Tamar Ross

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Jewish feminism
Rachel Adler
Blu Greenberg
Tova Hartman
Paula Hyman
Judith Hauptman
Susannah Heschel
Judith Plaskow
Tamar Ross
Mendel Shapiro
Daniel Sperber
Trude Weiss-Rosmarin
Shira Hadasha
Jewish view of marriage
Partnership minyan
Role of women in Judaism
Judaism and women

Tamar Ross is a professor of Jewish Philosophy at Bar Ilan University. She has scholarly expertise in the thought of Abraham Isaac Kook, the modern Musar movement and the ideology of Mitnaggedism, and Judaism and gender. She is the author of books and articles on Jewish ethics and theology, contemporary issues in traditional Jewish thought, philosophy of halakha, and Orthodox Jewish feminism.

Tamar Ross attempted to reconcile the idea of "Torah from Heaven" with what she perceived to be flaws in the viewpoint of Halakaha and narrative, including both rules which she perceived as biased towards men, and narrative written from an exclusively male viewpoint. One approach she developed to address this problem was the idea of evolving revelation, that is, that we learn more as history evolves and societies develop and mature. She argued against the concept of Yeridat ha-dorot, the idea that knowledge of Torah diminishes with time. She also argued against approaches of more liberal movements which addreessed perceived flaws by challenging the divinity and religious validity of sacred texts and traditions, arguing that such an approach only undermined the foundations faith. She developed the metaphor "Expanding the Palace of Torah", originally an idea of Abraham Isaac Kook, for an approach seeking to address contemporary concerns by expanding rather than undermining religious tradition.

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[edit] References

God subjugates man, and man subjugates his wife. HaAretz, January 11, 2007

Ross, T. Expanding the Palace of Torah: Orthodoxy and Feminism. Brandeis University Press, 2004. ISBN 1-58465-390-6

Ross, T. "Orthodoxy, Women, and Halakhic Change" (Hebrew), in The Quest for Halakha: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Jewish Law, edited by Amichai Berholz. Yediot Aharonot/Bet Morasha, 2003, pp. 387-438.

Ross, T. “Modern Orthodoxy and the Challenge of Feminism”, in Studies in Contemporary Jewry, edited by Jonathan Frankel, Eli Lederhendler, Peter Y. Medding and Ezra Mendelsohn. Institute of Contemporary Jewry and Oxford University Press, 2000, pp, 3-38

Ross, T. "The Cognitive Value of Religious Truth Claims: Rabbi A.I. Kook and Postmodernism", in Hazon Nahum: Jubilee Volume in Honor of Norman Lamm, December 1997, pp. 479-527.

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