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Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон
Jumhurii Tojikiston

Republic of Tajikistan
Flag of Tajikistan Coat of Arms of Tajikistan
Flag Coat of Arms
Surudi Milli
Location of Tajikistan
(and largest city)
38°33′N, 68°48′E
Official languages Persian (Tajik)
Government Unitary state
 -  Dictator for Life Emomali Rahmon
 -  Prime Minister Oqil Oqilov
 -  Declared September 9, 1991 
 -  Completed December 25, 1991 
 -  Establishment of the Samanid Empire 875 AD 
 -  Total 143,100 km² (95th)
55,251 sq mi 
 -  Water (%) 0.3
 -  July 2006 estimate 7,320,0001 (100th1)
 -  2000 census 6,127,000 
 -  Density 45 /km² (151st)
117 /sq mi
GDP (PPP) 2005 estimate
 -  Total $8.802 billion (139th)
 -  Per capita $1,388 (159th)
Gini? (2003) 32.6 (medium
HDI (2004) 0.652 (medium) (122nd)
Currency Somoni (TJS)
Time zone TJT (UTC+5)
Internet TLD .tj
Calling code +992
1 Rank based on UN figures for 2005; estimate based on CIA figures for 2006.

Tajikistan (IPA: [tɒːʤikɪsˈtɒn]), officially, the Republic of Tajikistan (Tajik: ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон) is a mountainous landlocked country in Central Asia. It borders Afghanistan to the south, Uzbekistan to the west, Kyrgyzstan to the north, and China to the east. Most of Tajikistan's population belongs to the Tajik ethnic group, who share culture and history with the Iranians, and speak the Tajik language (a variety of the Persian language written in Cyrillic script). Once the location of the Samanid Empire, Tajikistan became a constituent republic of the Soviet Union in the 20th century, known as the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic.

After independence, Tajikistan suffered from a devastating civil war which lasted from 1992 to 1999. Since the end of the war, newly-established political stability and foreign aid have allowed the country's economy to grow. Its natural resources such as cotton and aluminium have contributed greatly to this steady improvement, although observers have characterized the country as having few natural resources besides hydroelectric power and its strategic location.[1]


[edit] Name

"Tajikistan" means the "Land of the Tajiks". Some believe the name Tajik is a geographic reference to the crown (Taj) of the Pamir Knot.

Tajikistan frequently appeared as Tadjikistan or Tadzhikistan in English. This former transliteration of Tadjikistan or Tadzhikistan is from the Russian Таджикистан. (In Russian there is no single letter j to represent the phoneme /ʤ/ and дж, or dzh, is used.) Tadzhikistan is the most common alternate spelling and is widely used in English literature derived from Russian sources. Tadjikistan is the spelling in French and can occasionally be found in English language texts. In the Perso-Arabic script, "Tajikstan" is writtten تاجیکستان.

Controversy surrounds the correct term used to identify people from Tajikistan. The word Tajik has been the traditional term used to describe people from Tajikistan and appears widely in literature. But the ethnic politics of Central Asia have made the word Tajik a controversial word, as it implies that Tajikistan is only a nation for ethnic Tajiks and not ethnic Uzbeks, Russians, etc. Likewise, ethnic Tajiks live in other countries, such as China, making the term ambiguous. In addition, the Pamiri population in Gorno-Badakhshan also have sought to create an ethnic identity separate from that of the Tajiks. There is a growing consensus that Tajikistani, which is not ethnic specific and is inclusive of ethnic Tajiks and non-Tajiks alike, is the correct term to call people[citation needed].

[edit] History

Main article: History of Tajikistan

[edit] Early history

See also: Samanid
An ancient Zoroastrian temple in the Wakhan Valley, Tajikistan.
An ancient Zoroastrian temple in the Wakhan Valley, Tajikistan.
Ismail Samani, founder and emperor of the Tajik Samanid Empire, a Persian dynasty based in Central Asia.
Ismail Samani, founder and emperor of the Tajik Samanid Empire, a Persian dynasty based in Central Asia.

The territory of what is now Tajikistan has been inhabited continuously since 4,000 BCE[citation needed]. It has been under the rule of various empires throughout history, for the longest the period under the Persian Empire. Before the Common Era, it was part of the Bactrian Empire. Arabs brought Islam in the 7th century CE. The Samanid Empire Persians supplanted the Arabs and built the cities of Samarkand and Bukhara, which became the cultural centers of Tajiks (both of which are now in Uzbekistan). The Mongols would later take partial control of Central Asia, and later the land that today comprises Tajikistan became a part of the emirate of Bukhara. A small community of Jews, displaced from the Middle East after the Babylonian captivity, migrated to the region and settled there after 600 BCE, though the majority of the recent Jewish population did not migrate to Tajikistan until the 20th century.

