin.

As the other survivors were blinded by her shallowness and blond persona, Taylor had a keen mind when it came to fishing. Rather than come up to speak her mind, Taylor left behind notes for Jackson to figure it out for himself. At first, he thought it was Lex, but it was Taylor who gave him a "wink" to keep it just between themselves.

Daley gets fed up with Taylor because she was not doing her share of work. Daley had Taylor dig a latrine, which Taylor was horrified by, and with some inspiration by Eric, her partner in crime, she left Daley's shirt at the bottom of the latrine. However, she was not totally heartless, as she had Daley's family picture with her the whole time and gave it back.

When Melissa accidentally burned Taylor's shirt, she wanted her to be punished, but Jackson would not hear of it. As an act of vengeance, Taylor had spread Melissa's secret admiration to the entire group. Feeling sorry and ashamed, she went looking for Melissa, but ending up just as in much danger as she was (trapped on a ledge). They were eventually saved by Jackson and Lex.

Taylor and the other survivors had survived the monsoon, but lost the plane. With everything happening, Taylor went into shock that everything was falling apart in front of her. After Jackson's words of encouragement, she finally came back into reality and rejoined the group.

Taylor and Eric had conspired to expose the suspicious relationship between Daley and Nathan.

Taylor created a holiday for everyone to enjoy called Chilloween. Everyone except Daley was getting into the spirit. For her present, Taylor made bracelets for the boys and necklaces for the girls.

She seems to have romantic feelings for Jackson and wants him to feel the same.

She is pretty and she is the prettest girl in Flight 29 Down.She is maybe spoiled rich girl like Paris Hilton

Spoilers end here.

[edit] See also

Flight 29 Down
Main Characters
Taylor Hagan | Cody "Jackson" | Daley Marin | Lex Marin | Eric McGorrill | Nathan McHugh | Melissa Wu
Secondary Characters
Abby Fujimoto | Captian Russell | The Others
List of Flight 29 Down episodes
List of Flight 29 Down books
Stan Rogow | D.J. MacHale