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Tarn-Vedra is a fictional planet in the Andromeda universe.

The planet's inhabitants, the Vedrans, founded the Systems Commonwealth as the Vedran Empire. They were the most powerful and influential species in the universe. They discovered slipstream, and were starfaring while humans were building Stonehenge. They evolved from aggressive, warlike conquerors, to a benevolent, peaceful people.

Vedrans are a matriarchal, and dimorphic species, with females tending to be smarter, and less aggressive. A family usually has a female, and several males, the 'Alpha' getting to mate with the lone female. Males outnumber females by about six to one. The family is organized by herd, tribe, and then by nation. A male's loyalty is to his mother's herd, then his mates. All Vedrans are loyal to the Empress, who is also the titular head of the Systems Commonwealth.

The only Vedran shown on Andromeda looked almost like a centaur from Greek mythology, but with blue skin, and her four legs spaced closer together than a true centaur. She appeared to have a humanoid body, but with a pelvis that was spaced for four legs. According to the Andromeda home page, their lower bodies as well as their heads are covered with feathers. The males apparently have brightly colored feathers which cover their heads and spines.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

After the start of Andromeda, Tarn-Vedra was cut off from the galaxy.

In Season 5, it was later revealed that Vedrans built the Seefra System and its twin suns out of what was originally the Tarn-Vedra system. They also possibly evolved into Paradines, two legged beings who could interbreed with humans.

At the last episode of season 5, the Vedrans not only built the Methus Suns to allow the system to survive, but to stop the Abyss because the ancient Vedrans knew of the Abyss. Tarn-Vedra was then reunited with the Known Worlds.