[edit] Russian presence

See also: The Great Game
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Tajikistan plunged into civil war.  The rise of Tajik nationalism and Islamic fundamentalism coupled with political struggles between the ruling elite and the opposition were all key factors in the conflict.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Tajikistan plunged into civil war. The rise of Tajik nationalism and Islamic fundamentalism coupled with political struggles between the ruling elite and the opposition were all key factors in the conflict.

In the 19th century, the Russian Empire led by Andonis Petanski began to spread into Central Asia during the Great Game, and it took control of Tajikistan. After the overthrow of Imperial Russia in 1917, guerillas throughout Central Asia, known as basmachi waged a war against Bolshevik armies in a futile attempt to maintain independence. The Bolsheviks prevailed after a four-year war, in which mosques and villages were burned down and the population heavily suppressed. Soviet authorities imposed a draconian secularization campaign, practicing Muslims, Jews, and Christians were heavily persecuted, and mosques, churches, and synagogues were closed.

[edit] Soviet Tajikistan

In 1924, the Tajik Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was created as a part of Uzbekistan, but in 1929 the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic was made a separate constituent republic. Moscow did little to develop Tajikistan and it remained relatively behind other Soviet Republics in living conditions, education and industry. In the 1970s, dissident Islamic underground parties began to form and by the late 1980s Tajik nationalists were calling for increased rights. Real disturbances did not occur within the republic until 1990. The following year, the Soviet Union collapsed, and Tajikistan declared its independence.

[edit] Independence

The nation almost immediately fell into a civil war that involved various factions fighting one another, these factions were often distinguished by clan loyalties. The non-Muslim population, particularly Russians and Jews, fled the country during this time because of persecution, increased poverty and better economic opportunities in the West. Emomali Rahmonov came to power in 1992, and continues to rule to this day. However, he has been accused of ethnic cleansing against other ethnicities and groups during the Civil War in Tajikistan. In 1997, a ceasefire was reached between Rahmonov and opposition parties (United Tajik Opposition). Peaceful elections were held in 1999, but they were reported by the opposition as unfair, and Rahmonov was re-elected by almost unanimous vote. Russian troops were stationed in southern Tajikistan, in order to guard the border with Afghanistan, until summer 2005. Since the September 11, 2001 attacks, American and French troops have also been stationed in the country.

[edit] Politics

See also: Human rights in Tajikistan
Tajikistan's president Emomali Rahmon.
Tajikistan's president Emomali Rahmon.

Almost immediately after independence, Tajikistan was plunged into a civil war that saw various factions, allegedly backed by Russia and Iran, fighting one another. All but 25,000 of the more than 400,000 ethnic Russians, who were mostly employed in industry, fled to Russia. By 1997, the war had cooled down, and a central government began to take form, with peaceful elections in 1999.

"Longtime observers of Tajikistan often characterize the country as profoundly averse to risk and skeptical of promises of reform, a political passivity they trace to the country’s ruinous civil war," Ilan Greenberg wrote in a news article in The New York Times just before the country's November 2006 presidential election.[1]

Tajikistan is officially a republic, and holds elections for the President and Parliament. The latest elections occurred in 2005, and as all previous elections, international observers believe them to have been corrupt, arousing many accusations from opposition parties that President Emomali Rahmon manipulates the election process.

The November 6, 2006 election was boycotted by "mainline" opposition parties, including the 23,000-member Islamist Islamic Renaissance Party. Four remaining opponents "all but endorsed the incumbent", Rakhmon.[1]

Tajikistan to this date is one of the few countries in Central Asia to have included an active opposition in its government. In the Parliament, opposition groups have often clashed with the ruling party, but this has not led to great instability.

[edit] Administrative divisions

Tajikistan consists of 4 administrative divisions: 2 provinces (Sughd and Khatlon), 1 autonomous province (Gorno-Badakhshan), and the Region of Republican Subordination (formerly known as Karotagin Province).

Division ISO 3166-2 Capital Area (sq. km) Pop (2000) Key
Sughd TJ-SU Khujand 26,100 1,870,000 1
Region of Republican Subordination TJ-RR Dushanbe 28,400 1,338,000 2
Khatlon TJ-KT Qurghonteppa  24,600 2,150,000 3
Gorno-Badakhshan TJ-BG Khorugh 63,700 206,000 4

Each region consists of several districts (called "nohiya").

