Tantric shamanism

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Tantric Shamanism is a merging of tantric and shamanic practices for the purpose of enlightement through awakening awareness of the unseen realms and the body energetic in order to be more fully alive and embodied with in the earthly realm.

[edit] Tantra

The word tantra is derived from two root words. "Tan" comes from tanoti, which means expansion. "Tra" is derived from trayati, with means liberation. tantra offers tools to expand consciousness and weave perception of all creation as limitless and indivisible as the Divine experience. This expansion liberates energy, increases potential on every level. Some tantric tools for transformation are meditation, visualization, the recitation of mantras, pranayama (breath practices,) Awareness exercises, devotional practices, and physical practices, such as hatha yoga. Some tantric practitioners, particularly in the West, practice Tantra by approaching sexuality from a sacred perspective.

Tibetan Buddhism is a form of tantric shamanism. The Tibetan Buddhist approach to tantra and why one might practice it is in order to become a living manifestation of Divinity, to become God/Goddess, all that is.

For some, the tantric way approaches life without judgment of right and wrong. It sees all of life as sacred and indivisible from Divinity. From this unified perspective, one can pursue the path of enlightenment in every moment of life. Mindfulness is essential for this path, as performing any action will not necessarily bring a higher perspective. Mindfulness and positive intent are also required.

Perhaps a good way to describe the path of tantra might be: Expanding consciousness in order to experience yourself as a fully manifest expression of Divinity, which is the achievement of complete liberation of consciousness from limitation."

[edit] Shamanism

The word "shamanism" originates from the nomadic tribal people of Siberia, called the Tungus. The word "shaman" means "to know." A Shaman in that culture is a medicine man or woman who performs healing both by physical means, (herbs, massage, etc..) and by spiritual means.

Our modern day culture has adopted this word to describe techniques whereby the practitioner travels between the worlds of spirit and of form for healing and to gain understanding of the nature of reality. People who are shamanic practitioners believe that the world of spirit interpenetrates our third dimensional reality, effecting all aspects of physical reality. By mediating between the realm of spirit, and the realm of form, profound changes can be made that can effect not only our consciousness, but the quality of our lives within the context of physical reality.

Tantric Shamanism uses our ability to move between the worlds of spirit and form in order to expand and liberate our consciousness, bringing us closer to a state of Divinity.

[edit] External links