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Tasuki (翼宿) is a character from the popular shōjo manga and anime series Fushigi Yūgi.

He at first is seen as frank, loud, and a potty mouth (and he usually is). He is often the first choice when it comes to "Favorite Seishi", very closely followed by Nuriko and Chichiri. He claims to hate all females (This is due to his family - five older sisters, alpha-male mother, and wimp father). He is a pyromaniac leader of the Mount Reikaku bandits. He is one of the funniest characters in the series (the main comical relief) and also the most sentimental, which fans often find contradicts his personality. Beneath that rebellious, tough, bandit exterior is a sensitive sweetie (even if he will try to deny it). He is also extremely quick and agile. He loves to joke around and just act like a goof-ball, especially with Nuriko and Tamahome, then later Chichiri. His preferred weapon is a metal harisen (fan) that can emit flames when he cries out "Rekka Shin'en" (or "Lekka Shien," depending on the translation). At the end of the series, he and Chichiri are the only (living) Suzaku seishi remaining in the Universe of the Four Gods.

Suzaku Seishi Tasuki


[edit] Trivia

  • Real Name: Kō Shun'u ~ Hou Jun-Yu (侯 俊宇)
  • AKA: Genrō ~ Huan-Lang (幻狼)
  • Character: "Wings", located on his right forearm
  • Constellation: Crater
  • Date Of Birth: 18 April
  • Age: Throughout main series & OVA 1- 17, Throughout OVA2- 19, Throughout OVA3- (Around) 29
  • Height: 1.78m (5 feet, 10 inches)
  • Bloodtype: B
  • Hair Color: Flame Orange
  • Birthplace: Foot of Mt. Reikaku, in Koshu Taito province of Konan Empire
  • Weapon: The flame throwing Tessen; iron fan (really a diamond fan)
  • Family: Parents, older sister (Aidou) and 4 other older sisters
  • Hobbies: Drinking, Brawling
  • Seishi Powers: Super Human Speed (His tessen is not a Seishi Power, it is simply an Item of powerful magic handed down by the leaders of the Mt. Reikkaku Bandits)
  • Voice Actors: Nobutoshi Canna (Japanese), Daran Norris as James Penrod (English)

[edit] Personality

Tasuki may have grown up physically, but tends to act like a child often. When the chief bandit (Hakurou) of Mt. Reikaku took Tasuki under his wing, Tasuki found his calling. He started to improve his martial arts skills in order to be like - and carry on after - his mentor as the bandit leader. He also learned (along with Koji) the use of the iron fan which was changed during the first season into a diamond fan by Taiitskun as a reward, and after that only he could make it spew fire. He reluctantly left his close friend Koji as the bandit leader so he could help Miaka and the other seishi on their quests. Tasuki is straight forward, simple minded, and quick to pick a fight. Despite that, he is bound by chivalry, yet gets emotional easily. He unfortunately cannot cope with swimming; a few episodes show that Tasuki cannot swim. His usual excuse for it is because he's a "man of the mountains".

However in the Series 2 OVA, he saves Miaka from drowning by "swimming," that is he pushes along the bottom of the lake in water that only comes up to his arms. When Chichiri appears, Tasuki is startled into deeper water, where he instinctively began to tread water. Only when Chichiri points out that he can't swim does he stop, resulting in his sinking. During the series, Tasuki's feelings for Miaka are purely brotherly, but in OVA 2, romantic feelings are shown. While under a spell to, in a sense, "bring out his evil inner wants", he nearly rapes her until Taka shows up. Tasuki tries to kill Taka, then suddenly yells "I won't betray my friends!" and tries to kill himself with his tessen to keep himself away from everyone so he wouldn't hurt them, thus ultimately blowing up the whole building. Tasuki would have died in the explosion (which was his intention) had Mitsukake not arrived to save him.

Tasuki's softer side manifests mostly in his relationship with Chiriko. Though it might seem unusual that someone as rough around the edges as Tasuki is would befriend a child, Tasuki is the baby in his family and is the only boy. Chiriko's age makes him the ideal canidate to become like Tasuki's younger brother, and likewise, Chiriko's looks up to Tasuki as an older brother. Chiriko strives to be a "manly man" like Tasuki is, so the pair become an unlikely pair in the series.

Tasuki is also very sensitive about his friends. He will undoubtedly kill anyone who tries to harm them, put them in any danger, or make fun of them. Tasuki is also extremely sensitive when any of his friends die (notice Tasuki has cried when all the seishi had died - even though we didn't see Tasuki cry when Mitsukake died, we know he did). Tasuki took everyone's deaths the hardest and took the longest to recover from their deaths.

[edit] Tessen/Speed

This is not a seishi power at first, but after the first failed summoning of Suzaku, Taiitskun appears and gives everybody rewards. Tasuki comments on how his tessen ("iron fan") had been turned to diamond, which it had from iron. After that transformation, Taiitskun made it so that ONLY Tasuki could use the tessen. Tasuki's true seishi power is his speed and not his tessen, but throughout the anime and manga, Tasuki's diamond harisen is still called a tessen. Tasuki was given the name Genrou because it means Phantom Wolf for his ability to move like that of a phantom and for his wolfish like appearance: fangs, wild hair, beady eyes, and long legs.

[edit] Outfits

Tasuki is the most fashion-alert character in Fushigi Yugi. During the series, he (usually) wears a long black-with-blue-rims trenchcoat, boots, and very stylish earrings & necklaces. During OVA 2, it was a deep maroon vest over a white undershirt, with a brown "X" sash across his chest and back, brown pants, and black boots, and his hair was slightly longer. During OVA 3, he wore a pale yellow trenchcoat with brown pants and brown boots, and his hair reached to his waist in a ponytail. The OVA 2 outfit is the general favorite, though the series one comes pretty close. He wore many other outfits as well, but only for small portions.