[edit] Economy

Main article: Economy of Tajikistan

Tajikistan was the poorest country in Central Asia as well in the former Soviet Union following a civil war after it became independent in 1991. With foreign revenue precariously dependent upon exports of cotton and aluminum, the economy is highly vulnerable to external shocks. In FY 2000, international assistance remained an essential source of support for rehabilitation programs that reintegrated former civil war combatants into the civilian economy, thus helping keep the peace. International assistance also was necessary to address the second year of severe drought that resulted in a continued shortfall of food production. On August 21, 2001, the Red Cross announced that a famine was striking Tajikistan, and called for international aid for Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Tajikistan's economy grew substantially after the war. The GDP of Tajikistan expanded at an average rate of 9.6% over the period of 2000-2004 according to the World Bank data. This improved Tajikistan's position among other Central Asian countries (namely Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan), which seem to have degraded economically ever since.[2] Tajikistan is an active member of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO).

[edit] Demographics

A Tajik elder
A Tajik elder

Tajikistan has a population of 7,320,716 (July 2006 est.). Tajiks who speak the Tajik language are the main ethnic group, although there is a sizeable minority of Uzbeks, and a small population of Russians, whose numbers are declining due to emigration. Pamiris of Badakhshan are considered to belong to larger group of Tajiks. Likewise, the official language of Tajikistan is the Tajik language, while Russian is largely spoken in business and for government purposes. Although the Tajik and Uzbek are now classified as separate ethnic groups, on account of their languages, this is a relatively new phenomenon and originates from the conquest of Central Asia by the Russian Empire in the 19th century. Despite its poverty, Tajikistan has a high rate of literacy with an estimated 98% of the population having the ability to read and write. Most of the population follows Sunni Islam, although a sizeable number of Shi'a are present as well. Bukharan Jews had lived in Tajikistan since the 2nd century BC, but today only a few hundred remain. There is also a small population of Yaghnobi people.

The Tajik Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare reported that 104,272 disabled people are registered in Tajikistan (2000). This group of people suffers most from poverty in Tajikistan. The Tajik government and the World Bank considered activities to support this part of the population described in the World Bank's Poverty Reduction Paper.[3]

[edit] Geography

Satellite photograph of Tajikistan
Satellite photograph of Tajikistan
Mountains of Tajikistan
Mountains of Tajikistan

Tajikistan is landlocked, and is the smallest nation in Central Asia by area. It is covered by mountains of the Pamir range, and more than fifty percent of the country is over 3,000 meters (approx. 10,000 ft) above sea level. The only major areas of lower land are in the north which is part of the Fergana Valley, and in the southern Kafirnigan and Vakhsh valleys which form the Amu Darya and have much higher rainfall. Dushanbe is located on the southern slopes above the Kafirnigan valley.

The Amu Darya and Panj rivers mark the border with Afghanistan, and Tajikistan's mountains are the major source of runoff for the Aral Sea b

About 1% of the country's area is covered by lakes:

Mountain Height Location
Independence Peak 7,174 m 23,537 ft     Northern border in the Trans-Alay Range
Kyzylart Pass 4,280 m 14,042 ft     Northern border in the Trans-Alay Range
Ismoil Somoni Peak (highest) 7,495 m 24,590 ft     North of the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Province
Avicenna Peak 6,974 m 22,881 ft     North of Ismoil Somoni Peak
Peak Korzhenievski 7,105 m 23,310 ft     Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Province
Qatorkuhi Akademiyai Fanho 6,785 m 22,260 ft     Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Province
Concord Peak 5,469 m 17,943 ft     Southern border in the northern ridge of the Karakoram Range
Qullai Karl Marks 6,726 m 22,067 ft     Southern border in the northern ridge of the Karakoram Range
Qullai Mayakovskiy 6,096 m 20,000 ft     Along the border to Afghanistan.

[edit] Culture

Modern Tajiks proudly view the Persian Samanid Empire as being the first Tajik state in history.  This monument located in Tajikistan's capital of Dushanbe honors Saman Khuda, ancestor of the Samanids and a source of Tajik nationalism.
Modern Tajiks proudly view the Persian Samanid Empire as being the first Tajik state in history. This monument located in Tajikistan's capital of Dushanbe honors Saman Khuda, ancestor of the Samanids and a source of Tajik nationalism.
Main article: Culture of Tajikistan

The Yaghnobi people live in mountainous areas of northern Tajikistan. The estimated number of Yagnobians is now about 250,000. Forced migrations have decimated their numbers. They speak the Yaghnobi language, which has its roots in the Sogdian language.

[edit] See also

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[edit] Further reading

  • Historical Dictionary of Tajikistan by Kamoludin Abdullaev and Shahram Akbarzadeh
  • Land Beyond the River: The Untold Story of Central Asia by Monica Whitlock
  • Tajikistan: Disintegration or Reconciliation by Shirin Akiner
  • Tajikistan: The Trials of Independence by Shirin Akiner, Mohammad-Reza Djalili and Frederic Grare

[edit] External links and references

Geographic locale
International membership