Syphon Filter 2

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Syphon Filter 2
European boxart
Developer(s) SCEA
Publisher(s) 989 Studios
Series Syphon Filter series
Release date(s) February 29, 2000
Genre(s) Action
Mode(s) Single player, Multiplayer
Rating(s) ESRB: M (Mature)
USK: 16+
OFLC: M15+
Platform(s) PlayStation
Media 2 CD-ROMs
Input DualShock

Syphon Filter 2 was released in 2000 and picked up immediately where the original game ended.


[edit] Storyline

At the intro, it's shown that Teresa Lipan, located at a trailer in the Arizona desert, is talking to Lian about landing a huge transport plane there. Gabe and Lian are about to leave the airbase when Agency spooks led by Agency commander Dillon Morgan and his second in command Derek Falkan ambush the warehouses. In an attempt to rescue Lian, Gabe shoots his way to the Agency Black Hawk helicopter, but it is too late. Morgan has Lian taken to a remote air force base in Colorado. Soon after the helicopter evacuates, SVR Director Uri Gregorov shows up at the warehouses with a group of intelligence operatives in order to clean up the area. Logan realizes that because he was able to find Phagan's backup files, the Agency can't hurt Lian. Gregorov agrees to help Logan to cover his tracks and retrieve any missing data files in order to help Logan in his fight against the shadowy Agency.

Logan, along with a division of CBDC (Chemical and Biological Defense Command, a part of the US Army) including Jason Chance and John Ramirez, are flying to Teresa's location. Suddenly, two F-22 fighter jets shoot down the transport plane over the Rocky Mountains. Logan, Chance, Ramirez, and the rest of the CBDC are able to ditch the plane and parachute safely to the ground, and are able to salvage some of their equipment. Phagan's data disks remain on the plane, however, and it crashes somewhere in the Rockies.

Gabe is able to fight his way past Agency spooks in order to find Chance. Chance gives him the plane's transponder locator, and Gabe is able to find the location of the crash site, and the vital information on the Syphon Filter virus in the data disks. When Gabe reaches the main highway (Interstate 70), Lieutenant Michael Archer arrives in an attack helicopter. Archer attempts to kill Gabe, causing an avalanche in the process. Gabe escapes, and meets up with Chance on the highway. They make their way past more Agency operatives and are able to rescue two CBDC officers, one of them being Ramirez. Logan and Chance split up before they reach a bridge, where Archer finds Logan again. Archer fires more missiles, and destroys the bridge. Logan again manages to escape, and catches a ride with a freight train passing underneath the bridge.

While all this is happening, Lian manages to escape McKenzie Airforce Base. Before she escapes, she learns that Jonathan Phagan, CEO of Pharcom and an integral player in the Syphon Filter conspiracy, was infected with the Syphon Filter virus and is still alive. However, commander Dillon Morgan ordered Dr. Elsa Weissenger, a scientist who had worked closely with Phagan to create the virus, to pull the plug on Phagan and extract his plasma. It seems that the Agency still wants the Syphon Filter virus for very shady purposes.

Lian shoots Thomas Holman (a henchman of Morgan and an old classmate of Lian's from the Agency Academy) in his leg after getting information from him rendering him unconscious, kills Falkan , escapes the base in the Agency's black hawk, and makes her way to Logan, who is currently on the train. In an attempt to beat Logan to the data disks, Archer flies ahead of the train and fires a missile at a bridge a few miles ahead of the train, destroying the train tracks. Lian now needs to beat the train to the destroyed bridge in order to rescue Logan. Lian makes it just in time, and in a spectacular display, Logan leaps from the front of the train towards the black hawk helicopter just before the train falls into a gorge.

Lian flies Gabe to the crash site, which is surrounded by a spreading fire. Gabe parachutes right over the crash site, knowing it's the one thing the Agency shock troops on the ground won't expect. Logan makes his way to where the data disks should be, but Archer has already grabbed them. Gabe chases Archer through the crash site, dodging Archer's extremely lethal ground troops. Logan manages to shoot Archer before he leaves the area in a chopper, and he is able to retrieve Phagan's data disks. He and Lian fly to the Arizona desert to meet with Teresa. Gabe asks if any of the survivors were able to get in touch with her, but Teresa lost contact with them. Gabe surmises that they are lost.

Now Gabe has the data disks, but he finds them rather useless without their encryption codes. If he wants to use the disks as a bargaining chip for Lian's vaccine, he is going to need these codes.

