Tallinna Autobussikoondis

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Tallinna Autobussikoondis (Tallinn Bus Company in English, abbreviated as TAK) is the largest bus operator in Tallinn, Estonia.

TAK was founded in 1945 as a state-owned company, under which status it operated until 1993, when it was reorganised as a public limited company owned by the City of Tallinn. Currently, the company is divided into seven operating divisions:

  • Tallinn City Lines (Tallinna Linnaliinid), which operates bus lines in the city
  • Bus Repair and Maintenance (Busside Remont ja Hooldus), which is involved in maintenance of the bus fleet
  • TAK Training Centre (TAK Koolituskeskus), which trains bus drivers, as well as international lorry drivers and car drivers
  • TAK Real Estate (TAK Kinnisvara), which owns the bus stations, buildings and energy supply of the company
  • TAK Catering (TAK Toitlustus), which provides catering and food to TAK staff
  • Burman’s Willa, which provides conference and hotel facilities
  • Kadaka Sport, which provides recreational and sports facilities

[edit] See also

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