User talk:Takeitupalevel

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[edit] Discussion Area

[edit] Contemporary uses

I added some stuff and you apparently made some improvements also. What should we say about eldercare? There are robots in hospitals right now, and there has been talk of home medicine-reminding/despensing mobile robots.

I've been working on the Contemporary uses section on my talk page. Made some changes suggested by my girlfriend already. I'd love to have your thoughts and criticisms too.Rocketmagnet 02:01, 22 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Galleries in Robot

Hmm, I didn't realise that galleries were frowned upon. Anyway, my thought was that there should be a limit to the number of images in an article, perhaps 2 per section max? But there are really so many robots that would be instructive to illustrate, especially for the History and Contemporary Uses sections, that it would start to get cluttered. I thought that a gallery with maybe max 10 images per section would be useful. Many of those robots are already in the commons, and we would obviously need to source more. I have a lot of good quality photos of robots of my own which can be uploaded.

I think that, in this case, the pictures could be worth it. How can one describe all the fascinating variety of robots out there?

What do you think? Can we find similar examples of galleries which are acceptable?

Update: I've just been reading the gallery guidelines, and they seem to be quite happy to host galleries on the WikiMedia Commons. It's where I was intending to put it anyway, as I upload all of my images to the commons. How about doing it like that? Galleries which I think would be nice to have would include: Important People, Important Historical Robots, and Current robots. The galleries should present a wide, but not deep selection of images, showing an good quality example of several significant categories of robot. It would be good to have a couple of sentences with each image too.

[edit] Agents

I read TIUAL as 'ti'you'all, (didn't recognize the acronym right away). This def is getting good except that we've left out the software virtual agent. This definition of virtual agent, is not what we want at all, but the aaai definition of software agent and A Taxonomy for Autonomous Agents are both excellent references for what I think we're after on the software/virtual side.

Hi TIUAL. Well, the original definition was "A Robot is a mechanical or virtual, artificial agent", since all robots are artificial, but they can be either mechanical or virtual. Yes, I think something should come after this to explain it better. Maybe we should do something like mention the definition of agent. Or say something along the lines of: "A machine which, by its appearance or movements, triggers in Humans a sense that it has intent or agency." at the second sentence.

No worries, Rocketmagnet. It is my talk page, you're just the first to use it. So "appearance of being alive" is no good? If that's the case, what comes after "A robot is an artificial or virtual agent"? It seems to remain succinct no more than a couple sentences about "artificial" and then a couple about "virtual" would make it work well. Then dive into the history with at least one goal of explaining why and how the word got such a wide meaning.

...Rocketmagnet: I must disagree about the 'alive' thing. 'Alive' is quite a different thing to 'agency', and I think it is not the right word.

Robot: Rocketmagnet (working with me on this huge project) has stated that "a Robot is a mechanical, artificial agent. While there is some discussion (see related articles in Wikipedia and as to precisely which machines qualify, a robot will typically have several of the following properties". I modified his list of constraints here.

A robot

  • has been artificially created by humans
  • can sense but not necessarily react to its environment
  • can manipulate things in its environment
  • has some ability to make choices based on its environment, an automatic control algorithm, or preprogrammed sequence
  • is programmable or reprogrammable
  • by its appearance or movements, triggers in humans a sense that it has "a mind of its own".

This definition explicitly and purposefully leaves out degree of autonomy, purpose, and whether the robot is fixed or mobile.

Another, simpler attempt: A robot is an artificial machine that gives the appearance of being alive.

I changed the definition on the "robot" and "robot:disambiguation" pages to: "A robot is a artificial or virtual agent which in its physical form gives the appearance of life".

Check out my website: autonomousvehicles

Rough draft outline of new main article

[edit] Definition

A Robot is a mechanical or virtual artificial agent. It is usually an electro-mechanical system, which by its appearance or movements triggers in Humans a sense that it has intent or agency of its own. While the word robot can refer to both physical robots or virtual software agents, the latter are often refered to as bots.

[edit] Origin of the concept

[edit] History of robots in literature

[edit] History of robots

  • First robot

Leonardo's robot or Nikola Tesla's RC boat?

  • First commercial robot

Unimate, developed and patented by George Devol Jr., marketed with help from Joseph F. Engelberger

Automation Hall of Fame

Robot Hall of Fame

  • First practical home robot

iRobot Roomba Robotic FloorVac [1]

  • First robot in space, rover

Lunokohd lunar rover [2]

  • First robot in space, manipulator

Rotex (Roboter Technologie Experiment) Robot arm [3]

  • First robot in space, interplanetary

Luna 1 reached the moon on Jan. 4 1959 [4]. It was the first Soviet automatic interplanetary station.

  • First software robot
  • First internet robot or ‘bot

(These all assume an accepted definition of “robot”)

ref. Robot History time line

[edit] Axes of Taxonomy (3 different ways to categorize robots)

[edit] 1. Degree of autonomy

[edit] Mechanized (the industrial revolution, before "robot" existed)

[edit] Sequenced, (Industrial automation)

(also called flexible manufacturing, industrial robots, or just automation)

  • Works independently, performing the same task repeatedly
  • Stationary (Manipulators), and Mobile Automated Guided Vehicle (AGVs)
  • Reconfigurable and/or reprogrammable
  • Use programmable logic controllers (PLC), or some form of numerical control

[edit] Teleoperated

  • Requires human control for every action
  • Has few if any environmental sensors
  • frequently has proprioceptive and/or internal state sensors

[edit] Semi-autonomous (sometimes called tele-robotic)

[edit] Autonomous

[edit] 2. Mission/Purpose/Motivation

[edit] Dirty/Dangerous/Inaccessible

  • Inspection, maintenance, cleaning
    • Domestic cleaning and maintenance
    • Pipe inspection and maintenance
    • Nuclear power plant dismantling
    • Nuclear waste cleanup
    • Mine inspection
  • Military
    • Aircraft (UAVs)
    • Searching for land mines/IEDs
  • Nanorobots
  • Swarms
  • Surveillance

[edit] Productivity (productivity, accuracy, and endurance)

[edit] Eldercare

  • Companionship
  • Assistive

[edit] Research (except research on robotics)

  • Exploration
    • Swarms
  • Anthropomorphic
  • Undersea (UUVs, ROVs)

[edit] Entertainment

[edit] 3. Fixed/Mobile

[edit] Fixed

    • DOF

[edit] Mobile