Sydney Accord

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The Sydney Accord is an international mutual recognition agreement for engineering technologist qualifications.


[edit] Definition and Background

The Sydney Accord is an agreement between the bodies responsible for accrediting engineering technologist qualification programs in each of the signatory countries. It recognizes the substantial equivalency of programs accredited by those bodies, and recommends that graduates of accredited programs in any of the signatory countries be recognized by the other countries as having met the academic requirements for entry to the practice of engineering technologist. The Sydney Accord was signed in 2001.

[edit] Scope

The Sydney Accord covers engineering technologist qualifications.

The scope of the Sydney Accord only covers the academic requirement for an engineering technologist qualification. Engineering technologist titles do not transfer directly between signatory countries, that don't have reciprocating agreements, because the signatory countries reserve the right to scrutinize foreign titles and compare them to their own licensing criteria. However, this does not mean the titles are not respected by employers within those signatory countries.

The engineering technologist maybe hired within a country by an employer where a formal license is not required. For example, an Incorporated Engineer can be hired within the United States because the respect of the title is deemed valuable to employers. The industrial exemption clause negates formal engineering registration within the United States for those who meet the criteria.

Foreign titles maybe utilized as a foundation for recognition of academic achievement and professional licensing. The titles can be supplemented with additional experience and/or training to meet the local definition of formal registration. This serves to underline that a foreign technologist covered under the accord does not arrive in a fellow signatory country without merit. The Sydney Accord is therefore not a hollow agreement without advantages.

[edit] Accord Enhancements

The Canadian Council of Technicians and Technologists (CCTT) and the United Kingdom's Institution of Incorporated Engineers (IIE) signed a reciprocating agreement of recognition for engineering technologist. Therefore, the Incorporated Engineering title does transfer easily between the sponsored countries of this reciprocating agreement. In 2006, the IIE merged with the Institute of Electrical Engineers (IEE) to form The Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET). It is assumed that the agreement is still valid because the academic criteria of the Incorporated Engineer did not alter with the merger.

The CCTT also signed a reciprocating agreement with the National Institute for Certified Engineering Technologist (NICET). NICET is a United States organization sponsored by the National Society of Professional Engineer (NSPE). The formal recognition of the CCTT as a common link between NICET and the IET has not been realized. However, the daisy chain of acknowledgements hints at the similarity between the UK and USA programs.

[edit] Signatory Countries

The signatory countries/territories of the Sydney Accord are

[edit] Canada

Canada has signed the Sydney Accord with the title of "Applied Science" and "Engineering" Technologist.

The Canadian signatory body is the Canadian Council of Technicians and Technologists (CCTT). This is different to the Canadian signatory of the Washington accord, the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers (CCPE).

In the case of all other Sydney Accord members, the same organisation has signed both the Sydney Accord and the Washington Accord.

[edit] Hong Kong

Hong Kong originally signed the Sydney Accord with the title of "Science Technologist" and later abbreviated the title to "Technologist."

[edit] United States

The United States will apply for recognition with the Sydney Accord in 2007. The ABET/TAC accreditation will become the first U.S. signatory. Despite this achievement the United States still has significant confussion in defining a unified Technologist registration for professionals. Part of the reason for this is that the engineering technology profession is not well defined as a separate profession (distinct from professional engineering) in the United States. This is because the NSPE has opposed legal registration of Technologist by the United States government through a licensing program. The loss of government oversite has led to competing ideologies from societies with different perspectives on what represents the qualities of a Technologist.

U.S. professional regulation is a state concern. While the profession of engineering technologist is not specifically recognised, many states provide engineering technologists with a pathway towards Professional Engineer (PE) licensing that bypasses national engineering requirements. This is opposed by the national regulatory and representative bodies for professional engineers, Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) and the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE). Notably, the Washington accord does not apply to American PEs who have obtained this status through a technologist route.

It is not clear whether a U.S. signatory to the Sydney Accord would most appropriately be given by ABET or National Association of Industrial Technologists (NAIT)

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

CCTT. (2006). National and International Mobility.
Retrieved on Aug 29, 2006 from

NSPE (2006) NSPE Issue Brief: Engineering Technology, Publication #4049
Retrieved on Sept 4, 2006 from

ABET (2007) Community Matters: ABET to Host International Engineering Meetings
Retrieved on March 3rd, 2007 from