Talk to Me (nyc)

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Talk To Me is a phenomenon first observed in New York City.

In 2002, Bill Wetzel and Liz Barry started hanging out in lawn chairs on New York City street corners with a sign that said "Talk To Me". They did this for a year on a budget of $7 per day.

The "Talk to Me" phenomenon has been picked up by other couples, and has been written about in the NY Times and Post.

I first met them when they were on Wall Street. I talked to them and to other people who stopped by for about 4 hours. Six months later they held a Talk To Me party at Bryant Park where I spent hours chatting with strangers and having a great time.

In 2005, they rode by bicycle across the U.S. and inspired conversation among thousands of Americans. Their agenda is primarily to be agendaless and some people have called them anarchists.

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