Fortunately, Lian has managed to obtain some key info from Holman, one of Morgan's flunkies at the base, which leads them to believe the encryption codes are at the Pharcom Expo Center in New York City. Gabe secretly enters the Pharcom Expo Center (again), and finds the Agency covering their tracks. After fighting his way through the Expo Center, Logan manages to lock himself up along with Dillon Morgan, who has obtained the encryption codes. This is where the plot thickens for Teresa and Gabe, as Morgan has rigged the entire structural center with explosives. He's also carrying a "dead-man" switch, which means that if Gabe kills him before Teresa can defuse the explosives, the whole place will be reduced to a smoking pile of rubble. After Teresa is able to defuse the explosives, Logan kills Morgan and retrieves the encryption codes.

When the data of the encryption disks are analyzed, it turns out to be incomplete and that there is a second encryption disk. Lian determines that Uri Gregorov might have the second disk and that they need to get to Moscow to meet him. A meeting is set up in a club in Moscow, and Lian enters the club to encounter Gregorov on the dance floor. At this point, the whole meeting turns out to be a set-up organized by Mara Aramov. Before Aramov is able to kill Lian Xing, Aramov's thugs pour in from all directions and start a big shootout. While Lian is spending all of her effort on fighting off the corrupt agents, Gregorov uses the opportunity to get out and flee on the streets of Moscow. Lian fights her way out of the club, and enters the streets through a bathroom window where she sees Gregorov running from her.

Though Lian does not understand why Gregorov is running from her and shooting at her, she pursues him through the streets in the hope she gets an answer from him. As the chase continues, Gregorov is trying to lose Lian in the fog and darkness of Volkov Park.Lian, however, stays on his tail, and eventually she corners him near a lighted statue. Now Lian's facing another challenge: neutralize him for interrogation without killing him. Eventually Lian shoots out all the lights, leaving the area shrouded in darkness. She manages to sneak up on him and take him down with a non-lethal taser. After Gregorov is incapacitated, several SVR officials take him, Lian, Logan, and Teresa to SVR headquarters.

It is then revealed that Gregorov was an imposter; and that the real Gregorov was being held in Aljir Prison, located in a remote region of Siberia. It is also revealed to the protagonists that the SVR, and before the fall of the Soviet Union the KGB, had intimate knowledge of an international arms consortium that had sold weapons to a multitude of factions, terrorist groups, and all sorts of other organizations with implications far surpassing that of the Iran-Contra scandal during the Reagan Administration. It is revealed to Logan, Xing, and Lipan that this consortium is in fact the Agency itself, and they were currently trying to sell the Syphon Filter virus to a rogue Chinese General (dubbed Shi-Hao) attempting to lead a rebellion in the Heilongjiang Province, a conflict which will undoubtedly provoke the Russian military into action, as this region has been contested by Russia and the PRC for years.

Lian, who has been imprisoned there before during her activities for the Chinese Secret Service, is the only one who knows the inside layout of the prison, and in despite of her condition, goes to save Gregorov from the scheduled execution. She sabotages the electrical system to buy some extra time, but she hadn't foreseen the side effect of her actions. Because security is down as well, the prisoners can break free, causing a major prison riot.

Lian makes her way to the execution chamber, where she sees Aramov running away, and she unstraps Gregorov only seconds before the power is switched on again. Lian and Gregorov talk about Aramov. They don't understand why she had killed all the surrounding prison guards, and why she had Lian left alive earlier (especially considering that most of Aramov's actions towards Lian and Gabe were hostile). Together, they fight their way to the wall of the prison, and in the heat of battle, they jump over the wall into the icy waters where Gabe and Lawrence Mujari are standing by to pick them up. Now they have the data disks and their encryption codes, a powerful bargaining chip Logan's tending to use for a vaccine against the virus. Lian collapses while she is trying to breathe. They leave Russia and back to the Virginia.

Back at Mujari's safehouse, his medical knowledge manages him to stabilize Lian's condition, buying Gabe valuable time while he's setting up a trade with Lyle Stevens, the Agency director.

Gabe contacts Stevens, and arranges a meeting at the Agency's New York laboratory. Upon access to the complex, Gabe is subdued by Dr. Wessinger. He is prepared in a lab to be killed by a scientist, but manages to kill him with a hollow tooth gas device.

Gabe, who is alone in the lab (which is 100 meters below the surface), is unarmed but manages to find a knife. He dons a scientist's uniform to move around the facility. He eventually retrieves his gear, and discovers that Ramirez had made it off the mountain. Gabe finds him in a cell, and is told that Chance is alive as well, somewhere else in the complex. Gabe says he will send Chance to free him.

Gabe does find him and sets him free, giving him a weapon and the coordinates to the his chopper on a parking garage roof. He continues on and locates Wessinger. He follows after her, eliminating two of her fellow scientists (one of them was Shi-Hao's underling). Gabe finally confronts her, and demands the vaccine. She gives it to him, but manages to distract him, make a run for it, and put the entire facility on red alert.

