Taiwanese drama

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Taiwanese drama (commonly called TDrama or TWDrama by fans) refers to televised dramas, similar to Western miniseries, primarily produced for Taiwanese audiences. The term "Taiwanese drama" is applied to Taiwanese miniseries in general, even including those with greater elements of comedy than of drama.


[edit] Range of popularity

Many of these dramas have become popular throughout East Asia. Most popular Taiwanese dramas are also popular in Japan and South Korea. TDramas are often dubbed into Japanese and Korean when imported into those markets.

Taiwanese dramas are also well known among expatriate overseas Chinese, especially Chinese-Americans, Chinese-Canadians, and Chinese-Australians and their second-generation and third-generation descendants. Fan clubs have appeared in other countries outside Taiwan dedicated to the appreciation of Taiwanese drama.

[edit] Language

Taiwanese dramas are typically produced in Mandarin Chinese. Less commonly, they may be produced in the Taiwanese language. Quite commonly, characters will speak predominantly in Mandarin, but sometimes pepper their speech with occasional Taiwanese.

[edit] Subject matter

Taiwanese dramas typically focus more on romance than Western television dramas. Crime dramas, police dramas, lawyer dramas, and doctor dramas are less common in Taiwan than romantic dramas. Taiwanese dramas tend to have less violence and sexual content than many American soap operas and primetime dramas.

Typical subjects can include first teenage experiences with dating. Characters often have some dark secret or painful past that makes it difficult for them to form lasting relationships, and the drama may show characters finding a way to work through their deep personal problems. Love triangles are a common feature.

TDrama shares many similarities in genre with both Japanese JDorama and Korean KDrama.

[edit] List of prominent TDrama

Some of the most popular Taiwanese dramas include:

[edit] List of prominent TDrama actors and actresses

It is common for TDrama actors and actresses to also be pop singers and rock stars. Some TDrama stars (such as Leon Jay Williams, Nicholas Teo, and Stella) were actually not born in Taiwan, though as adults, they mostly work and live in Taiwan. Some of the most well-known Taiwanese drama celebrities include:

[edit] See also