Tabes dorsalis

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Tabes dorsalis
Classification & external resources
ICD-10 A52.1
ICD-9 094.0
DiseasesDB 29061
eMedicine neuro/684 
MeSH D013606

Tabes dorsalis is a slow degeneration of the nerve cells and nerve fibers that carry sensory information to the brain. The degenerating nerves are in the dorsal columns of the spinal cord (the portion closest to the back of the body) and carry information that help maintain a person's sense of position.


[edit] Cause

Tabes dorsalis is the result of an untreated syphilis infection.

[edit] Symptoms

Symptoms may not appear for some decades after the initial infection and include weakness, diminished reflexes, unsteady gait (locomotor ataxia), progressive degeneration of the joints, loss of coordination, episodes of intense pain and disturbed sensation inclusive glossodynia, personality changes, dementia, deafness, visual impairment, and impaired response to light.

Tabes dorsalgia is a related back pain.

[edit] Prognosis

If left untreated, tabes dorsalis can lead to paralysis, dementia, and blindness. Existing nerve damage cannot be reversed.

[edit] Incidence/Prevalence

The disease is more frequent in males than in females. Onset is commonly during mid-life. The incidence of tabes dorsalis is rising, in part due to co-associated HIV infection.

[edit] Treatment

Penicillin, administered intravenously, is the treatment of choice. Associated pain can be treated with opiates, valproate, or carbamazepine. Patients may also require physical or rehabilitative therapy to deal with muscle wasting and weakness. Preventive treatment for those who come into sexual contact with an individual with tabes dorsalis is important.

[edit] See also

[edit] References