All areas are now locked down, and Agency operatives with impenetrable armor swarm him. Gabe manages to take some out with explosives. He circumvents the lockdown by using vents. One of the vents leads to Ramirez's cell, where Gabe finds him dead. He curses, wondering where Chance was.

Gabe makes it out by climbing the elevator cable up to surface. Teresa contacts him, telling him that SWAT members are all over the city. He refuses to have her pick him up, saying that Chance may still show up. Gabe navigates the city, eliminating Agency operatives and avoiding SWAT. Gabe makes his way to an apartment terrace where he asists a female SWAT officer take out two snipers which have pinned down her SWAT partner. They get to him, but she attempts to arrest Gabe. Gabe evades her, and eliminates the remaining snipers. Gabe asks Teresa about Chance, and she says he hasn't showed up. Gabe surmises he is dead. He quietly says that he's sorry to Chance.

Gabe comes back down to find Stevens holding the female SWAT hostage. Stevens tells him to drop the gun, and he does so. Stevens then murders the officer. Stevens is about to take out Logan, when an explosion underneath sends Gabe to the sewers.

It was Teresa, testing out C4, apparently at the exact right time. Gabe has lost his weapons so Teresa gives him a .45 handgun. The two fight through scores of Agency operatives.

They make it to the parking garage and confront Stevens with a host of his men. They take out his men, and Stevens flees upwards. Gabe takes the stairs and Teresa takes the ramps. Teresa finds him, chases him upwards where she and Logan corner him. After a few taunting remarks he makes, Gabe finally kills him.

Teresa believes this is the end of the Agency, but Gabe doubts it. The two go to the chopper, and are startled to find Chance, donned in full body armor. He points a gun toward Gabe, but Teresa pushes him out of the way. She fires a few shots, but they simply bounce off. Chance fires and wounds Teresa.

Gabe draws his gun and the two are locked in a draw. Gabe muses "All the time in Colorado, the Agency seemed to know what I was doing before I did. The ride down the mountain, the highway, the train, and the labs." Chance tells him "I was just doing my job, Logan, that's all. My job." Logan shoots back saying, "Your job?! Men under your command trusted you with their lives!" Chance says, "I eliminated expendable targets in the line of duty. Those were my orders." Logan, having heard enough, pushes his gun away, and then gets kicked in the face by Chance. Chance then pulls out a gas operated UAS-12 shotgun. Since he is wearing Kevlar body armor, not even grenades pierce it. Chance taunts him, saying he was the one who killed Ramirez. Chance also said "You were the best Logan, but too bad you let that partner of yours get the best of you." Logan finds a UAS-12 off his own, and avoiding Chance's shots, shoots at him. The gun is so powerful that even with the armor, it flings him back about 5 feet. He uses this to fling Chance backwards into the choppers rear blades, which then chop him to pieces.

A military mission shows into the woods a few miles away from Mujari's mortuary. A UH-60 lands and Aramov and the mysterious man comes out. The soldier says that they are ready to go, but the mysterious man says no, that they will finish this operation another day. The man is revealed to be Secretary of State Vincent Hadden. Aramov protests, saying that with administration pulls, Hadden would become President and he could end it. Hadden says no, that he has other plans for Logan. Mara laughs.

[edit] Levels

  • Colorado Mountains - in Western Colorado
  • McKenzie Airbase Interior - in Denver, CO, inside the airbase
  • Colorado Interstate 70 - Colorado's Interstate 70 (Western Colorado)
  • I-70 Mountain Bridge - Interstate 70 Bridge
  • McKenzie Airbase Exterior - outside the airbase
  • Colorado Train Ride
  • Colorado Train Race
  • C-130 Wreck Site - the crash site
  • Pharcom Expo Center - in New York City
  • Morgan - the boss level
  • Moscow Club 32 - in a club of Downtown Moscow
  • Moscow Streets
  • Volkov Park - a park
  • Gregorov - another boss level
  • Aljir Prison Break-In - in the remote region of Siberia
  • Aljir Prison Escape
  • Agency Bio-Lab - in New York City
  • Agency Bio-Lab Escape
  • New York Slums
  • New York Sewer
  • Finale - the final boss level: Chance is the boss

[edit] Trivia

  • The female guards of the level 'Aljir Prison Break-in' bore some resemblance to Lian Xing, the most notable feature is the hair (brown).
  • The female guards of the same level didn't appear again in 'Aljir Prison Escape'.
  • The commercial was one of the most popular video game commercials during it's release, which featured in-game graphics with animations involving Gabe having a humorous conversation with a enemy to recommend which weapon he should use to take him down, a la breaking the fourth wall.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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