Syracuse University Traditions

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Main article: Syracuse University

[edit] Historical Traditions

  • Boar's Head Society
  • Tambourine and Bones
  • Kissing Bench
  • The Statue of Diana
  • Salt Rush
  • Flour Rush
  • Snow Rush
  • Orange Rush
  • The Burial of General Calculus
  • Class Ivy
  • Crouse Chimes
  • ATO Cannon
  • Step Singing
  • Goon Squad
  • Moving-Up Day
  • Freshman Beanies
  • Spring Weekend
  • Winter Carnival
  • National Orange Day
  • SU - Colgate Football
  • University Union Block Party
  • DKE Volleyball
  • [Delta Tau Delta's Cupid's Run]

[edit] Syracuse Songs

Down The Field (fight song)

Down, down the field goes
old Syracuse,
Just see those backs hit the line
and go thro'
Down, down the field they go
marching, Fighting for the Orange
stuanch and true.
Rah! Rah! Rah!
Vict'ry's in sight for old Syracuse,
Each loyal son knows she
ne'er more will lose,
For We'll fight, yes. we'll fight,
and with all our might
For the glory of Syracuse

Saltine Warrior

In the days of old, when knights were bold
Every city had its warrior man.
In the days of new, when fights are few
You will view them from a big grandstand.
In our college town one has great renown
If the game of football he should play.
With his pig-skin ball he is cheered by all,
He's the Saltine Warrior of today.
The Saltine Warrior is a bold, bad man,
And his weapon is a pigskin ball,
When on the field he takes a good, firm stand,
He's the hero of large and small.
He will rush toward the goal with might and main
His opponents all fight, but they fight in vain,
Because the Saltine Warrior is a bold, bad man,
And victorious over all.

Bill Orange

Bill Orange is upon the sidelines
With a megaphone and flag in hand.
He leads the crowd to cheer like demons,
All up and down the old grandstand;
And as the ball is moving goal-ward
Each yard that's gained he's marking well
It's worth while to play for Old Bill Orange
For win or lose you'll always hear him yell:
"Get in the game to win, boys,
Ev'ry blessed mother's son of you;
Stand firm along the line,boys,
Watch the ball, this time it's going through.
Last night the sun set orange,
Omen ever sure and true,
Get in the game and win , boys,
Old Syracuse, she calls to you!"